'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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swear before all glory. You men have the mouths of sewers,” she laughs.

      “But dicks of gold,” Benjamin laughs.

      Instantly another biscuit is thrown at the hustler, missing.

      Sally only smirks at the creole knowingly.

      Her bedroom door will be unlocked for sure. Shaking her head with a giggle, the maid slightly bows to Kelly. Off to the kitchen for her own small dinner.

      Kelly breaks a piece of bread, glaring at the creole. Slick continuously grinning at everything.

      “I heard what you made her do to get this job Benjamin.”

      “Yeah. She told me. Every damn detail,” the hostess comments, reaching for more hot bread.

      “When all this business is ova’. Please remind me to kick your black ass.”

      “Gladly ma’am,” Benjamin smirks. Slick glares at his brother over the table.

      Down to business, Kelly lets the men know of her plan to destroy Mick McClaren as well as his brothers. Finally adding Ole man Jack, only after the corrupt businessman has watched his brutal sons die a horrid death.

      “As you gentlemen have found out,” she starts. Slick interrupts his wife.

      “I ‘ready told’em sweet mama,” he says with a smile, slurping stew.

      “Yes. But I have not,” Kelly shoots back, glaring.

      The response has Slick to look quickly to his hot bowl of goodness. He wants no argument.

      “Anyways,” Kelly starts again, daring Slick to even look up from his food.

      “I was put in jail. For no other reason other than my father refused to fire the black men in his factory first. Ofcourse because of layoffs.”

      “Now as you men know, when the economy is rough.”

      “Especially in a growing towns like the one we live in, the first to feel the swift hammer of bitter unemployment are the colored,” Kelly says as she looks to her husband.

      Watching the man slurp his stew, the young woman laughs, as well as Benjamin. Slick sounds as if he inhaling the stew instead of eating it.

      Kelly shakes her head. As does Sally, walking into to see the commotion. “

      “Dang .....you is greedy,” the black assistant giggles.

      Slick looks up from his stew, playfully glaring at his wife’s assistant. “I got su’m dirty draws fo’ ya ta’ wash niglet.”

      Sally smirks as she rolls her eyes, Kelly laughing.

      “I’mma burn them bitches - mess’in with me,” she says, walking back in the kitchen.

      Slick laughs. “Can’t we get nutha’ maid. One tha’ don’t back talk..?,” he says to a giggling Kelly.

      As soon as the words leave his lips, a homemade cheddar biscuit hits the hustler square on the forehead. Plopping in his stew. Not caring, Slick happily samples the new addition. It makes the meal even better.

      “I’m tak’in tha out’cha pay niglet,” he calls out to the kitchen.

      “Kiss my black ass Slick!,” can be heard from around the corner as everyone laughs.

      Settling down, Kelly continues to explain what happen to her, watching as Benjamin gets up from his dinner.

      “Where are you going now...?” Kelly asks as the creole rushes off to the kitchen.

      All that can be heard is a series of shrill giggles, Sally arriving with more water, blushing, as Benjamin sits back down.

      As the creole starts eats, everyone laughs. “Well.....ya’ aint ‘x'cpt hu’r invitation ta’ kiss that fat black ass-I did,” Benjamin chuckles, Sally walking by, kissing the creole on the cheek.

      Kelly looks sternly at her brother-in-law. “Get back up again-no dinner,” she says, continuing.

      “Well-daddy told him to put his advice where the sun don’t and will never shine.”

      “Ole man Jack conjured up some offenses because of my silly brained brother.

      “And I was in the pokey-for a week,” Kelly laments, dropping her sliced bread,

      understandably upset.

      Everyone watching, sally quickly arriving to her friend’s side, rubbing Kelly’s shoulders. She already knows the story all too well.

      As the jovial atmosphere in the large dinner room turns dark, mouths stop chewing as spoons are put down. Everyone watches as Kelly spills out her heart.

      “You wanna know what they would have done to me if not for my daddy’s connections ?,” the young woman asks with tears in her eyes.

      Listening, Benjamin nods his head, the slick talking creole had stopped eating, just as upset as the lady of the house, horrid images of rape and abuse forced from his overactive imagination with a hateful grimace.

      Seeing the lose of dignity in his love’s eyes, slick reaching across the table for his dear wives hand, Kelly stubbornly keeping her hands in her lap, thinking back to the horrid events.

      Determined, the young woman’s steely blue eyes force back tears with the might of a thousand men. Kelly looks into her soup, seeing the most depraved of images in her mind’s eyes.

      “You know what?,” she asks, her voice cracking.

      “They raped some colored girl in the cell next to me.”

      With this new revelation ringing in his ears, Slick immediately jumps up from his seat, meaning to grab for a new suit of clothes as well as a gun.

      “Nawwww muth'a’ fucka’-my wife mane-my fuck’in wife!!,” he yells, nearly knocking over his chair.

      “Sum’body bout’ ta’ die ta night!!!

      Quickly, benjamin pulls at the furious man’s arm as his eyes motion to a gently sobbing Kelly, her delicate shoulders quaking ever so slightly. Slick sits back down. This is not about his machismo. His wife is in pain.

      Sally holds Kelly to her chest, rocking her friend back and forth like a baby.

      “They brutalized that young woman’s body right next to me.....” the blonde flapper says.

      In Sally’s arms, Kelly looks away from the men. She needs to find her own strength once again, gently pushing away from her assistant.


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