The G.A. Henty MEGAPACK ®. G.a. Henty Henty

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The G.A. Henty MEGAPACK ® - G.a. Henty Henty

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One man was defending himself against four, and the oaths and exclamations of these showed that they were Mexicans. Just as he reached them the man they were attacking was struck down, and two of his assailants threw themselves upon him.

      Dick rushed upon the men, and felled one with a sweeping blow of his stick. The other man who was standing up sprang at him, knife in hand, with a savage oath.

      So quick was the action that he was upon Dick before he had time to strike a blow with his stick. He threw up his left arm to guard his head, but received a severe gash on the shoulders. At the same moment he struck out with his right, full into the face of the Mexican, who, as he staggered back, fell across the three men on the ground. Dick seized the opportunity to draw his pistol, dropping his stick as he did so, as his left arm was disabled. It was a double-barreled pistol and as the three natives rose and rushed at him, he shot the first. The other two sprang at him and he received a blow that almost paralyzed him. He staggered against the wall, but had strength to raise his arm and fire again, just as the man was about to repeat his blow; he fell forward on his face, and his other assailant took to his heels. A moment later Dick himself sank to the ground.


      Dick’s Escape

      When Dick opened his eyes it was broad daylight. He was lying in a barely furnished room. A surgeon was leaning over him bandaging his wounds, while on the other side of the bed stood three red-shirted men, whose rough beards and belts with bowie knives and pistols showed them to be miners. One of them had his face strapped up and his arm in a sling. An exclamation of satisfaction burst from him as Dick’s eyes opened.

      “That is right, lad. You will do now. It has been touch and go with you all night. My life aint no pertik’lar value to nobody, but such as it is you have saved it. But I won’t talk of that now. Which ship do you belong to? We will let them know at once.”

      “The Northampton,” Dick said in a whisper.

      “All right; don’t you talk any more. We will get your friends here in no time.”

      But when Mr. Allen came ashore Dick was again unconscious. The mate fetched two more surgeons, who, after conferring with the first, were all of opinion that although he might possibly recover from his wounds, weeks would elapse before he would be convalescent. Before night fever had set in, and it was a fortnight before he was again conscious of what was passing round him. He looked feebly round the room. One of the red-shirted men was attending to a pot over a charcoal fire. Turning his head he saw, standing looking out of the window, his friend Tom Haldane.

      “Halloa, Tom,” he said, in a whisper, which, however, reached the midshipman’s ears. He turned sharply round, and hurried to the bedside.

      “Thank God, Dick, you are conscious again. Don’t try to talk, old fellow; drink this lemonade, and then shut your eyes again.”

      Dick tried to raise his hand to take the glass, but, to his surprise, found he was unable to do so. Tom, however, put it to his lips and poured it down his throat. It was cool and pleasant, and with a sigh of relief he again closed his eyes, and went off into a quiet sleep.

      When he awoke it was evening; the window was open, and the fresh air came in, making the lamp on the table flicker.

      “How do you feel now, old man?” Tom asked.

      “I feel all right,” he said, “but I am wonderfully weak. I suppose I must have lost a lot of blood. Has the skipper given you leave to stop with me for the night?”

      Tom nodded. “I will tell you all about it in the morning, Dick. There is some chicken broth Dave has been cooking for you. You must try and drink a bowl of it, and then by to-morrow morning you will be feeling like a giant.”

      Dick laughed feebly. “It will be some time before there is much of a giant about me. Tom; but I feel as if I could drink some broth.”

      The next morning Dick woke feeling decidedly stronger. “Raise me up and put some pillows behind me, Tom. It is horrid being fed from a spoon, lying on one’s back.”

      The man called Dave, and Tom, lifted him up as he wished, and then the latter fed him with the broth, in which some bread had been crumbled.

      “Now, then,” Dick said, when he had finished; “let us hear what the old man said. I suppose he was in a tremendous rage?”

      “That he was! a brute!”

      “Why, there is my chest. What has he sent that ashore for? I should think I could be taken on board again to-day.”

      “You won’t be taken on board the Northampton,” Tom said, “for by this time she is down somewhere near Cape Horn.”

      “Eh!” Dick exclaimed in astonishment. “Why, how long have I been here?”

      “A fortnight to-day, Dick.”

      Dick was too surprised to make any remark for some time.

      “But if the Northampton has gone, how is it that you are here, Tom?”

      “Simply because she has gone without me, Dick. The old man was in a furious rage when he heard in the morning what had happened to you. Of course, we were in a great stew—I mean the third mate and myself—when Allen came off at twelve o’clock without you, after waiting an hour and a half at the wharf for you to turn up. We all felt sure that something must have happened, or you would never have been all that time late. There was a row between Allen and the skipper the first thing in the morning. Allen wanted to go ashore to make inquiries about you, and the old man would not let him, and said that no doubt you had deserted, but that if you came on board again he would have you put in irons.

      “Well, there was a regular row going on when a boat came off with a man in a red shirt, who I know now is one of Dave’s partners, and said that you were desperately wounded, and that the Spanish doctor they had called in thought that you would die. So then the old man couldn’t help Allen’s going ashore. Of course, he could do nothing, as you were insensible, but he got two other surgeons. Their opinion was that you would not get over it, but that if you did it would be a long time first. When Allen got back there was another row. He wanted to have you brought on board. The captain said that as you had chosen to mix yourself up in a row on shore, you might die on shore for anything he cared. Then I asked for leave to stay with you when the vessel sailed, and got sworn at for my pains. In the afternoon I filled up your chest chockfull with as many of my things as I could get into it, and sent it ashore. By the next night we had got all the cargo on board, and were to sail by the next morning, and I lowered myself down and swam ashore.

      “Allen had told me exactly where you were lying, so I came here at once and told Dave who I was, and why I had come ashore, and as soon as it was light he took me round to the room the other two had. The captain came ashore in the morning and stormed and raved at the Consul’s, but he had better have kept on board. I told our friends here all about it, and as he went back to the boat again one of them pitched into him, and gave him such a tremendous licking that I hear he had to be carried on board. As soon as he got on board the Northampton sailed, so you see here we both are. I have written off to your father and mine, giving them a full account of the whole affair, and saying what a brute Collet had been on the whole voyage. They will be sure to lay the letters before the firm, and as Allen and Smith will, when they are questioned, speak out pretty straight, you may be sure the old man and his friend, the first mate, will have to look for a berth somewhere else.”

      “It is awfully good

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