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it is pretty unlikely that there is any overlap with the over 18,000 parking lot attendants with college degrees.

      CNN references a survey where a staggering 85 percent of college seniors planned to move back home after graduation last May. Many of these soon-to-be graduates are the kids who voted for “sexy brilliance” in 2008.

      I argued with a Liberal who informed me that Obama had created jobs during his tenure, and at the time the number of jobs created was argued to be around 508,000 jobs.[19] What my antagonist didn’t realize is the jobs Obama created had average salaries of $9 an hour. It’s no wonder that starting salaries for college graduates across the United States are down in 2010.

      Don’t expect Liberals to inform you that there is now a 100 percent online university which costs substantially less, where teachers have to earn their pay and are not eligible for tenure. As the LA Times reported:

      “Undergraduate students pay $2,800 per semester. That pays for as many or as few units as they can manage to take. The average graduate pays less than $15,000 for a four-year degree.”

      That inexpensive degree may not guarantee that a graduate will have a job waiting after graduation, but she would have just as good an education, a lot less debt, and no pimp.


      Liberals are fishers of men. They are constantly testing baits. Take Obama’s proposed middle-class tax cut. Obama could care less about cutting taxes for the middle-class; it makes for a nice sound bite though.

      Obama, like all good Liberals wants much more taxation of the middle-class than he will admit. Obama’s program is very simply a fishing expedition for the price it will take to buy the middle-class, while simultaneously redefining what middle-class really is. Redefining the middle-class is an absolute necessity, because expectations much be lowered.

      Let me explain. $250K is now considered rich, and that’s for two people. So really $125K is considered rich for a single person, but not really. For some reason, the government takes an additional $10K off the definition of single and rich, reducing it to $115K. Don’t bother asking why. But as long as you stay below $115K, the government will allow you to keep most of your earnings.

      What is sexy brilliant about Obama’s tax plan is it relied on the middle-class not recognizing that it’s their money Obama used as an inducement. According to this report from ABC news, one of the incentives Obama offered was a tax incentive on child care.

      In a day when the average “working American” works through August for the government,[20] the least the government could do is take care of our kids. How else can we produce, if we can’t get somebody to care for our kids?

      This tax incentive essentially would rebate part of your money to allow you to continue to work without the hindrance of your children. The incentive would be limited to people who make less than $115,000. $115K may be rich in Afghanistan; but in America, $115K won’t pay Paris Hilton’s monthly wardrobe budget.

      Another “incentive” in Obama’s middle-class fishing trip was a $500 tax credit to match your 401(K) savings. What money is Obama planning to use to match your savings? Your money!

      This strategy isn’t even the slightest bit clever. Government doesn’t create any money, though they can inflate it by printing more, something Obama has already done multiple times. Think about this in terms of your bank. Imagine the president of Bank of America sending you a note that says:

      “Dear Patron, I would like to offer you this new fantastic incentive. If you save $1000, I will give you a credit of $500…using your own money! When you reach the age when you can withdraw your money, I’m going to keep a good portion. Have a nice day!”

      A bank CEO would be embarrassed to offer such an “incentive”, but the Boy Wonder had no shame, and was actually proud of his new program. Obama felt like he was truly giving back. And most people took it that way. But getting your own money back, and having the government define your “class,” makes you a mark.[21]

      The “good” that was to come from Obama’s incentive was for people to save. If saving is good for ordinary people, shouldn’t it work for the government? I did not attend Harvard, and my alma mater[22] didn’t offer a class in “Stupid Theoretical Ivy-League Economics 101.” But this does sound like something the government should be doing, saving that is. Put another way, the government should not be spending, particularly when we are broke.

      The question the America middle-class should ask is, “Am I am bass, a crappie, a perch, or acatfish?” Or perhaps you consider yourself a big fish, a saltwater variety, perhaps a Marlin? Whatever; because a fish is still a fish.

      Obama has chartered the boat, has all the gear, and all the bait. The bait is our own money. All he needs to do now is find out the threshold for most people to buy into his vision of communism. Unfortunately for him, due the election of November 2010, the price of communism in America has gone up.

      Liberals know the cost of the poor, and they have purchased them, though Liberals continue to sweeten the deal. But the middle-class knows not to take the first offer. I expect Obama to do a bait change, look for new incentives. He will go from the spinner lure to blood-bait.

      Because of the Tea Party movement, I predict that Obama doesn’t have enough bait to make this work. With the national debt cresting $13 trillion, the bait keeps getting smaller and smaller. However, when you consider how Republicans fight however, Liberals may still be planning on fish for dinner.


       [1]Term used by prisoners in referring to their cell mates

       [2]Slavery was also the beginning of the victimization of .

       [3]Unlike the ghettos of today which represent most black communities.

       [4]The idea that America still thinks in terms of “black side of town” speaks to problem of politics. Black corralled into areas where we can be manipulated.

       [5]Goldwater was demonized as racist for not supporting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on its Constitutionality.

       [6]Reconstruction is the period where the US was being pieced back together after the Civil War. It could be called the period of a Black Renaissance, because blacks experienced profound gains during this period, much to the chagrin of Democrats.

       [7]Reconstruction lasted from 1865-1877

       [8]Harry Reid is said to have close to 100 staffers

       [9]Later it changed its name to Congress of Industrial Organizations.

       [10]Unions want to pass Card Check, disallowing secret ballots in voting for unionization.

       [11]Jason Ivey is a friend of mine who works in TV productions.

       [12]For the government

       [13]I wrote “stealing white man’s rights,” because social security has always been stealing from blacks, that is when it wasn’t excluding us completely.


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