The Red Spark. DH Steppler

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The Red Spark - DH Steppler

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I said as I headed for my evening maintenance.

      I sent a quick email to Charlie to let him know that I’d arrived and that I’d call the next day because I couldn’t go much longer without hearing his voice and told him I missed him already and that going to sleep would be difficult without him.

      Once I was in bed and ready for our meeting on the current I looked at Ricky with her particles waiting for me. I closed my eyes and jumped in, found our scent and was on the current without much of a thought. I was there only a second before Michael joined me. We combined our beings into that most perfect union. Thoroughly joined and combined as one we were sent back to our bodies sated and complete.

      The following morning I was up before dawn and was ready to meet the world in about 20 minutes. In the kitchen for a cup of coffee that I could smell brewing I found Lu having her morning cup as she was getting ready to leave for the studio.

      While we had a moment alone before Michael came for his coffee, Lu asked me to please ‘kiss and go’. Since I knew that she wanted me to transfer my connection to Michael into her again I wasn’t offended like I was the first time I’d heard her say it that way to me.

      “Tonight, for sure,” I told her.

      We kissed good-bye for the day and I went through the slider with my coffee to visit with the garden on the patio. Michael had a table and chairs set up there for my convenience. We shared many a scotch sitting at that table while we communicated with the vegetation there.

      Michael joined me with his cup and sat in the other chair at that little table. He was only there for a second before we simultaneously stood and turned to each other for a full-body reconnect.

      It’d be difficult to name a time when the reconnect felt that good. We both moaned and rewrapped each other into a tighter hold to get more of the goodness.

      “My God Baby, when has it ever felt this good?”

      “Never,” I would have answered if I could speak. Nothing had ever felt that good.

      Michael whispered in my ear.

      “Baby this surprises me every time. You feel so ridiculously wonderful.”

      When there was some space between us and I gained the ability to speak again, I simply said.

      “Thank you Michael, I love you.”

      “Baby, that’s back atcha.”

      After we’d made breakfast together it was still very early and a couple of hours before we were to meet up in the music room so I went out to visit with all the gardens on the estate. I didn’t miss a single garden, bringing them all news from home and the gardens there. The pictures I carried through each garden probably would have prompted professionals to lock me up but Michael and Lu allowed me to be as crazy as I wanted to be.

      I took my attention to the far garden, my favorite though I’m not sure why. My love for them probably stems from the first time I cried to them over missing Charlie. At that time the garden seemed to wrap itself around me in a comforting move that was the most endearing of communications.

      Taking too long at the far garden was kind of the way it went for me every time I was with them and hustle would be required to get back in time for Michael and our stint in the music room. Hustling was fun for me and once I saw how late it was, my legs took action and carried me back to the house in record time. Enjoying the run and the feel of my muscles working I let my mind go blank and was the observer of me.

      Coming around the last bend before the back door came into view I wondered if Michael would be there waiting for me and yes, he was there waiting. When he saw me his face broke into a beautiful smile which encouraged me to get to him faster so I didn’t slow down. Without a slow down our reconnect was nearly violent; I hit him hard. He was like a rock and held me to him in the most satisfying embrace and reconnection ever.

      Our process in the music room was always the same. We’d sit next to each other on the piano bench with a single sheet of paper and a single pencil on the top of the piano. As soon as one of us had an idea, we’d write it down and then sit back down on the bench again until another inspiration hit. We were both so on fire with ideas that we fought each other for the pencil. When I couldn’t take it anymore I went to my room for more paper and another pencil. Michael didn’t like that but he had been hogging the pencil and I told him so.

      We’d been in the music room for about 3 hours before we decided that lunch was necessary but only stopped for a quick bite and then we were back at it.

      At 5 o’clock I needed to get out and Michael suggested a dip in the pool.

      “I didn’t think to bring a suit with me.”

      You can probably imagine what he had to say about that.

      “Suits aren’t necessary.”

      “Maybe Lu has a suit I can borrow; can you look?”

      I was beginning to get into the idea of a swim.

      Michael brought me one of Lu’s string bikinis that I wouldn’t wear; I wore my bra and boxer shorts.

      The pool reminded me of the ‘Great Gatsby’ because of its elegance and size. I beat Michael there and went to the diving board. I bounced a bunch of times to get the feel of the board before I took off in a swan dive. Michael came in just as I was in mid air. As I came down into the water, he stepped into the shallow end. Upon entry I was welcomed by the water-reconnect. I swam the entire length of the pool underwater allowing it to ripple by me, caressing me with each stroke as I made my way to Michael at the other end.

      Michael took my hand and we both froze due to the sensations brought on by the water-reconnect. We clung to each other laughing. The feeling of the water caressing and popping around us was like nothing else. Every time we were in water we were surprised by the insane feeling we got from our connection.

      Michael wrapped his arms around me and I could hardly breathe from the feel of it. His draw gripped me like never before and I clung to him with my own tenacious hold.

      The emotion brought on by his touch was immediate and powerful. His moan was a siren’s call to me and without thought I kissed his chest and bit him.

      “Baby,” Michael was having his own difficulty with speech. “Oh, oh, oh” he moaned over and over again in my ear.

      Finally in a decisive move, Michael put my arms around his neck and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him with extreme force. “Oh, oh, oh God,” Michael continued to moan. Our hearts raced and when Michael found my lips close to his, he claimed them in a searching kiss that had us toppled and rolling rapidly like a single log in the shallow end of the pool.

      When the episode ended we were both breathing hard and stunned into silence. I pushed away from him and went to sit on the steps to catch my breath and to try and figure out how we were able to endure that ride.

      Only separated for a few seconds, we realized that we needed to be touching. We lunged at each other and wrapped up again. We found that if we just stood in the water wrapped up in each other the goodness was the sweetest reconnect but if we moved or kissed the reconnect turned nearly violent. Don’t get the wrong impression and think that we would shy away from the violent part because that was not in Michael’s nature.


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