Keep Your Doors Open. Ryan Vuckovich

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Keep Your Doors Open - Ryan Vuckovich

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      Paris lifted the suitcase over his head very slowly as to not give the animal any awareness of what was to come. The dog stopped walking once he was close enough to the human, and, right before Paris was about to smash the briefcase onto the dog’s skull, a large object fell from the animal’s mouth.

      Out of curiosity, Paris stopped his weapon from coming down on the dog and took out his glasses, so he could see what the object was that dropped out of the animal’s mouth. Once his glasses were on, Paris looked at the object that was placed before him. It was a gofer; the very same gofer that the dog had been looking for this whole time. Paris slowly placed the briefcase on the ground and went back to the first step of the emotional process of death which was shock. This animal brought him, a human, another animal. Thoughts began to dance in Paris’s head. Had this beast turned rogue? Isn’t it strange that a dog would bring a dead animal to another human? He knew that this was common in cats, but this was a dog. Or was it? Perhaps this was an alien; maybe an alien that took on the form of a dog but got the characteristics of a cat?

      After some deliberation, Paris decided to see what else the dog, or cat, would do next. He began circling around the creature moving toward the entrance of his home. The beast picked up his prey and began to follow Paris.

      “Stay right there!” Paris shouted seeing what the creature would do, and it did as it was told. “It understood me,” Paris thought to himself, “I wonder what else it understands? Drop that gofer,” He commanded and the beast obeyed. “Walk away from it,” and again, the beast obeyed.

      Paris was impressed but still wanted to see what else the dog impersonator could do. He decided to give a more complex command.

      “Come inside the house and bring that with you,” he said pointing to the gofer.

      The four legged creature scoped up the kill in its jaws, and walked past Paris to go into the house without any hesitation. Paris became even more bewildered by the whole experience. He devised one more test before he would make up his mind about this “supposed animal.”

      Paris told his house guest to “make yourself comfortable” which the creature did. Lying down in the living room, the black figure began to devour the life it had slain. While the creature ate dinner, Paris went into the kitchen to look for three opaque cups. He tried to look for some sort of round object to hide under one of the cups. After not being able to find anything in the kitchen, he remembered that he had a pink super ball tucked away in his room and went to look for it. After climbing up to his bunk, Paris went straight to his clothing drawer and, in the corner of his sock drawer, was the bright pink super ball, which was about half the size of a baseball. It was given to him when his father had taken him to the zoo one day, and Frank had kept it ever since. But there was no time to reminisce about the past, Paris had to perform one last test on the creature.

      By the time Paris had gathered up the three cups and the super ball, the beast had already devoured the gofer.

      “You must have been hungry,” said Paris. The beast sneezed, and Frank could not help but laugh.

      “What are you, a human now? And I think you are supposed to burp, not sneeze,” he said laughing.

      The beast then scratched its ear playing the role of a dog.

      “Alright, let’s see how smart you really are,” Paris told his house guest to come into the kitchen and sit near the table. He showed the “dog” his pink super ball and placed it underneath one of the three cups. Quickly, he shuffled them around several times. After feeling that he had done a good job trying to fool his opponent, Paris asked the player to guess the location of the ball. Without hesitation, the black creature moved its nose knocking over the cup which had the ball underneath. Paris was stunned beyond disbelief.

      “Let’s do this again,” he said to the player. Paris did the same routine and asked the black beast to find the ball, and again the opponent beat the house. This went on for a total of 20 rounds and the “dog” found the ball every time.

      “And I thought apes were the only animals who were superior at this game,” thought Paris.

      This creature was smart, beyond smart. But, it acts so weirdly. It drops prey in front of him like a cat, sneezes like a human, scratches its ear like a dog, and plays the shell game like an ape.

      “You must be from Mars,” said Paris, “Because I have never heard of a dog that was able to do the things you can do.” And with that statement, Paris knew what to call this interesting being, Martian. And the two of them have played the shell game together ever since, even to this day when Paris was to meet up with Roxy.

      After losing a game to Martian, Paris looked at his clock and realized he needed to start toward Roxy’s place. He started to head toward his door less entrance but paused. Martian followed behind him and nudged his hand.

      “I’m… I’m nervous Martian. This is my first time spending time with…someone… outside of work. Aside from you of course, but Roxy will be the first…well… she isn’t you,” Paris laughed at this comment. He then went down to one knee to hug his friend, “I wish you were coming along with me pal.”

      After his hug, Martian quickly ran into the living room. When he came back, he nudged Frank’s hand open. Paris put his hand close to Martian’s mouth, and his friend dropped the pink super ball into Paris’s hand. Paris looked at the object for a few moments and almost cried, and Martian gave him a big wet kiss.

      Frank laughed, “Thank you, old friend.”

      And with that, Paris placed the super ball into his pocket, got off of his knee, and started his journey to Roxy’s knowing full well that no matter what happens, his best friend will have three cups waiting in the living room for him when he comes back; one for himself, one for his best friend, and one for Roxy if she chose to visit.

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