Always Have, Always Will. Jemma Price

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Always Have, Always Will - Jemma Price

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upon his shoes she replied, “Hmm well perhaps you have never heard of manners or maybe accidently tripping over a rock and landing, without no choice I’m afraid, upon someone’s feet.”

      “Hmm manners are a slight mystery to me although I do abide by them. Society informs us that we must be polite, but I see no truth in that. However I see sarcasm as an amusing way to tell the truth, or in some situations to aggravate the person receiving it,” William replied.

      “Why don’t you shock me and say something intelligent you see I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I see that you are unarmed,” Elinor said as she pulled the boat along the sand, tugging so hard her voice even seemed to struggle against it.

      William however still stood with his hands in his pockets watching as Elinor struggled with no intention of helping whatsoever.

      “Is Miss Clark therefore out of words as I cannot possibly imagine you think I am of low intelligence,” William replied.

      “……” Elinor was silent “….” She did not reply.

      “Why are you not talking to me? Do you need any help with the boat?” William questioned.

      “I am afraid Mr Hugo that some people are not worth talking to,” Elinor finally replied as William slowly walked away.

      “I would agree with you but then that would mean we would finally agree upon something,” William called back now at least half the beach away.

      Elinor huffed and continued with packing the boat away, rather down due to not being able to explore and complete her mission. She did however thought she had better practice sailing after her poor attempt. It was now definitely late in the day and Elinor found that she was looking forward to settling down in the library with her father and reading him a chapter or two before he fell asleep and left Elinor sorting out the book arrangements or cooking for a special occasion.

      That was the first time Elinor and William had met and it had not been a very successful one at that. Both had acquired a mutual dislike of the other that they did not seem to hide at all.

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