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wanted to bed her but she would not let them because of Mia and wanted to change her ways.Besides she was getting older in her middle forties.

      Mia now five did not understand why she had to keep her distance from Evita in the big house."Why mother why can't I play with Evita ?"

      "Because they are the owners and we are the help never to mix.We are poor and they are rich and the ones with the money tell the ones without what to do .........remember that."

      Two years later Evita was playing by her swimming pool with her girl friends they were all seven and so was Mia looking at them from a distance near the horse barns,

      "Isn't the water so nice,"said Evita to a friend."So cool on a hot day like this,Its too bad for our help they can not swim."

      "There's Mia over there isn't she your maids child.Maybe you could let her swim with us."Said a friend.

      "No I don't think that would be right mixing with help.They are not good enough for us."Then all jumped into the pool.

      Mia roasted by the horses saying to herself that she would rich one day no matter what it took.She walked away out of hear shot and took a hammer from the barn and started hitting a tree as hard as she could seeing Evita's image and mashing her face in."I'll kill you mother will die one day."She kept hitting the tree until she fell down on the ground totally exhausted.

      From that day on she desided to get tough and in shape and able to use many weapons.The ranch hands were more then willing to help and show off a the sametime trying to impress Maria as well.

      Nacho was a thin man just in his twentys but had a talent with a knife.He could throw it and stick or fight with it in a pitch."Mia if you have to fight with a knife its best to shift the knife from hand to hand and doing stabbing moves with both hands.Cut a wrist is best sometimes they bleed out before your eyes.Or any where else you can cut the lose of blood will stop them or make them quit and you can run away or kill them."

      She practice with Nacho with a stick every chance she hand and after three months he gave her a knife it was a jack knife that locked into place.

      "Carry this with you at all times and keep it sharp and you will never be raped.

      Then came Juan a heavy set man in his thirtys."I think we are creating a monster in you but if we are then you must know guns.Knifes have there place but a gun will always beat a knife."Then he pulled out a 38 smith and Wesson.This is a six shot pistol and in the hands of trained person is a dangerous thing."

      Then he fired at a tree shooting branches off and then a couple of bottles.

      He put the gun in her hand and she fired the pistol and it knotted her on her butt."Shit Juan."

      "Look for a woman or small girl you have to spread your feet apart and lean forward for the recoil.As you get older and heavier it won't be so bad."

      She tried it again and this time did all he said to do and hit one bottle.

      "Fucking great Mia!"

      Everyday Mia would get up and do fifty push ups and fifity sit ups and twenty chin ups in the horse barn rafters.She was getting muscle bound and deadly.At school not many students went near her as anyone to insult her paid the price.

      "Mia you fucking shit head your so poor you wear the same clothes all week."Said a boy in her class in the play ground.

      She stood for a minute and then did a leg wipe and knocked him off his feet.Then sat on his chest and pulled out a knife."I could kill you but I won't if you swear your loyality to me."

      "Mia please don't kill me.I swear loyality to you from Fernando."

      From then on it was Mia and her shadow Fernando both poor and disperate but knowing they were children and had to use craft and not brute force which they did not have.After school on there way home they first tried pick pocking middle aged women coming home with food for the day.

      Mia would go up a lady."Excuse me mame can we help carry your food home we are going that way and you look like you need help.We don't want any money just trying to be friendly with our neighbors."

      The woman would usually have to large bags and purse hanging on her elbow.Fernando would grab both bags and lift them so high it would cover her face for a minute or two.Then Mia would open the womans purse and steal her wallet or take any visible folding money in site.

      To make things look good they would carry the bags to there house and leave right away before the woman could open her purse to see her wallet missing.

      Mia would spilt the money with Fernando and then go home and hide her share from her mother.Who would just drink it away or use the latest drug Cocaine that seemed to be every where all of a sudden.

      Four years later now eleven and the head of a group of school kids that raid the main town squire on the weekends.Four girls and five boys doing stealing of all kids and had started whoring with some of the older girls who were 14 and 15.Mia got all the money and spilt it among all of the gang.Robbing tourist with a gun in alleys and many times just when they they going to have sex with one of the girls if they looked like the had a lot of money.

      Mia was a eleven but developed five foot two and 85 pounds with a shape and smallest breasts.She could make herself look older and it was her turn to hook a guy.

      She stood in an alley with a skirt on short and showing a lot of leg and her blouse unbutton showing that she didn't have a bra on.

      "Hey buddy you want a fuck.......ten peso's."

      A middle aged man looked at her and he was already drunk on a Saturday and only noon."Shit little bitch you look pretty young might come out green instead of red."Then he laughed.

      She stepped forward and grabbed his cock through his pants while also filling for his wallet.

      It seemed fat and full of money."Oh I think you will do alright.Let me show where we can do it."Then grabbed him by his belt."Over there is a bunch of boxes pilled six feet high we will go there."Then she unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out and used it as a pull toy leading him to the boxes.

      Finally getting behind the boxes she undid his belt and pulled his pants and underwear.Then gave his cock a few pumps.

      "Hey pull your panties down and lets do it baby."He yelled.

      Fernando came out of a doorway with a 38."I don't think so today.We are going to take your wallet.You run to the police and a member of our gang will kill you do you understand or do you think our age says we are weak."

      The man was steaming mad and Mia bent over and took his wallet a months pay.He bent down to grab her and she took her knife out her boots she was wearing stuck it into his thigh.

      He fell over on the ground screaming."You fucking bitch I am going to kill you fucking kids."

      Fernando got scared let the pistol go down to his side.

      Mia took the knife out of his thigh and then buried the knife into his neck."Wrong words buddy because nobody gets even with Mia."


      Gael Arius 11 years later and the transformation was amazing.Now

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