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offered while sitting on a park bench.

      "What about the pushers now they have there territory and if we get into it they would try and kill us or something."

      "Not if we sale to new clients.People they couldn't get to.Kids in high school and college and workers in factories that need the endurance."

      The next day Mia went up to a pusher and asked him where he got his stuff as she had a new market and wouldn't take any of there area.

      "Get it from me and resale it."He said.

      "No no I want to make profit I want to get it from where you get it.Whats the difference I won't steal your customers."

      "Okay I get it from El Gato everyday just enough to sell that day.The next day I give him his profit and he gives me more to sell the difference is what I keep. Sometimes a lot and sometimes not much depends."

      The next day El Gato came to the dealers corner and stopped his car and was about to deal out some coke when Mia popped up.

      "El Gato I am Mia I want to buy some coke from you wholesale and I have cash up front.So the difference is mine.I have new customers and will only add to your profit."

      "What are you eleven or twelve what kind of bullshit are you telling."

      Then she opened up her purse and pulled out a hundred peso's."This kind of talk ."

      "Well .....well.....well I am impressed okay most don't pay up front and even better for me.Okay here is your stock with current prices you should double it but that's not my problem."

      The first stop was the high school and free samples went out at lunch time.Almost the whole school was high try day.As she handed out the free samples she told the kids the price if they wanted more tomarrow.She made the price about a weeks lunch money something they could afford to do.Just not eat lunch at school and some of the kids were from well off families and they could buy large amounts once hooked.

      With Fernando by her side who was a large kid for his age no one dared not pay.He carried a baseball bat with a glove to give the impression he was a player to local police but in reality it was his weapon.

      The next day kids line up at lunch time as Mia's school was just down the block and she opened her purse and had little bags of coke inside.The went over to the outside tables and started doing lines and soon all of her stock was gone and she doubled her money in one day.

      Mia started skipping school more and more and Fernando as well since they were making so much money.

      "Fernando you have to start carrying a gun that baseball bat won't do with adults and as soon as they find out how much money we have on us they will and take it and kill us as well.

      So they went looking for a gun at a pawn shop.The dealer wasn't allow to sell hand guns to people under 18 years of age but no one check ever.

      "So you children want to buy some guns is that right.Well you know they cost about fifty peso's each so why don't you just take off and stop waisting my time."

      "Look buddy,"Said Mia."Do you think we are stupid and blowing smoke out of ass.Been making money since I could remember."Then she pulled out three hundred peso's.

      The dealers eyes bugged out."Well why didn't say so in the first place.Okay what you need in the gangster world is something you can hide but powerful enough to stop a bad guy in his tracks.Here this U.S. Army 45 automatic with a clip of nine shots.Easy to reload in a fire fight and powerful enough to make him feel it."

      Fernando picked it up and shock it in his hand and then hide it under his shirt.Then looked down to see if you could see it."Ya okay and bunch of clips and bullets four boxes."

      "Now the lady a 32 cal Smith and Wesson snub nose revolver.If you shoot him in the heart or the head it will stop him dead just as much as the 45 but with less kick.More controllable for a woman."

      She picked it up and aimed it at a make believe gangster."Okay I need a leg holster."

      Then he wiped out a small holster that wiped around her thigh.

      "Okay buddy its a sale and when the gang gets bigger I will bring them here for weapons no names or records all cash."

      "You name the weapon and I can get it Thompson sub machine gun to a carbine,I can get it all."

      A week later the word had gotten out that two kids were making big money selling cocaine and were loaded with cash.They looked like easy marks thought the older thugs.Two bar flies outside bar next to a loading dock.They watched them come and go for a few days.

      "Omar look see they come back in the evening and there pockets look full of cash.So now is the time to hit them.Just kids what do they know and don't even have weapons"Jose said.

      "Shit all we have is knives and bigger."

      "That's enough come on,"then the two thugs followed them looking for a perfect place to rob and kill them.

      Soon they were in an industrial area now vacant.So they ran with knives out ."Stop or we will kill you.You little bastards."Omar yelled and flashed his knife.

      Mia and Fernando turned around."Oh look Fernando these big men are trying to rob us I am so afraid.Please do not hurt us we are just children."

      "Fuck that shit little whore we want your money and turn it over quick least we kill you and take it."Omar scream.

      "I have it under my skirt strapped to my leg and let me get it for you."

      "I am watching you little whore and funny moves and I'll stick you."

      Mia went under her skirt and pulle out her 32 snub nose and fired point blank into Omars head and he dropped like a rock dead.

      Jose now dropped his knife and back away."It wasn't my idea please let me go I won't say anything."

      "No you won't ,"said Hernando pulling his 45 and fired into the thug four times dropping him dead.

      Then they went over to the men and robbed them and put the money in there pockets.

      "Mia your so smart you knew the bums would come out after us but how."

      "Now we increase our gang for protection."

      The word got out that Mia and Fernando just killed a couple would be robbers and would stop at nothing to get ahead in the drug trade.So when they started looking for members of there street gang it was easy to get people who wanted in.

      Soon they had people at every high school and college and El Gato was bringing more and more product to Mia who now had rented a small wharehouse.Kilo's came in and kilo's went out everyday.

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