Word Plays & Stories.... Cathy Lorraine Bagley

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Word Plays & Stories... - Cathy Lorraine Bagley

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solid plan…

      One laid down initially before the birth of His son.

      He had a priori knowledge before that life had begun

      that He’d die a literal death so His brethren could be

      saved from spiritual death; souls released and set free.

      Long after that generous sacrifice, God still will weep

      pacing, pondering endless nights without needing to sleep.

       “Why Children lovingly fashioned by My intricate molding

       have you grown in need of more than a scolding?”

      The word that now follows is provided in sections.

      Enjoy and absorb it; may it alter your directions

      acting as a compass when you prove conflicted inside.

       Choose to grow in what you know from God’s encyclopedic guide!

      It’s not hard to find a copy just google the word, “Bible”

      before acting harshly and being held singularly liable

      continuing to dishonor your Father any day after this

      might amount to receiving Hell’s welcoming fiery kiss!

      Pt II: Wrath

      The skies rumbled one day growing dark as night.

       An eerie blanketing resulted and nothing felt right.

       Had God questioned some things after taking a pause,

       perhaps, His human creation was unworthy of applause?

      Such a Father not proud of His children you see, Can make lots of trouble punishing endlessly! God questioned so much that it led to a pause deciding most definitely He’d champion a cause. He thought thinking longer and harder what to do to straighten out errors admonishing this crew. Proper parenting can be such a controversial matter, but sometimes tough love can only calm pitter patter of little feet told too often to rest snugly in bed, when curiosity peaks rearing disobedience’s head. Sometimes a Father has taken more than enough when kids just can’t keep their hands off His stuff! He fashioned the world giving them all that He should denying them only one thing but they misunderstood why He dangled it there for them to see but not touch. “How could Dad tease us so? Curiosity’s too darn much!” Ever since that great fall where kids fell from their state of innocence and purity now lascivious with hate, so mad He did only what a troubled Father could do and cursed His daughter, the serpent and His only son too! “My daughter I gave her the chore of propagation. Carrying babies will be difficult with little elation. I’ll make it so painful and some surely will die. My wrath will be deep and my punishment wide! Why punish her more than my son, was I wrong? I created him as her leader to be forever strong. Yet a flaw in his armor helped the temptress get in thus scrambling his mind and making him sin.”

       Their fall from Grace was aided you see

      by His enemy hissing around Eden’s tree.

       “I ask Myself often should I have granted lenience? After all, that fallen Angel lead them to disobedience.

       But no matter the prize, no matter the lure

       if they loved Me enough, if they loved Me for sure,

       they would have resisted the one thing forbidden by me

       and avoided tasting fruit from that corrupting tree!

       I thought they would be stronger, loving me more than any apple’s curiosity could ever allure. But I was wrong; Satan did more than just tempt. And now from My wrath, nary a one will be exempt!”

       He thought and He thought was there something to do

       about human creation and their not being true

       to their missions assigned molded up from his clay

       in their loyalties offered to their Father every way?

       God wondered had He punished His daughter more than His son?

       Space travel provided a means to level out what He’d done …

      He broke it all down starting one gender by one,

       equalizing punishments before this day was done …

      Pt III: Tweaking Wrath.

      While pondering about what He could and would do,

       a spaceship landed as did an idea brilliant and new.

      He thought as he’d done longer, harder once more.

      “I’ve got it! My creation will be better than before!” So he sprinkled some space dust about that great ship. Astronauts became infected when they had to unzip and shed climate control suits, head gear and moon boots. Instilling viral-like qualities to moon dust was his clue, to tweak his creation and alter punishments too! NASA could never fathom after years of exploration that universal curiosity without reservation would lead to the next change in humanity. A fortuitous DNA mutation halted the insanity! Change brought about by numerous children’s rebel possibly saved many from taking up residence in Hell! Why should He bother if they’ve gone so astray when He could destroy and recreate ones to obey?

      Because seeds of free will He’d still plant deeply in them in hopes they’ll make proper choices thus honoring Him for selectively mixing and matching aliquot components then donating breath protecting from suffocating opponents. Yet, He tolerated and suffered the loss of our brother, His son. Offering up a most beloved Jesus, what good had it done? Imagine sacrificing one child for the sake of any precious other who then regrettably took in vain the loss of their brother?

       “My children ventured off into space on their own accord. Punishment will come swiftly. They’ll shout, Oh Dear Lord! What have we done to deserve all of this? But wrong will they be it’ll be MY vengeance not HIS!” My men of worship are so corrupt that they smother light from My word meant to shine on their brother; Claiming edifices so large but empty most of the night offering no respite from storms to homeless in sight; Boasting membership head counts swollen to capacity

      as too numbers of soul’s saved without demonstrable veracity. Just recruits all wanting a separate piece of the pie who do not give a damn while propagating a lie! Gleefully joining churches for status and glory, not Mine only theirs, spreading an incomplete story. Finally, ministries flying around in impressive Lear jets make Me marvel at how the ordained child forgets! I grant them Heaven and earth’s toys to award good behavior when dutifully they spread my word acknowledging Me, Savior. This lot today forgets often the main points I intend blinded by the abundance of gifts My chariots send. Racking up brethren as if notches on a bed

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