The Columns (Volume One). Tracy Lorenz

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The Columns (Volume One) - Tracy Lorenz

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      But yesterday’s foray doesn’t even crack my top ten Fast Food Fiascos. I was at a McDonald’s in Grand Rapids when they ran out of hamburger. I was at a KFC on 28th street when they ran out of chicken. I was at another McDonald’s in Jenison, at noon, when they had ONE woman working the counter. There must have been thirty five people waiting in line, when I finally got up to the counter I said “Why don’t you get more help at the register?” and she, I swear to God, replied “We’re never busy at noon.”

      Perhaps my favorite fast food memory is when I went to some now defunct Mexican chain (it might have been Ole’ Taco’s) in Grandville. I was with guys from work and one of the guys, Ken Fusee, placed his order and the server said “Would you like Spanish rice with that?” Ken, who appeared uncertain about the question said ‘What do I do with Spanish rice?” to which the server replied “You can stick it up your ass for all I care.” It was not the response we were expecting.

      Luckily I don’t eat fast food (at noon anyway) nearly as often as I used to. It has nothing to do with the nutritional level of the food, it has to do with my stress level when surrounded by people who don’t know what’s in a bean burrito. It’s stress like that which could ultimately send a habitual fast food eater straight to the…Mayo Clinic.

      The Better Choice Chair

      By Tracy K. Lorenz

      My son Q started Pre-school last week and, I must admit, I didn’t even know what preschool was. I dropped him off at the same place I do every day but for some reason when I dropped him off last Monday it was “Pre-school” as opposed to “Daycare”.

      A parent was supposed to attend this grand event and interact with their child in some liberal-dream manner and I was the parent of choice. So we walk in and BOOM! he’s off to play with his friends just like every other kid in the room, they didn’t want to interact with their parents, they wanted to interact with each other as God intended. This left a bunch of parents standing there wondering how long we had to look enchanted before we could split.

      But one thing in that room caught my eye. It was a single orange chair, smack in the middle of the room. Above the chair was a sign with a frowning face on it and the words “Better Choice Chair”.

      Apparently giving a kid a “time out” was too damaging and has been replaced by the Better Choice Chair. What’s next, the “Don’t Eat Paste Whirlpool”? How about the “Stop Running in the Halls Full Body Massage”?

      The problem I have with the Better Choice Chair is is it really all that different from sitting a kid in the corner with a dunce cap on? Do you think any kid is going to feel good about sitting in the penalty box while his friends play around him? I’d rather have a teacher give my kid a little smack on the butt than sit him in the Better Choice Chair.

      So I looked back over the last week and thought of some other people who could maybe benefit from the BCC.

      Serena Williams: Tennis used to be a game of class and elegance, I think once the words “I’m going to shove this @##%ing ball down your %$#%ing throat” echo off the walls at Flushing Meadows the class and elegance ship has sailed and when I say “sailed“ I mean sailed like a Miami Vice cigarette boat.

      What I thought was interesting was the only excuse I heard her give was a shoulder shrug and then she said something to the effect of “Hey, I’m from Compton.” Now can you imagine what would happen if an announcer said that? “John, can you believe what we just heard!” “Well, she is from Compton.”

      That guys career would look like the Hindenburg.

      Kanye West: Kanye must have forgotten that he was somebody ten years ago. In case you’ve been in a coffin for the past week and missed it, Kanye hopped up on stage and grabbed the microphone away from country singer Taylor Swift and announced that Taylor didn’t deserve the award for best video of the year (the fact that the person singing in the video has NOTHING to do with the making of the video is incidental) because Beyonce had the greatest video of all time. I’m trying to imagine what would have happened if Garth Brooks would have jumped up and grabbed the microphone away from Beyonce and announced that Taylor Swift deserved the award. I suspect there may have been violence. In any event Kanye could use some chair time.

      Mike Illitch: The Detroit Tiger’s owner who decided to pay Magglio Ordonez $18,000,000 next season. Magglio was once one of the most feared hitters in baseball. “Once” being the operative word. Now he’s a slap hitter who, at best, is a double play waiting to happen. Mr. Illitch, have a seat.

      Rep. Joe Wilson: “You lie!” That may be true, but you should still have more class than to yell it at the President. If someone decided to yell out every time a sitting president, this one in particular, said something shaky the frickin’ speech would last well into the first part of CSI: New York. Now you, as a Congressman, should know that people don’t want to hear such nonsense. They’d much rather live in a dream world and watch our country get dismantled before their very eyes. Joe, get in the chair but don’t stay there very long.

      Kate Gosselin: How did this woman’s name get in my head? I’ve never seen the show “John and Kate Plus 8”, I have no idea what it’s about and I don’t care about her or her husband. So why must she spend time in the BCC? Have you seen the woman’s hair?

      The list could go on, I suppose., but these five sort of separated themselves from the pack. I don’t feel sorry for any of them, they’re all grown-ups, they all know better, and when it comes to their actions I guess they got what they de…served.

      Boys to Men to Boys

      By Tracy K. Lorenz

      Okay, here’s a pop quiz: You’re taking a little twenty-five mile bike ride with your friends down the Hart – Montague trail. One guy gets a flat tire a hundred yards from a service station, one guy gets a flat tire in the middle of absolute frickin’ nowhere. One of these two has a spare inner-tube, guess which one.

      If you guessed Dave “I’m prepared for anything and even calibrated my odometer by putting chalk lines on the road” Schaab had the spare inner tube near the service station (and had the tire changed like he was pitting at Talladega) you win! If you guessed Matt “POP! Ssssssssss” Bosma was the one stranded then you win twice! But it wasn’t Matt’s fault, he borrowed one of my bikes and I’ve never owned a spare tube in my life.

      Which brings up an ethics question,; Matt was on my bike when the tire popped, who should stay with the bike and who should ride ten miles to get the truck to pick up the stranded rider? There was no discussion, Matt stayed, I rode, Matt walked to some mysterious party store hidden behind a bush, got some beer, and sat in the shade while the rest of us rode like maniacs to get back, get the truck, and rescue our stranded friend. Apparently Matt is significantly smarter than I.

      But that’s the beauty of having life-long friends, you just do stuff and figure it all balances out over time.

      And time is one of those concepts that seems to bend when you get together with people you’ve known since Little League. Anyone who happened to look down by the lake at night would’ve seen five middle aged men sitting around a fire listening to the Tigers game. But I was inside that circle and when I looked around I saw a kid who set the woods on fire and then ran home and pretended he was asleep. I saw the teenagers I rode around with when we bought our first crappy cars, and I saw the kids I spent hours with walking the dunes like Bedouins. There may be some

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