The Red Spark. DH Steppler

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The Red Spark - DH Steppler

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have no idea how it would please him to know that you said that. He pretty much thinks that you and Lu hate him.”

      “He’s not exactly our favorite person but both of us have seen how much he loves you and that works for us.”

      “I’m planning to bring him with me on one of my trips to London in the next couple of months. Well, if he’ll come with me, that is.”

      “You can count on us to make him feel welcome, I promise.”

      “Thank you Baby, I love you. Give Lu my love. Call me tomorrow when you’re ready for our hook up.”

      “I will. I love you, too Baby, b-bye.” Michael ended the call.

      “B-bye,” I called into the receiver as he hung up.

      The following day Michael and I hooked up on our current in the universe to receive from each other the ultimate reconnect. Our beings combined into one for a single unit and the most fulfilling completeness either of us had ever experienced. That single effort brought us peace and confidence throughout the following days.

      A couple of days before the trip to London I found myself accepting another invitation from Ricky and her red spark. Remembering everything that had happened the time before, I took precautions and made the decision to only jump in while making sure that my body was safe on my bed.

      Thinking that I knew what to expect but also carrying a respectful fear of the unknown I jumped with the intent to relax and let Ricky take me where I was going. The sense of falling through space was exhilarating and a challenge to meet with calm. The redness still carried a foreign feel and a basic sense of danger probably due to the chaos and turbulence.

      When I stopped I was on Michael’s balcony aboard the cruise ship during our first dinner together. Michael was surrounded by an aura tinged in red. I could still see how handsome he was in his tux. I could see that at anytime if I used my recall. So I questioned why Ricky took me there and what value was it to us.

      In the quiet, between the songs on the CD player, I heard something that I know my recall would never pick up. Granted with the quickest glimpse of the intent in Michael’s mind, I heard his thinking.

      “I’ll show them, I don’t need anyone. I’m tired of having to placate others, I’m the star.”

      It was brief and then the darkness was upon me.

      Charlie, sitting on the edge of my bed, was watching me when I came round and regained consciousness. The look on his face held a number of emotions, anger seemed prevalent but it didn’t completely mask his fear.

      “You ok,” he asked.

      It took me a moment as I couldn’t speak. I looked at Charlie and slowly replied, “Yeah.”

      “Thanks for staying in here,” he continued.

      “I can’t seem to move and I remember that the last time I was gone so long a kiss from you made me feel stronger right away.”

      Charlie, completely clothed except for his shoes, crawled into bed with me and wrapped me in his arms, kissing me tenderly. Who could ask for anything more than that? In no time I was feeling strong enough to be a handful for Charlie and turned all of my sexual attention on him.

      Before I knew it, we were both naked and pressing our bodies together and expressing our individual urgency. Our coupling was swift and a bit brutal but not awkward. Later I would discover bite marks on Charlie’s chest and neck.

      Charlie was my treasure; we lay cradled together in our sated bliss.

      “I’m sorry woman if I hurt you; I couldn’t stop myself.”

      Charlie as usual took the blame and apologized over feeling unable to control the situation.

      “Don’t apologize I enjoyed myself. You constantly surprise me. I love you Charlie.”

      Charlie quietly kissed my breasts and licked me all over.

      “I bet it’s time for dinner; shall I go fix us a nice meal?”

      “In a bit we can do it together but first, maybe some answers.”

      “Anything Charlie,” I assured him.

      “I’ve been trying to wake you for about 30 minutes. Helen it’s frightening when you don’t wake up.”

      “Sorry to cause you any fear.”

      I put my arms around him.

      “Would you let me know when you plan to do that?”

      Charlie wasn’t telling me not to travel but he was trying to get a bit of control over the situation.

      “Charlie sometimes I don’t plan to travel but then Ricky invites me, I feel compelled to go; like I’m being called by a force greater than myself.”

      “Dammit Woman, don’t you understand how strange and scary you are sometimes?”

      “You sound like Michael. He told me that I was being reckless and to listen to you and to let you protect me.”

      “Will you listen to him even if you won’t listen to me?”

      “I listen to you Charlie and I also take into consideration what Michael has to say. In the end, my decisions are mine and I take full responsibility for them. There’ll always be fear of the unknown but I can’t let that fear be the deciding factor in my life. I know that you wouldn’t and neither would Michael.”

      He chewed on that for a moment and then I heard his tummy growl again and I was all motion and intent as I sat up and started to get out of bed.

      “We aren’t through with this conversation.”

      Charlie informed me as he allowed me to pull him to a standing position and head for the kitchen.

      At dinner Charlie brought the subject up again and I finally said that I was through with that topic for the evening.

      “Charlie, I’m done with talking about this. Let’s move on to other things. Tut wants some guitar time.”

      Charlie sighed deeply and looked down at his food. I couldn’t help Charlie anymore with his understanding of my need to see where the sparks would take me.

      At the mention of his name, Tut came to the dinner table to see what was going on. He screeched and whistled and Charlie matched his sound to the letter and we laughed all of us; even Tut laughed.

      As Charlie could see that he was getting nowhere with his crazy woman, he dropped the investigation and we got into our evening together.

      The very next day at the same time, Ricky invited me to visit the universe again and I had intended to turn her down but her red spark was more than enticing, it drew me.

      The redness nearly felt like the glow of fire; like everything was going up in flames but there was no sense of heat. The falling was disorienting again and the chaotic turbulence didn’t allow for much thinking, only enduring

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