Shakespeare and the Jesuits. Andrea Campana

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Shakespeare and the Jesuits - Andrea Campana

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of my ears did pour the leperous distilment” (1.5)

      WC:crowne of patience in the next world” (12)

      H:crowner’s quest law” (5.1) “The crowner hath sate on her” (5.1)

      TD: “nor the conqueror his crown

      WC: “crowne of patience in the next world” (12)

      H: “That patient merit of th’unworthy takes” (3.1) “Sprinkle cool patience” (3.1); “They stay upon your patience” (3.2); “Be you content to lend your patience to us” (4.5); “Till then in patience our proceeding be” (5.1)

      TD: “the sister of patience


      WC: “as the stroake of God’s special providence” (44) “this course of God’s providence” (6) “such is his [God’s] providence in this life (6) “by the hand of God’s providence” (7) “sweet course of providence” (40)

      H:special providence in the fall of a sparrow” (5.2) “whose providence should have kept short” (4.1)

      WC: “A Sparow (though not worth a farthing) falles not to the ground without the heavenly Father” (50)

      H: “special providence in the fall of a sparrow” (5.2)

      WC:poyson given him by Domitian his unnaturalbrother, whose cruelty he could never overcome with all kind of curtesies, clemencies, and tokens of more than brotherly love” (14)

      H: “They do but jest, poison in jest” (3.2) “’A poisons him i’ th’ garden for his estate” (3.2) “his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5) “Let me be cruel, not unnatural” (3.3) “My father’s brother, but no more like my father/Than I to Hercules.” (1.2)

      WC: “taking the ghostly reflection of their soul” [Eucharist] (8)

      H: “could force his soul so to his own conceit” (2.2) “Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice” (3.2) “May one be pardoned and retain th’ offense? … O limèd soul.” (3.3)

      WC: “taking the ghostly reflection of their soul” [Eucharist] (8)

      H: “Alas, poor ghost” (1.5) “Ay, thou poor ghost” (1.5) “There needs no ghost, my lord, come from the grave to tell us this” (1.5) “It is an honest ghost” (1.5) “It is a damned ghost that we have seen” (3.2) “I’ll take the ghost’s word for a thousand pound” (3.2)

      WC: “these earth-quakes were raysed by the inchantment and witchery of a woman professing herself a Christian and a Prophetesse” (17)

      H: “O most pernicious [malicious] woman!” (1.5)

      WC: “these earth-quakes were raysed by the inchantment and witchery of a woman professing herself a Christian and a Prophetesse” (17)

      H: “that adulterate beast, with witchcraft of his wits, with traitorous gifts” (1.5) “‘Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world.” (3.3) “but this gallant had witchcraft in it” (4.7)

      WC: “these earth-quakes were raysed by the inchantment and witchery of a woman professing herself a Christian and a Prophetesse” (17)

      H: “Now I could drink hot blood and do such bitter business the day would quake to look on.” (3.3)

      WC: “we will bring them … out of Calvin’s closet into the sight of heaven and earth” (31)

      H: “I was sewing in my closet” (2.1) “She desires to speak with you in her closet” (3.2) “he’s going to his mother’s closet” (3.3) “from his mother’s closet hath he dragged him” (4.1)

      WC: “we would not so much Pitty, as envy such happy passages out of this life” (32)

      H: “Your sum of parts did not altogether pluck such envy from him” (4.7)

      WC: “we would not so much Pitty, as envy such happy passages out of this life” (32)

      H: “I know love is begun by time, and that I see, in passages of proof” (4.7)

      WC: “Who knows not the weeping of Alexander at the death of Darius? the teares of Casar upon the sight of Pompey his head through remembrance of his former high worthiness and state? (41)

      H: “To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander till ‘a find it stopping a bunghole?” … Alexander died, Alexander was buried Alexander returneth to Dust; the dust is earth; of earth we make loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer barrel? Imperious Caesar, dead and turned to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away.” (5.1)

      WC: “Upon they that depose their private conceytes gotten by their own inquisition into Gods word, to be the only Christian divine saving truth so filling the world with innumerable dissonant sects. For as what fancy thinketh, that the bell ringeth: so what Heresy imagineth, that in their conceyte the Scripture soundeth” (6)

      H: “to make inquire of his behavior” (2.1) “could force his soul to his own conceit” (2.2) “three

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