Mr. Burns and Other Plays. Anne Washburn

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Mr. Burns and Other Plays - Anne Washburn

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Then, tentatively, they start up again, cautiously at first, but soon regain their original vigor.

       A bit of a (Human) silence.

      PT (Sincerely): That’s amazing. You creeped the frogs out.

      EMILY: I didn’t creep them out. I . . . impressed them.

       She switches off her light.

      PT: The frogs were like: what is that.

      EMILY: Hey,

       She jostles his arm.

       Turn yours off okay.

      PT: Why?

      EMILY: I want to see what the dark is like.

       He does so.

      PT: You’re the Frog Mama.

       She sings just a bit, low.

       You’re going to give them a heart attack, you keep after them like that.

       She continues singing low, a little louder; the frogs continue, undisturbed.

       (Pursuing the joke a little longer than is amusing) Because how often are they visited by the Froggie Goddess, like it’s got to be stressful.

       She pursues the song a little longer, ends it mid-verse, or, at any rate, before the song is done.

       Silence. Frogs.

       Seriously though, I don’t think I can hack this dark. I’m a city boy. I’m used to being lit up from above at all times.

       Bit of a beat.

      EMILY: There are the stars.

      PT: They’re pretty. They’re not really doing it for me.

      EMILY: There are comets.

       A flash of light across the stage, and a whoosh; fades out. Another flash of light and whoosh; fades out.

      PT (Not convinced): Mmmmn.

      EMILY: There are fireflies.

       A swarm of fireflies enters, and performs a beautiful luminous dance. The laws of nature are repealed.

       Emily starts to sing a low firefly song to accompany them.

       The Heart of the Summer

      ALL WOMEN:

       is shot through with Stars

      EMILY (Continues alone):

       Dazzles of Forever

       Abducted in Jars

      THE AIR RESPONDS (The Air is masculine in character . . .):

       More wonderful

       than fire

       is the air!

       without which

       nothing glowing

       would be there!

       The fireflies exit, the frogs fade out.

      CHAPTER 3

      THE NON-PROPHET: I was continually being tackled and wrestled to the ground by an angel. I had to be on my guard wherever I went. My eyes always darting about, on the watch for a flick of a feather whisking behind a corner. A suspicious glimmer from behind a parked car. A flock of doves rose up just to my left and I freaked out.

      CHAPTER 4

       Hananiah is speaking.

      HANANIAH (Luminous):

       When God comes to you . . .

       and he does come to you—

       you say: he hasn’t come to me

       you’ll never hear his voice

       You’ve been awake in the night

       in the dark listening

       for a word a touch,

       (you’ve been desolate)

       you’ve said: I am alone

       you’ve said: I am abandoned

       he will not speak to me . . .

       He does not speak to you.

       While you are writhing

       in your hot, still, brain God

       has visited you

       and visited you again

       falling into your heart

       like a soft cooling rain

       Your heart is a garden

       blooming, and replete

       God has rippled though

       you, you are complete.

      CHAPTER 5


       And on this day waves of soiled air

       rising from the pavement; sparks of glare

      C: Don’t forget—you gotta go towards the East side. This is the West. When you get up on the street—go East!


       The chariots shall rage in the streets

       they shall justle one against another in the broad ways

       they shall seem like torches

       they shall run like the lightnings

      C: Oh, shit. She shoulda got out at the next stop.

      E: If I don’t hear from him. I will die—there’s the D! Mwah! Go! Mwah!


       The heart is deceitful above all things,

       and desperately wicked—who can know it? Thus saith the Lord. Saith the Lord:

       I remember thee,

       thy kindness, the love of thine espousals, when thou went after me in the wilderness,

       in a land that was not sown


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