For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling. KSCO Radio

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For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling - KSCO Radio

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taxes. All this because our leaders have been irresponsible, inept, totally lacking in any business sense, and their immature and foolish priorities have made Santa Cruz the laughing stock of the entire nation. Sometimes it feels like the inmates are running the asylum.

      If you are satisfied to continue this same old charade, then bring back Mike Rotkin and Cynthia Matthews. They are both drooling to come back and rule us again. They also both know that this time, someone might challenge their right to seek office on the City Council because of a clause added to the city charter in 1948 which states, quote, “No member of the City Council shall be eligible for reelection for two years after the expiration of the second full term for which such person was elected.” Rotkin and Matthews left office on November 28, 2000 and therefore would not be able to run until November 28, 2002.

      Another council candidate, Aldo Giacchino, did challenge their right to seek office 21 days before the end of the two-year moratorium. The issue was taken to court because Aldo felt that the letter of the law should be upheld. The court, however, ruled that a few days more or less did not matter, so Rotkin and Matthews were permitted to stay in the race. I am sorry that the court saw fit to trivialize the letter of the law. Two years means two years and not one year and three hundred and forty-five days.

      A similar issue came up in another California jurisdiction where the period in question was only one day short of the two-year ruling and in that case, the law was upheld. Here in Santa Cruz, it appears that the law was bent to accommodate two politically correct fixtures.

      A resident of Santa Cruz for 24 years, Rotkin has ruled on the City Council for 18 of those years, twice as mayor. In his first term, his stated intention was to implement the subject of his doctoral dissertation and make Santa Cruz into a socialist city and he did just that. So, it can be truthfully said that Rotkin is the architect for the socialist mess which We the People have endured for so many years! And now he wants to serve again!

      About Matthews, she served on the council for eight years. Jointly, they have been our local leaders for a total of 26 years, and look what we have now.

      They point to their experience as being a benefit. I believe it is really a detriment. One who enters the political arena for the first time can vote honestly and responsibly simply by studying the issues.

      One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand how to implement laws. As novice lawmakers, they are not influenced by, or beholden to, the “old buddy network” which sooner or later infects incumbents and career politicians.

      About Mardi Wormhoudt, running again for supervisor: she has been a total disaster. Her no-growth and anti-business philosophy has emasculated the business community and kept Santa Cruz in a time warp.

      It is bewildering how she sustains a level of adulation from the foolish left while she cuts programs for the needy and handicapped. She still will take her 31% raise to $98,000 starting next year, plus an enormous pension, bonuses, health benefits, and Social Security, all of which We the People pay for! San Francisco supervisors get $33,000 per year, by contrast. Where is the outrage? This repeated information bears remembering on November 5th when you must remember to vote!

      Wasn’t it during the Rotkin, Matthews, and Wormhoudt watch on the City Council that the badgering and demonstrations against the Miss California Pageant were allowed? The unfriendly situation became so intolerable that the pageant was forced to leave Santa Cruz and move to San Diego. Now San Diego is the happy recipient of the yearly millions of dollars that we have lost! Thank you, Santa Cruz City Council for your continued stupidity and lack of business sense! And who suffers? ‘We the people’ with more and more and more taxes!

      KSCO recommends a ‘yes’ vote on Measure P. It has been unfair for too many years for all taxpayers, especially the poor, to continue to pay for a never-voted-on additional tax on daily essentials.

      Rather than threaten to eliminate police and firefighter services that they legally must provide, why not eliminate some of the many non-essential non-profits who should get their funding from private donations? The city leaders are resorting to lying and scare tactics instead of considering other viable solutions to raise money, like normal communities do.

      KSCO recommends a ‘yes’ vote on Measure Q. That’s a nobrainer. Hotel users will pay an extra one percent and it will provide a much needed infusion of money to business.

      For City Council, a huge ‘yes’ vote for Aldo Giacchino, who will provide us with the leadership which we have been waiting for for a long time. He will be a true leader who has the ability and experience to plan, manage, and make tough decisions.

      We also recommend Karen Woblesky and Connie Thomasser or Phil Baer, all of whom will bring a new and sane energy as council members.

      And for supervisor, Mark Primack.

      And finally, a few words to Mike Rotkin and Cynthia Matthews: If you win this time, please work for ALL of us, and not just the politically correct. Please work to create a robust business community, and help Santa Cruz to regain its self respect in the entire nation.


      (October 2008) They say “Words have meaning.” I believe it!

      They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I believe that, too!

      Imagine then, the millions of words that came to mind when I first gazed upon the cover illustration of the October 22nd edition of Metro Santa Cruz.

      This cover featured an illustration of Barack Obama sporting a toothy, wining grin and a colorful Superman-like costume. The Obama caricature stood astride a black and white line drawing of Santa Cruz in the foreground, America in the background, and everyone locally and nationally crying out, “Help!”

      Fair enough. Our candidate is here to help with “Hope for change” as the campaign touts.

      Now, what captured the attention of all those who called our attention to this picture is that Superman Obama is standing hands on hips with one colorful boot squashing the Santa Cruz Sentinel and the other colorful boot squashing your local radio station, KSCO.

      But wait. There, firmly affixed to the squashed KSCO is a Nazi swastika, and therein lies the reason a million words flooded my mind at the site of that cover graphic.

      You see, as a Jewess who lost family members to Nazi concentration camps, I am all too aware of the significance of jackbooted caricatures bearing swastikas. To cope, I close my mind off to the millions of words that want to cry out and turn instead to our friends at Metro Santa Cruz to ask “Why?”

      “Why did you affix a swastika to the squashed KSCO on the cover of your newspaper?”

      Is Metro Santa Cruz telling us that a victorious Obama is going to squash all political dissent like the Nazis squashed the Jews?

      If this is what Metro Santa Cruz is telling us, we ask, “What happened to the liberal ideals of inclusiveness, non-judgmentalism, and diversity?”

      Words do have meaning. Pictures are worth a thousand words. And I am Kay Zwerling.


      (October 26, 2001) Some months ago, we installed a separate comment line for listeners who chose to ventilate concerns or offer kudos regarding programming. On September the 11th, that fateful day when the unthinkable happened, our country lost its innocence when it was brutally attacked and thousands of innocent and brave people perished.

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