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      This story is based on a true story of a eleven year old girl who kills her first man.Then from the slums of Colombia goes on to be the queen of cocaine in Flordia and many parts of the United States and made it the drug of choice during the seventies.Killing husbands along the way when they were not need.Dead bodies wherever she went and millions of dollars made it alright.

      COLOMBIA 1

      In the slums of Colombia in 1943 was born a girl named Mia Arius to her mother Maria and her father Gael.Maria worked as a maid to a rich family and her husband took care of the gardens and horses they used to ride.

      Jose Gonzales was a rich banker and had a wife and two children.He often watched Maria do her house hold chores while his wife with the children on a shopping trip.She was very trim and a pretty face.Jose was fat and a bald but he knew how to get a maids attention.

      "Maria." he said as she was making the master chambers bed."Could you use some extra money for your family."

      She didn't turn but kept making the bed."Yes of course we live in slum and every dollar counts."

      Jose took several bills out of his pocket and through them on the bed."Yours and more to come."He said."More to come and you know what I mean."

      She leaned forward and picked up the money and stuck it in her dress pocket and then unbottom the front of her dress and let it fall.Then pulled the covers back and took off her bra and panties and slipped into the bed looking up at the ceiling.

      Jose took off his clothes in a hurry and pumped up his cock until it was hard and then got on top of her and forced his penis into her."Not to worry I told my wife to stay away for four hours."

      She smiled up at him and he kept pumping into her.Finally coming and then he got up and started to dress again.

      This kept up for several months and Maria had to have a leave of absence because she was with child.Gael knew it wasn't his but kept quiet and knew that it was probably his bosses child.

      After the child was born and she went back to work and it started up again with sex every time his wife was gone.

      "You know Jose Mia is your daughter that was just born a few months ago.We did it so many times last year it had to be yours.My husband is so drunk all the time after work he can't get it up anymore or even want to haven't had sex almost two years."

      He turned from the doorway."What are you saying woman you don't talk to me that way.Never call me by my first name its Mister Gonzales to you and I'll be damn if I ever admit that bastard child is mine."He said yelling the words out.

      "You owe me and not just a few dollars to help me raise Mia and get an education that is all I want I will never tell.Your wife already treats me like trash how could it get worse."

      Jose dug his hands into his pockets and toss some more money on the bed."Take it bitch and a little more each month but you keep it from your drunken husband."

      That evening in a shack on the side of a hil.Maria laid down on a cot with her baby breast feeding when her husband came in.

      "You got any money bitch?"He said looking around the kitchen.

      "Yes over there under a coffee can enough to get drunk on but not enough to gamble."

      "Gamble if I like and you'll pay if know whats good for you."Then he lifted the can twenty peso's."Where did you get such money its more then we get a month."He put it in his shirt pocket."Got anymore bitch?"

      Gael started to walk towards her and she pulled out a gun and pointed at him".I'll blow your fucking guts out you try to touch me again.Take that money and get the hell out of my life."

      He backed up knowing that murder in the slums never gets solved because they never even look into it.

      "What about my job at the Gonzales?"

      "I think they looking for someone new since you quiet."She said pointing the gun at him.

      "I need that money to live on.You can't just through me out ,where am I going to go."He said raising his hands in the air.

      "I don't know or care you come around here your dead.You come to the Gonzales your dead.Now get the fuck out."Then she pulled the trigger on the 38 pistol and hit the between his legs."Next shot will be higher."

      Jose backed out of the shack and put the the 20 in his pants and walked off towards the local bar and casino.Inside twenty was a lot of money in the slums and got a bottle of whiskey and sat down to play twenty one.

      The owner gave the Jose the eye and sat in on the card game.Pedro ran a small casino in the slums.Mostly small change and rarely anything larger then a ten peso's so when Gael came in with twenty it got his attention.Gael was a know drunk and a loser at black jack.

      Pedro took over the dealing of cards and playing the house."Okay Gael how much of your new found money you want to bet."

      "I feel lucky Pedro going to bet ten peso's."He smiled and took a large drink.

      "Okay buddy just you and me and everyone else out of the game."He dealt a ten to Gael and a seven to himself.Then a nine to himself as a hold card he had to hit.

      Gael's card was a ten and his hold card was a king."I am good mother fucker."

      "Huh."He moaned and took another card and it was a ten."Fuck." and turn them all over twenty five.

      So it went all night long it was almost like Gael had finally found his lucky star with this money.At the end of the night he walked away with one hundred peso's.The women were all over him and Pedro was thinking of sending some goons after him to kill and rob him.

      On his way out at midnight he grab a knife out of a hand of person cutting a steak.Then dropped a peso on his table.Then looked at Pedro and tucked the knife in his belt.

      Gael left and few minutes later a couple of guys followed on orders of Pedro.The slums at night were enough worse then the day no one was out least they wanted to get killed or robbed.

      Gael knew he had three miles to walk through the slums to the middle class area where hotels were with people with money stayed and kept the bums out.That was him tonight and he'd be damn if anyone was going to stop him.He heard the footsteps coming closer and now starting to run .If they had a gun they would have shot him already.His old army training kicked into his brain and he ducked into a doorway with his knife ready.

      The first man came running in the dark not knowing Gael had hidden.He was quiet a ways ahead of his partner.

      Gael put his foot out and the man tripped and fell on the hard ground knocking the wind out of himself.Then Gael jumped on his back stabbed him in the throat and he quickly bleed out dying in an instant.

      The second attack came up and hit Gael who was still over his friend and went flying.A club in his hand fell to the ground.He rolled over and got up and so did Gael.They danced around the attacker eyeing his club but Gael was closer to it.Then back up letting think he had a chance at the club.

      The attacker was sweating and afraid he think it would be this hard Gael a drunk.He desided to go for the club and come up and hit in the knees making him fall to the ground.He drove for the club and hit the ground.


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