The Abyss. James Bèyor

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The Abyss - James Bèyor

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as a cancerous genetic illness destroying humanity from the inside out. It will ensure a systemic failure and an eradication of our bio-genesis immunity for its own end. Evolution will see it as a healthy termination and a necessary bio-energy reseeding. All the rote sympathy will amount to nothing.

      Can we be forced to use and to continue to call “term based law” our conscript model when we must, with its use, self-sabotage and destroy our inner trust in human feeling which is the universal language of the knowing human soul? Can we empower the frozen will of men to destroy the passive will of other men? Is this the icon enemy within? Perhaps variance is the bio-coefficient equivalent of the ancient words pesha [transgression] and pasha [revolt]. How and why was “the word made god?” When we transgressed “the word” and revolted against symbolic long-term memory programming, everyone became sinners. The only non-sinners were the masks of authority that controlled the made-up meanings of the word official terminus.

      Men will try in desperation to make men bow and bend to symbols and to make woman swallow them whole and say they are just doing their job. Do we see and understand what we are doing to each other? Do we care? Imagine human beings are forced to use the terms that misuse, process and bleed humanity and demean the human creature. Because he is a gentle loving soul, man is made to think kindness is weakness.

      Fear-led sociologists and psychologists study the weaknesses of the common man. They force feed senseless connotation didactics to children to make sure they stay within the certified boundary of de-notated binary terms. Unbeknownst to the eager beaver little child the word games soon become biological brain blockers. The child is paralyzed by binary memory augmentation and trained to be told what to do, without question. Step right up, get your mask so you can agree to lie, cheat and steal in the name of the public good under the authority of the Omega game.

      Does man comprehend that Artificial Intelligence is a rule-based artifact made of disguised codes and artificial edicts that close the door to organic understanding? Penal rules that are enforced at the point of a gun and paid for by fines suppress the sense logic of the physical body. Human slavery is the ultimate devolution of the human being-ness, resulting in our long-term neural decrepitude. The use of the eye/ear facilities to induce an extreme symbols coma is coming to an end. The bio-energy collated brain is in repletion for it does not fathom what it parakeets as artificial collaborations. Aimless, blind and savage doing is due to one or two senses maxed out, thus being out of harmony with the others. This allows symbols to rule over human evolutionary energy flow or stream shutting down all the senses. The will vacillates like a pendulum. This icon trance goes all the way to hell.

      What is in store for you in an icon hell where the symbols you occupy are so divisive? Our symbolic heaven made the symbolic reality we call hell. Did you ever conceive of this dialectic possibility? Our contract with idols and icons is the made up version of the heaven and hell duality. The biological brain is made of pure energy comparatives that we have ignored. Heaven is hell’s whore.

      Bio-energy contains organic life truth data that cannot be controlled by icon converts. It is also not available for dissection by the symbolic man. Who is the OMEGA man? What is an icon convert?

      In the icon advent AI realm there is no god, no genesis, no feeling of human being-ness, no organic biological truth and no reality checks but violent objections and savage fear feedback. All that is left are rules, codes and thug laws with taxes, fines and penalties and self-enslaved sleepwalkers. The icon man elects his leaders from a small pool of cookie cutter men and women who have paid dearly for their masks. That is why, by the pretense conditioning and force of coercion we give to it, the symbolic man is about to be brought to his physical knees by his own legally corrupt self-deceptions. There is a rather fortuitous icon/symbols ending in store for the Omega man. The symbol of the Omega man will end in Armageddon if he doesn’t wake up now.

      Consider that eye color, hair color, skin tone and disposition are inherited as well as mental blind spots from mother to daughter, father to son as we head down the genetic road to our own demise. In biological fact, the entire post-evolutionary family is seriously flawed and will meet with the wrath of Genesis boundary. Microscopic bio-energy disbursements, first set in a psychological viral state, will occur and an internal parasitic digestion of the inner self will take place. Where the genetic seeding is a familial DNA the entire genetic thread will be affected. Man’s pathetic parasitic laws pale in comparison to bio-genetic tenacity. Does science know this and take full advantage of our Genesis self-sabotage? We all know it in our hearts but the players and their roles have for too long been co-partners masked in self-deceit. The sleeping lion will awaken.

      Imagine that our neural decrepitude comes without question and then decides and assures us of the ongoing bio-degradation. How subtle is the want for a suicide act? We have all heard of the dumbing down of entire societies, like an epidemic wave of sublime stupidity. We have become less like human beings and more like lemmings, dominoes and sheep. How many dumb looks do we need to see on men’s faces to know our failures? From that vantage point, are we tied to a bio-genesis epigenetic thread that is being tugged on by the stupidity of AI performance rated tasks. What formed the bio-genetic origin of the sense diluted acts, and from where or what point did the symbolic man enter a biological Mononomeric Differential?

      From what point did mankind, due to sense distortion, let AI systemic aversions bleed directly into the bio-energy stream? What then entered the organic data flow that became a bio-stasis immune deficiency? A Biological evolutionary fracture, so to speak, took place. In a diverging viral sense split man’s mind became a thug for ear/eye intake terms. The brain shut itself down because the environment is no longer advantageous for nurturing. Does bio-genesis, the real empirical god of human existence, have a long-term recycling plan that we have yet to comprehend because our internal central voice does not understand superfluous words, labels, symbols and icons? The biological MOVING energy data flow not only regulates the bio-immune system, but sees to it our physical being is governed by genesis energy response.

      Man is in serious genesis error and we can feel it to the human core. What then will and does represent traumatic fear is from the embedded nature of the oppressive connotation diction threat, the codified implanted word. The symbol of fear postured by the legality of the Omega Strain is ruled by rules he made up to suspend or suppress bio-energy consciousness. This then ensures the apartheid of the symbolic man that remains in symbols self-sabotage. The eye-conned, ear conned man allowed symbols to be set against any and all physical doing/being denying an innate choice. Our brain is convulsing. Fear rules man so man tries to rule it back. I-conation ensures Genesis devolution. Feeling is an unrequited organic truth, and if feelings are reunited and re-codified in the bio-energy data stream then they can be taken out of the symbolic “I” lock-down. Icon-fear is man making sure the symbolic mind does not come out of icon stasis dementia. That is why “I” gives way to “we” and becomes the viral “they” of the Omega ward.

      Our biological God is trying to ensure our mental and meta-physical health. Given the increasing incidences of fatal dis-ease, we might guess that what the little symbols man is given to remember is in fact not very genetically healthy. The icon convulsive mind may be directly responsible for all human rage, self-hatred, bio-genesis sabotage and global destitution. Is the world ready to know what you are reading?

      Progressing in dynamic repercussion, the symbolic man entered still another self-fugitive realm. Genesis seeding created a biological depression [feelings dismissed] of detuned brain cells [synaptic withering]. Are you using less than 10% of your brain? Feeling direct knowing is an unobstructed full sense energy flow abiding by natural sixth sense laws. The organic brain’s passive human health mode depends on nature’s pure form data flow that is now blocked off and dammed up. When all senses are balanced and interactive, comparing their innate interpretations to the full sixth sense, the central voice is both coordinator and mover. The strain on the eyes and ears block off touch, taste and smell allowing symbols to take over. A non-symbolic rectitude and bio-fear purging must occur for man to remain relegated to a pure biological boundary directed by

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