What's Up With Those Crazy Muslims. Irfan Alli

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What's Up With Those Crazy Muslims - Irfan Alli

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The 100 - A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by Michael H. Hart.)

      “People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Ghandi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caesar and Hitler on the other, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions. To a lesser degree Moses did the same.” (Professor Jules Masserman)

      “Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Warrior, Conqueror of ideas, Restorer of rational beliefs, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty-terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” (From: Historie de la Turquie by Alphonse de LaMartine)


      Muslims believe that Adam (peace be upon him) was the first prophet and Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet, and in between the two of them there were numerous prophets sent. Here are some names:

      “We have sent you inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: We sent inspiration to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.” (Quran 4:163)

      Since all prophets invited to the same one God, Muslims see them as all inviting to the same religion as well, the religion of Islam. As mentioned earlier, Islam is an attributive title. It literally means peace, submission, and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means: The way to peace and salvation through submission to the will of God and by obedience to His laws. A person who chooses this path is called a Muslim. The Quran therefore describes the prophets and their followers as Muslims.

      In the Quran Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them) are mentioned as praying to God to make them Muslims, or instructing their people to be Muslims. Here is what God reveals in the Quran on:

      ABRAHAM (peace be upon him)

      Abraham (peace be upon him) prayed:

      “Our Lord! Make of us Muslims, bowing to Your (Will), and of our progeny a people Muslim, bowing to Your (Will); and show us our places for the celebration of (due) rites; and turn to us (in mercy); for you are the Oft-Relenting, Most Merciful.” (Quran 2:128)

      MOSES (peace be upon him)

      “Moses said: ‘O my People! If you do (really) believe in God, then in Him put your trust if you are Muslims.’” (Quran 10:84)

      JESUS (peace be upon him)

      “And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me and My Messenger; they said: ‘We have faith, and do bear witness that we bow to God as Muslims.’” (Quran 5:11)

      Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

      “Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one.” (Abu Huraira in Bukhari, Volume 4, pg. 434, # 652)

      Islam therefore is not a new religion, but the way of life taught by all the prophets of God. The Quran mentions twenty-five of them. Amongst them - Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

      On accepting and living Islam one therefore accepts all the prophets of the past, recognizing that God's religion is one and historically connected. All prophets got their guidance from the same God, and each invited to the same way of life - Islam.

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