The Abyss. James Bèyor

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The Abyss - James Bèyor

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tied to the bumper of the evil of legalism. Imagine we are told that we are protected by a group of thugs that can insult, intimidate and talk down to the little man. What voice does the common man have? Are you talked down to? Are you used to it? Legalism is hell’s terminal hierarchy.

      Reaction, in the symbols filled little man’s head, is the cue to bow before the cur and assure binary edict remains as its model idealism. Then the game is a perfect semi-agreed sin which is fear-augmented by color of law [evil]. Artificial code is on-off, all or nothing. After all, the uniform is the symbol of power, not the human being wearing it. The symbols hold man’s artificial truth, not the genesis being clothed in self-deception. Evil is the group mask touting the lie that there is power in number. The power comes from its use of force. Naked we can see ourselves. The one in the uniform is made by man to subjugate the willing man and thus becomes the symbol of a subliminal self-deception. He who promotes the mask occupies evil.

      Axiom: When life knowing begets begin-ness, fear and legalism will cease.

      Imagine the head game that must go on for man to mask and dismiss his feelings of life knowing and the passion in our being-ness. The creature being reacts from natural urges which have already been tagged hostile. Push comes to shove and any normal human self-defense is then easily tagged as the greater crime. The little man is scared to death to take a stand against the calibrated aggressor model said to be in place to protect him. In that case a belief is coercion based on fear. When the weight of taxes and fines and fears overwhelm him the indecisive wedge between his disconcerting emotional content and its inability to release hostile reason will bring about insanity where everything means absolutely nothing at all.

      Real feeling people will courageously fight back. Law is pure intimidation supported by mutual fear. When the militant attitude of a police state is rendered useless, as in a tragic natural disaster, the uniform has less importance and human nature rebounds. What would the police do if there were no bad guys?

      The genetic seed of man is encountering the biological shut down of its life energy data, the human feeling that contains birth to death passive dimensional sense data. The living truth is not the divided binary symbols that govern the icon believers who are acting out roles made to look like a good social behavior with commercial benefits. What are religions, science and governments selling? Group beliefs foster a brotherhood of liars, cheats and thieves. One lies and they all swear to it.

      What is it that we do not know about the nasty nature of fear-based religion and subversive politics? Imagine we sell countless delusions and call it advertising, insurance, education and credentials. Those who remain in bio-stasis suffer from the little man’s syndrome. Anyone who debunks the icon delusion is said to be living in an altered state. The masks of self-deceit will be rent in two and fall to the ground.

      The eyes were separated from the other senses centuries ago and formed a bio-genetic rift. It is the paper devil vying for the rights over the human essence. With words on paper we pretend we have controllable “meaning.” Symbols bias is when we have AI truth [paper meaning] taking over the genesis brain of the organic creature. No wisdom or real living knowing can be reduced to a product with a binary label. The “we-they” indemnity complex attaches itself to a bit part memory to occupy and usurp man’s sensory central comprehensive knowing. Made of nouns and verbs, organized proper rule-based diction becomes the simulation, the symbolic model and serves to override total sense bio-genesis. When this happens the passive memory protects the biological integrity of the central voice as mover.

      What non-organized science has actually learned is that the brain enters a neural disintegration process, where the “thought” connectors that extrapolate cause and counter cause bio-knowing wither and die.

      Ask yourself what part of your own life is actually a living truth and what part is a forgery for the model society asks of you as a player. You are close to perceiving a common sense answer to the question of why we are again entering political world slavery and a religious abomination of desolation.

      Look at the word Volition, taken over, even removed, by the make believing in the word: prefix. To fix before what, to Pre-Fix what is not broken? Sounds like any one of the new psychotropic drugs does it not, the prefix of make all believe so what is made up can appear real as long as we are all “on the same page.” What are they really up to? Volition being the subject of the predication, or predicate [subjected to] under a tag con. To make believable! Look up the word “con” to find that it is one of the most used prefixes, as to “lead in or lead to.” There are 1,947 words that begin with the prefix “con” in the “people’s” dictionary, the dictionary of con-notation. What does that tell you?

      What we feel as the human soul is the energy embedded in the passive brain of being organically moved to be and to do. Feeling is an energy collection data base.

      Without icon impregnation we are docile, kind and harmonically tuned to each other. Human feeling is expansive. The human brain is in a “genetic” shut down mode – off-line. It does not have to be that way. For most human beings it is a feeling of boredom, a blank feeling as a result of a lifetime of icon submission preying on the ignorance of the human species. So many brains are shut down. In the realm of pure non-sense lie the groups of fear-based religions. They love entertainment and sad sounding resonance. Our words are ear and eye stimulus only and are not connected to our living truth or our bio-genesis innate real feeling direct knowing.

      Put aside what you want to believe and look at the overall picture and the number of heavy handed, high priced rules, codes, jargons, puppet lines and overt dissension spilling out over this planet. Take a good look around you, the blank looks on people’s faces, and the dumbed down scared children whose parents actually know nothing of what the kids feel about what they are taught. The child is scared as he feels the systemic virus infiltrate his genesis knowing. How desperate are we really? No question, no answer, no change. What is legalism for? Most people do not realize what these pretend foreign objects, abstracts, made up words, are doing in their heads. Garbage in – garbage out! People’s heads are totally game compliant with roles made to match the kingdom’s intent-based mandates.

      We are told that rules ensure a safe and healthy kingdom. But, who pays and who profits? The high court depends upon its tag and label convictions to remain in the court business. We allow endless taxes to be levied by the rulers. The not so good players receive fines for stepping over the invisible edict enforced lines. Ask yourself just how much freedom of choice you actually have that is not taxed or fined? Go ahead, ask yourself. Then ask someone not on your same “pretending page.” The cult man says rules make the man. Do we even have a clue as to just how stupid people really are to make up a symbolic model that can declare god obsolete and declare symbolic man master of the universe?

      Omega does not like the bio-genesis living model because he cannot control it.

      Can we declare our human feelings useless? Man has tried everything for centuries, ruling by brutality, physical fear and mental torture, chopping heads off, cutting away at the brain to get rid of what is universally known to be felt by all regardless of language. Feeling cannot be ablated.

      Knowing is unstoppable, especially, if backed into a corner of artificial rules by thugs who are paid to perform in uniform service to the icon taskmaster. Imagine that you make up a game, the rules of the game and call it a model for the “good” of everyone. The best actors get the best parts. Who gets the bottom end crap jobs, those who do not play well with others - right? Fortunately our bio-architect made people bright enough to see through all this iconic, academic binary icon bullshit.

      Saying nothing because you are made to think you cannot speak out is a legally closed-minded trap of permission granted for saying nothing. Your head is on the sacrificial inquisitional chopping block. The truth about what symbols do to us is forbidden knowledge. In time lock-down the slaves all appear to be model citizens and the

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