FUDDLE CUP. Dolores McKay

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FUDDLE CUP - Dolores McKay

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the separate aspects are well defined in their own right, it will be time to examine how the cups are linked together, and how they affect one another. This is where you start considering your own valuable strategies to balance your life. Moreover, it is where you identify how to create advantages for yourself.

      The relationships between the cups are the most challenging facets of the Fuddle Cup. It requires introspection, honesty, and good old fashion trial and error to create successful formulas for yourself. However, it is worth it. I am quite sure lots of people, such as Einstein and Pythagoras, would agree that getting the formula right is pretty darn important to succeed.

      The information is intended to be a provocation for you — an enticement for you to think for yourself. As I mentioned before, this is not a rule book. The real value is in what this book prompts you to think about and create in your own life.

      In my coaching experience, this is where most people stop short. Knowledge is not enough. You have to apply knowledge in new ways if you want to create new solutions powerful enough to create change. Many people are not willing to do that.

      By the way, I am not sure if you noticed, but I just gave you the basic formula to learning anything. Your grandmother is a tricky one…

       The Seven Separate Cups

      The seven Fuddle Cup life aspects are as follows:








      A chapter has been devoted to each Fuddle Cup aspect. At the beginning of each chapter, you will find four categories. Here is a cheat sheet of what they mean:

       Position of Cup: describes where this individual aspect is positioned within the entire Fuddle Cup using cardinal/ordinal/compass directions

       Polar Cup: describes which individual aspect is positioned as the linear polar opposite to the current aspect in discussion within the Fuddle Cup. This will make more sense later

       Definition of [________]: the ultra-brief definition of the life aspect in discussion

       Main Contribution: the most positive, useful attributes the life aspect in discussion adds to the Fuddle Cup and your life

      At the conclusion of each chapter, you will find a series of six cup influence comments. These comments describe potential positive and negative influences of the life aspect in discussion, in relation to the other cup influences within the Fuddle Cup. Here is another example cheat sheet for you — [Do not tell your parents I gave you cheat sheets — we will keep this between us].

       [_________] Cup Influence: describes how the life aspect in discussion influences the particular life aspect named in the blank area

       (+) [describes potential positive influences]

       (-) [describes potential negative influences]

      Ready? Let’s go to work…


       “Whether you use it or ignore it, your Purpose is the center and most influential aspect of your life…”

       Position of Cup: Center of Fuddle Cup

       Polar Cups: No polarity — All other cups directly connected

       Definition of Purpose: Why you breathe / Reason for existing

       Main Contribution: Your life’s foundation, roadmap & navigation


      The Purpose aspect is in the center of the Fuddle Cup…well…on purpose.

      Yourpurpose in life is a lot like the magnetic core of our world — which is much like a hard-boiled egg. Especially if, a twelve-minute egg would be responsible for fighting off deadly cosmic rays and preserving human life as we know it.

      I know that analogy might sound a little strange, but I promise, your grandmother has not lost her mind. Stay with me — I am going somewhere with this. Let me start with the egg part:

       The Egg Part:

      If you could cut it open and in half, Earth probably would look similar to a hard-boiled egg. The shell is like Earth’s crust; a thin coating of rigid material at the surface. The egg white is like Earth’s mantle; the largest layer in between the crust and Earth’s center core. The Earth’s core would be represented by the yellow egg yolk.

       The Magnetic Core Part:

      The core of our world is made of iron. This special iron at the core creates a super magnet responsible for 97% to 99% of the Magnetic Field at the Earth’s surface.

      I am not sure if you inherited your grandmother’s nerdy propensity for science or not. In the event that you are normal and did not, I will remind you that the Magnetic Field protects all living things on the surface of the Earth — such as us — from outer space’s lethal cosmic storms and rays.

       The Purpose Part:

      In much the same manner, your purpose creates a Magnetic Field around all the other aspects of your life by attracting elements that are useful to you and warding off harmful ones. That is why the purpose aspect is the center of your Fuddle Cup. Your Purpose influences your Passion, the People in your life, your Values, your Body, your Work, and the Unknown you choose to learn.

       The Point:

      In short, your purpose is the core [yolk] of your life that influences all the other sections of the mantle [egg white] in your life. How well you harness your purpose decides how strong of a protective influence [Magnetic Field] you create for all the external factors in your somewhat fragile [egg shell] life.

      Whether you choose to use the mental image of an egg or Earth, does not matter. Whether you know your purpose or not — whether you use it or ignore it — your purpose is the center and most influential aspect of your life. I hope you intentionally harness it with everything you have got, Kids.

       One more thing:

       The Magnetic Field produced from the Earth’s core

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