For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling. KSCO Radio

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For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling - KSCO Radio

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the keys to our city, and by so doing joined the army of hate and bigotry, adding more shame to our city, and surely not speaking for many of us. All this from our proud Hate-Free Zone city.

      Also, the Sentinel gave that recent get-together a big front-page spread. Why does it keep haunting me that our Veterans’ parade and Not This Time Vets never even got even one word mentioned on the Sentinel front page. Wasn’t it worthy enough?


      (April 9, 2007) As an American Jewess, I find it painful, albeit necessary, to help expose the shocking truth that there are, in our midst, self-hating Jews (UC professors, no less) who are vigorously promoting the extinction of the state of Israel.

      Also as we speak, the seeds of another Holocaust are being planted in the shameless godless country of France.

      Kudos to Gil Stein, a local attorney, for making known the following condensed, impassioned protest. Also, kudos to Tom Honig, Editor of the Sentinel News for printing Gil Stein’s entire comprehensive letter called “UC pays for political rally against Israel”. I would also call it “Anti-Semitism Is Alive And Well On UC Campuses”.

      And I have added a few of my own remarks.

      “On March 15th, UC Santa Cruz hosted a conference entitled ‘Alternative Histories Within and Beyond Zionism’. The conference was organized by Lisa Rofel, a professor of anthropology at UCSC. The event was co-sponsored by other university departments such as Feminist Studies, Community Studies and Sociology.

      There were five speakers, all Jewish, and all from different UC campuses, opposing Israel. This was presented as an academic conference. In fact, it was a political rally against Israel, sponsored and paid for by the University of California” and which We The People subsidized.

      Why is this a concern? It is just one more example of the arrogance of power. Professors are educators and should teach and not exploit their power to promote their personal agenda. When university resources are used to promote a particular political point of view, it concerns us all, and those educators are brainwashing our children. It happened here with a deliberate attempt to promote and encourage an anti-Semitic agenda. All five anti-Zionist speakers had no contrary opinions.

      The event organizer, Rofel, asked the chair of the Jewish Studies Program here at UCSC, Professor Murray Baumgarten to cosponsor the event and even asked for a financial contribution. This is like asking someone to help purchase the rope for his own hanging. To his credit, Professor Baumgarten volunteered to help secure other presenters who might add a more balanced viewpoint. This was declined; the political agenda was already set.

      Israeli policy is simple. It only wants the right to exist in peace.

      This conference was a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate students and others and to promote the concept that Israel has no right to exist.

      The University of California has a responsibility not only to the students and faculty, but to all Californians, to refrain from promoting an ideology or personal agendas. The university belongs to all of us and should not be used for the private use of its employees. This is not an issue of academic freedom. It is an issue of academic integrity and honesty. Whether the indoctrination is from the left or the right, it is improper. It needs to be stopped now.

      Way to go, Gil Stein.


      (May 24, 2007) For many years, countless numbers of World War II veterans living in Central California, also veterans of subsequent wars, have yearned for the promised Fort Ord veterans cemetery to become a reality. These veterans, many now in their 80s, are referred to as the Greatest Generation – my generation – because we were all involved, we were together as a nation, and victory in war was more achievable then than now when our nation is very polarized and not together. And many have yet to grasp the danger of world Islamic terrorism.

      Now, finally, after 14 years, AB3035, the bill to create that Fort Ord cemetery, has been passed, and for that, kudos to State Senator J. Denham, Assemblyman S. Salinas, and Congressman Sam Farr.

      The Central Coast State Veterans Cemetery Endowment Fund is now charged with acquiring the initial $4,000,000 to proceed with this project. The yearly maintenance funding for the cemetery, however, will be the responsibility of the state.

      So now, why don’t We The People use our creative thoughts and see how soon we can raise the necessary funds?

      Kudos also to World War II veteran Paul Ventura of Pebble Beach for caring so much for this project to become a reality that for years he kept the desire alive. Also, he has various ideas about how to raise the funds needed.

      If you would like to be involved in this project, call Paul Ventura at (831) 626-0377, again, that’s (831) 626-0377, or email Paul at pfuture@ .

      Let’s all get involved in this worthy and much wanted project. It is a way for us to say to those veterans who fought for our us, “With deepest sincerity and appreciation, we thank you for the huge sacrifice you have made by putting your lives on the line for our nation.”


      (February 26, 2002) On Tuesday, March 5, Santa Cruz County voters will go to the polls. The central issue of concern on the ballot is Measure L. Why? Please follow me carefully.

      A ‘yes’ vote on Measure L will repeal and eliminate the abusive and illegally instituted, ten-year-old utility users tax.

      It is illegal because the law states that only the voters can decide on the merits of such a tax. That never happened.

      Instead, the supervisors in office at the time simply ordered the citizens to pay the tax. Un-American? You bet!

      But they got away with it for ten years! This utility users tax is charged at the rate of seven percent on top of already huge actual charges for water, sewage, garbage, electricity, natural gas, cable TV, and telephone charges. This evil, unnecessary tax on necessities of life that people MUST USE on a daily basis, generates about ten million dollars per year, or, on a more personal level, it costs each family about 260 extra dollars per year. This money goes into the county’s general fund and therefore may be used at the discretion of the county administrators.

      Last year, the general fund was budgeted at 395 million dollars. After all county expenses were paid, there remained a surplus of 32 million dollars.

      A ‘yes’ vote on Measure L will remove that ten million dollars generated by the illegal utility users tax, and STILL leave a surplus of 22 million dollars.

      Now the supervisors are desperately mounting a well organized, well thought out SPIN campaign to defeat Measure L. They have gotten used to having this extra ten million dollars of surplus play money for the past ten years, so now they’re having tantrums, crying poverty, shedding crocodile tears, and using scare tactics and threatening innocent and uninformed taxpayers that if Measure L passes, many much-needed programs will be eliminated.

      This is a blatant lie! Once again, we are being snookered by these administrators and their ilk. And sadly, also much of the media, knowingly or unknowingly, are a party to this canard. While these bleeding hearts, supposed do-gooders are righteously wringing their hands and scaring the people, AT THE VERY SAME TIME, they are busy voting themselves obscene salary raises and padding their retirement pensions, so that by the time they leave office, their pensions will be almost as large as their salaries!


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