Always Have, Always Will. Jemma Price

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Always Have, Always Will - Jemma Price

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William. She did not care. Henry was at least one meter below Hermione but catching up fast. Hermione with on extra leap joined Elinor at the top and pulled her flag out before Henry could reach the last 50 centimeters. Elinor and Hermione had won. The whistle was blown and the four climbers could just about hear a tremendous chatter from below.

      As Elinor made an attempt to transfer her position and travel further down the tree, she established a branch stalling her way down, interfering with the triumphant success. Hermione carried on down along with Henry. William was surprised how well the girls could climb and had come to the conclusion that they had clearly practiced, as he was sure he and Henry would win. As his eyes wondered, he noticed Elinor was in some state of bewilderment and called over to her,

      ” Excuse me, is it Elinor?”

      “Yes it is,” Elinor said as she tried to break the branch with her foot, “We were introduced were we not?”

      “Yes I believe we were Elinor,” William replied trying to remember when they were.

      “If you cannot even remember my name then is an introduction of any worth, I have often wondered these things,” Elinor said as she was hurled upside down as the branch was now caught in her shoe.

      William’s facial expression at this moment was one of fear mixed with amusement at the position Elinor had found herself. He continued their conversation anyhow,

      “Well I suppose having an introduction is just conforming to society’s ways however much it may be of little use.”

      William watched as Elinor grabbed onto the nearest branch and swung herself back upright.

      “Do you need any help?” William asked.

      “None at all I shall be perfectly fine thankyou Mr Hugo,” Elinor replied secretly knowing that she did in fact need a lot of help and had no idea how she was going to recover.

      “Very well,” William said,” But I still don’t believe you.” With that he reached over to Elinor and took her arm, pulling her around the branch that had stalled her and setting her free.

      “Well thank you for your assistance even though it was hardly needed,” Elinor thanked him and began climbing back down the tree.

      “You are very welcome Miss Clark,” William said smirking.

      Elinor stopped and turned back up,” I never told you that my second name was Clark…. So you did remember my name, ha-ha very funny…”

      “Not at all I just could not remember your first name that was all,” William replied trying hard not to laugh.

      “Of course it was,” Elinor sarcastically said, resuming her descending.

      It was now midday and the sun had now started to disappear gradually and peacefully fading into the distance, a million miles away.

      Once down on solid ground Elinor was pleased that she and Hermione had shown everyone that actually girls can climb trees even if they do get stuck on the way down. Hermione having no use for such an object such as a boat left Elinor with the prize and decided to take a nap as she felt rather exhausted after all the hard work. She did not seem to care how anyone else felt and was only concerned about her well-being. Some people are so caught up in their lives they tend to forget the pain that others are silently going through. This was Hermione all over which was why she made a good friend with Elinor. Elinor knew Hermione so well and tried to teach Hermione to try and care for other as much as she cares for herself.

      Feeling adventurous, Elinor with her new boat, after they had lunched, decided to take it down to Portreath beach and test it out, she thought she may go and explore the deep cave which is always hidden by the ocean. She had often stood on the beach, looking out towards it and wondered what could be beyond it- a new world, a lost world, something of meaning.

      On her way to Portreath she came across many people, some taking a stroll, some visiting families, some even lost and some on a mission, each taking a unique path. She was told the boat would be waiting for her near the rocks on the beach which she felt was very helpful considering her intentions for it.

      Elinor was glad the sea was still, considering the fact that she had never been sailing before, it would be a new experience and hopefully an exciting one at that. The carpet of turquoise and purple propelled a breeze which was hard to imitate, to feel its powers of reconciliation simmer over you, washing tranquility upon you. She stood for a while, there was no one about- the beach was deserted just the way Elinor hoped it would be.

      As she looked around and towards where the boat was said to be, she noticed an odd bird-like creature upon the boat. She neared closer, it was white and large with feathers wide. It had the face of a Parrot but the body of an Emu. She wondered how it had got there-flown perhaps. It was facing away from her and had its eye on something else, floating through the stream, cascading towards it, diving into the afternoon air. Elinor ran and ran and consequently shooed the bird away. It flew against the gentle breeze, a silhouette now due to the sun, its outline blurred yet in some ways defined.

      Her blouse and skirt blew in the breeze, as she pushed the boat onto the sand. The boat was quite large for its type and Elinor found it would be just perfect for the mission she wished to accomplish. She pushed it into the sea which was now becoming fierce and slightly dangerous. The boat pitched and wallowed like a frantic child thrashing about in the waters of the choppy and wallowing sea. Here and there massive crests topped with white froth charged through the sea. The immense receptacle of water pulsated with life and seemed to smile a mocking smile at Elinor’s attempt of sailing. Elinor was shocked that the sea seemed so still when looking down upon it but quite the opposite once caught up amidst it. She could finally empathize with sailors who would willingly spend some of the worst storms battling with their ship, determined against everything to help their country. Her black curls were gusting in the breeze, flicking her in the face whenever a moment of boat turning occurred. Although the first minutes of her mission were not in the least successful, as she continued she found herself quite proud of the progress she had achieved. Caught up in the moment of proudness, she did not seem to notice the gigantic wave that was encountering her with the intention of creating havoc among her.

      Little did she know that back upon the calm and tranquil beach, William, choosing an adventure over dinner with his parents, was looking out towards the sea. He wondered along the receding line of the water, and had caught a glimpse of Elinor in the far distance battling with her oars against the monster, which from William’s point of view seemed to be still and in utter silence. He laughed and smirked, smiling in amusement.

      The beach was an art in itself. Where the water met the ground, there was shifting in the tiny grains of sand- slow yet somehow powerful like the tide that ends in drifts like memories will come and go.

      Elinor, having no idea of this had decided that she was in danger. She turned the boat around and headed for land. She was determined not to be found by some ignorant person in a rather awkward position, or be found drowning in the depths of the deathly ocean, straggling for someone to save her life. As she neared land, she noticed William walking towards her. She rolled her eyes and tried to think of some kind of excuse which would save herself from being humiliated by him. She beached and jumped out of the boat, relieved to be back of save ground once again. She walked over to William without looking where she was going. The sun still shone brightly in the endless sky, beaming straight into her eyes, not allowing her to see clearly the placement of her foot. Less than one meter away from him she started to quicken her walking pace, in less than a second she found herself looking down upon William’s shoes. She had tripped over a rock and had found herself face planting

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