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was summoned to visit Arizona to demagogue the law Arizona passed to start enforcing the state and Federal laws against illegal immigration. Sharpton was happy to get the call. Put me in the game Coach!

      I can only suspect that Al Sharpton sees himself as the modern day “Sojourner Verdad”,[16] leading Mexicans to freedom via el ferrocarril subterráneo –that’s “the underground railroad” for you Americans too lazy to have learned Spanish, our soon-to-be official language.

      As if Sharpton hasn’t done enough damage in the black community, he now desires to spread the cancer of Liberalism to more Hispanics. After all, Mexicans only vote about 68 percent Democrat.

      Let’s revisit what the pimping of black America by Sharpton, Jackson, Gerry Hudson, and others of that ilk has accomplished for the black community: Per capita, lowest home ownership, business ownership, high school graduation rates, college entrance and graduation rates.

      But there is good news as blacks do lead in a few areas, like number of single parent homes, teenage pregnancy rates, abortion rates, unemployment, and blacks in prison, which coincidentally is not per capita.

      As Thomas Sowell wrote:

      The black ghettos of America, and especially their housing projects, are other enclaves of people largely abandoned to their own lawless and violent lives, their children warehoused in schools where they are allowed to run wild, with education being more or less optional.

      Only in the minds of Liberals is it appropriate for a man who has accomplished nothing of note in the black community to be dispatched to ‘help’ Mexicans in Arizona.

      Who was Sharpton helping? The rancher who was shot by an illegal immigrant? Was Sharpton helping the couple who were beaten and robbed by illegal aliens trespassing on that couple’s property? It seems Sharpton was there to help everybody but American citizens. I say to the Mexicans, “With friends like Sharpton, is there a word for sodomize in Spanish!”

      Sharpton was in Arizona to help criminals—people who have illegally entered our country and the political criminals who need those other criminals to vote. But for Liberals, like Clinton going to North Korea to free those two female journalists, or Jesse Jackson going to Libya to free hostages, Sharpton is another on the long list of Liberal humanitarians. Forget the 1.2M people who wait every year to enter the US legally. How stupid arethey!

      My history may be a bit foggy on this, but I do not recall Mexicans being forced to come to the U.S., like say…the African slaves? However, during Sharpton’s visit to Arizona, straight from the Liberal’s racist playbook, Sharpton hearkened back to the days of civil rights for blacks, saying at the time:

      “The Arizona Immigration Bill is an affront to the civil rights of all Americans and an attempt to legalize racial profiling…I am calling for a coalition of civil rights organizations to work with those in Arizona to resist and overturn this state law that violates the rights of Americans in that state.”

      Prior to going to Arizona, Sharpton compared Arizona’s law again to Jim Crow laws of the South, apartheid in South Africa, and Nazi Germany. Sharpton conveniently overlooked the fact that his constant references to the violation of civil rights of blacks, Jim Crow laws, and so on are a reflection of the racist policies of the Democrat Party.

      Forget that Arizona was merely enforcing the state and Federal laws—laws the Federal government was unwilling to enforce, laws already on the books. According to Sharpton, asking for proper identification by law enforcement when confronting a person accused of violating a traffic law is now considered “racial profiling.” Given that America is the melting pot, aren’t we all being racially profiled if pulled over for a traffic stop?

      Sharpton’s beef with Arizona was that it has the nerve to enforce its laws? I was certainly confused. There was no logical reason for Sharpton to make a pilgrimage to Arizona, except for Liberals to make something racial out of something obviously non-racial.

      Sharpton had no business in Arizona to advocate allowing millions of illegal immigrants to become legal in America, thereby taking jobs from Americans. With reported unemployment in the black community at 31percent,[17] allowing millions of illegal immigrants to take jobs from Americans should have been sacrilegious.

      If Sharpton’s track record of achievement in the black community is any indication, I suggest the Mexicans call the references on Sharpton’s credentials, because everything Sharpton touches turns to ghetto.

      For those who are circumspect, you have to be wondering who is pulling Sharpton’s strings. I suspect Sharpton’s actions in Arizona were the work of high-level, white Democrat operatives, the Liberal Illuminati. Though Sharpton is not the sharpest tool in the shed, I can’t believe he would want for Mexicans what he has helped achieve for blacks.

      All that said, there is somebody worse than Sharpton, and that person is Obama. His administration is the one suing Arizona, as we have shut down sovereign US territory, ceding part of Arizona to the Mexican cartels. Is there anybody in America who wants us to become like Mexico? If not, then why do you think Liberals are so accommodating to have the Mexican influx, some say as many as 4000 per day?

      “We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally.” - Vietnamese foreign minister Nguyen Thatch


      Social Security isn’t the only Ponzi scheme where Americans get the shaft in favor of illegal immigrants. In the state of CA alone, anchor babies cost taxpayers $7.7B per year—just for education. The children of illegals make up 15 percent of the K-12 population—one of the many benefits to being the second largest state as well as the plethora of sanctuary cities that share a border with Mexico. Is it any wonder America’s schools have become little more than failure factories.

      I first heard the term ‘failure factories’ used to describe America’s public school system when watching the movie, Waiting for Superman. The movie explained what we have all witnessed, that over the past few decades our educational system has deteriorated to almost Third World status. It’s no wonder given the pressures to teach a very diverse group of people, which now includes illegals. But that’s exactly what the Liberals want. U.S. schools are not education factories, but are indeed failure factories. We can’t allow “shamnesty” voters to form opinions on their own, so the American educational system creates Liberal group-think. Drones.

      Liberals owning the educational system didn’t happen overnight. It took baby steps. Yet again, we find that the real culprit was Jimmy Carter, the guy who started the Department of Indoctrination, or as it is formally known, the Department of Education.

      There are a host of reasons given; however as this report from Freeman documents, these are nothing but excuses for the money grab.

      “Many so-called education experts believe that class size—the ratio of students to teacher—must be reduced to improve learning. We’ve already tried it. From 1955 to 1991, the average pupil-teacher ratio in U.S. public schools dropped by 40 percent.

       These experts also proclaim that lack of funding hamstrings reform, and that the 1980s were a particularly bad time for school finances. Wrong again. Annual expenditures per pupil in U.S. public schools exploded by about 350 percent in real dollars from 1950 ($1,189) to 1991 ($5,237). In only two years during this 40-year period did spending fall: 1980 and 1981. Spending grew by about a third in real terms from 1981

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