Mr. Burns and Other Plays. Anne Washburn

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Mr. Burns and Other Plays - Anne Washburn

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We beseech thee, let this man be put to death

       for thus he weakeneth the hands of the men

       of war, and the hands of all the people,

       in speaking such words unto them. This man seeketh

       not the welfare of the people but the hurt.

      KING ZEDEKIAH (In explanation):

       When ye saideth: this city shall surely be given

       into the hand of the King of Babylon’s army

       which shall take it.

       I will ask thee a thing. Hide nothing from me.


       If I declare it unto thee, wilt thou not surely put me to death?


       As the Lord liveth, that made us this soul, I will not put thee to death,

       neither will I give thee into the hand of those men that seek thy life.


       The Lord put forth his hand

       and touched my mouth

       and the Lord said to me


       I have put my words

       in thy mouth

       I spake: I cried out, I cried violence

       and spoil

       I am in derision daily,

       everyone mocketh me

       then I said I will not make mention of Him

       nor speak any more in His name

       but His word is in my heart

       as a burning flame

       and I am weary with forbearing

       I must ignite

       Jeremiah listens, relaxes.

       The Lord sayeth, that He will move

       among your arms and

       will falter . . . will bring the arms of your

       archers to faltering. And the spears will

       fail. He will fill your soldiers with trembling

       and with tears and in fact will himself fight

       against you, moving among the enemy troops shouting

       encouragement. With an outstretched hand

       and with a strong arm. In anger

       and in fury

       and in great wrath.

       He will employ signs

       he will employ wonders against you

       Gaining strength.

       He will smite the inhabitants of this city

       he will utterly destroy them

       and make them an astonishment

       Quoting God directly:

       Behold I am against thee

       Oh thou most proud

       for thy day is come

       the time that I will visit thee.

       And the most proud shall stumble

       and fall

       and none shall raise him up

       and I will kindle a fire in his cities

       and it shall devour all ’round about him.

       He subsides. Pause.

       Oh, and also: you will be delivered

       unto the King of Babylon. Thine eyes

       will behold his eyes, veryupclose

       they will be unblinking. And he’s going to

       speak to thee, his mouth, just this far from

       your mouth, veryupclose. And thou shalt go

       to Babylon.

       Rather vacant and faint:

       (and you will say:

       the King of Babylon

       hath devoured me

       he hath crushed me

       he hath made me an empty vessel

       he hath swallowed me up like a dragon

       he hath filled his belly with my delicates

       he hath cast me out)

       Very very long pause.


       Let no one know these words

       and you will not die.

       Jeremiah is bundled from the throne room and abandoned under an awning. Sounds of cars passing by on wet pavement.

       He stands there, dazed.

      CHAPTER 10

       He puts out his hand, withdraws it from the rain.

       The Non-Prophet arrives. He is under an enormous gorgeous black umbrella.

      THE NON-PROPHET: Can’t I buy you a wonderful meal?

       He holds out the umbrella.

       I know a place.

       They umbrella off together.

      CHAPTER 11

       Emily’s hair is a different cut or color.

      EMILY: You can’t fuck this up, all right? It isn’t a game. Who am I.

      RUTHIE: Who are you?


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