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not worth the judges and police to bother with.


      Maria had more money coming from Jose and her daughter had enough to eat and they moved to a better place.It was still in the slum but a step up and lower towards the rich and middle class.

      Rosa was Jose's wife and she had always been in a rich family.That was the main reason Jose and her had gotten married.A money marriage to keep in the families.She came from cattle where her father and brothers had thousands of head of cattle.

      She was very spoiled and demanding and fired the help for not jumping to her commands fast enough but Jose would never let her fire Maria.Saying that she was the best for there daughter.

      "As long as I don't have to take care of her then she can stay as long as Carman needs her but when she doesn't she is gone.She almost acts like one of the family.I give her orders and sometimes she just walks away.I want to kill her no jury would convict me I am sure."She said getting excited.

      "Just calm down and go shopping and take Carman with you and buy her some clothes you know that always makes you feel better."He smiled and handed her some money.

      "Your so sweet."Then gave him a kiss and left.

      Maria showed up as soon as she left."I heard I am not humble enough for the spoiled bitch."

      "Hey now watch it.You go to far no slum worker acts like you.Just because we have a baby together does not give you special privileges."

      "Oh no,"then she went over to him and unzipped his slacks and pulled out his cock and started pumping it until it got hard."You want to fuck me baby."

      Jose pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties and then bent her over a padded armchair.It felt so good it always did he was hooked ,he just couldn't get enough.Compared to his wife who didn't like to do it ever it was exciting.She moaned and acted like she was coming.He was never sure but it made it more fun.But now when he was about to come he pulled it out and jack off on your body.The come went all over her ass.He grabbed a towel from her cart and wiped it off.

      "Okay Maria okay just try and get along with my wife.Even if you tell her it won't end the marriage we get married for life.She'd just be more a bitch then she is and you'd be gone."

      Maria turned around and pulled up her panties and then went down on Jose sucking the last of his come from his penis.He moaned his legs got weak and he almost fell.

      Then she stood up and wiped the come from her face."Just remember who makes you come Jose."Then she walked away.

      Maria had a better place now not great but better.Mia had her own room and enough to eat and some left over for clothes.As long as Jose was alive and she could please him it would be good.But he was fifty and over weight and she was worried it he had a heart attack and died she would be gone the next day.

      She desided to walk the street after Mia went to sleep for the night a couple times a week for money to save.

      More times then not just a quickie in an alley.If they didn't have a rubber then they had to pull it out at the last minute.She could always tell when they were ready to come and just pushed them away.

      If they tried not to pay she had a knife and would hold it next to there cock."Pay or you will be a woman tonight."

      She had her regulars and some tourist and the money started adding up and she put it in the savings and soon there was almost a thousand peso's a small fortune.Enough to get by on for a few years if you were careful.

      Jose was getting a little difficult to get hard and she was starting to worry.If he couldn't get hard and there was no more sex then she might be gone.

      "I can't get it up Maria I am just too tired anymore from work at the bank."He said sitting on the edge of the bed.

      "Let me at least give you a rub down and she took off all her clothes and stripped Jose.He lay on his stomach and her cunt into his butt.She press down his spine and felt the muscles relax..Then she put some oil on her hands and put one finger into his butt and started pumping.Another grabbing his cock under and pumping.

      He moaned and what juices he had left came to life.His penis got hard and she rolled him over and got on top and rode him until he came inside of her not worrying about a baby.

      "Maria I am getting old you don't have to have sex with me anymore.As long as I am alive you will get money for Mia."

      So it went touch and filling but no sex.Maria was worried because that's how she controlled all of her men by sex.Rosa seemed to sense it and became more aggressive.

      But the money was adding up in the bank and she could live without working for about five years if she had too.But finding another man with a job and she could tell them all to get screwed.

      But none of the Johns fit the bill and where only interested in one thing.Most were married and didn't get it at home.

      Then one day Jose came home from work early and was sweating and grabbing his chest and his wife called the doctor.Maria was very afraid it finally had came would he make it or not?

      Jose lay in his bed with his clothes on not bothering to undress.Breathing hard and then all of a sudden his back arched in the air and then fell back dead.Just before the doctor came to the house.

      Beyound being afraid of Rosa she felt sorry for Jose she had come to feei a kind of love for him and almost cried but Rosa came down the stairs and pointed to the door.Not saying a single word as if she was not worth the trouble to speak.

      She knew it would happen one day no job and going up the aging ladder.She could only walk the streets so long before no one wanted her.She went to a bar to have a few drinks and sat down at a table away from everyone she needed to think.

      She brought a bottle of whiskey and a class and started to drink.

      The next day she awoke in bed with a hang over.She thought okay I let it out but I have to get something going and fast.She didn't want to whore anymore because she was getting to old for it and the Johns where fewer in between.

      She went outside and talked to her women washing there clothes in the fountain in the square.

      "Hey Lisa I got fired because Jose died you got any leads."

      Lisa was a middle aged woman who did maid work as well but this was her day off."Yes Bogota my family have a brother there needs a maid.I can put in a good word for you and yes you live in a maids quarters by the horse.Its roof over your head and your daughters too."

      "Okay Lisa thank you."


      Bogota Colombia Hector Lopez was a large rancher on the outside of town and had many workers for the cattle but he just lost his maid who had to quit because her husband was transferred to another city.

      Things went smoothly Hector was very handsome and happily married to his wife and there daughter was the same age as her's.His wife Angela was formal with the help not nasty but not friendly.Meaning you are an employee not family and don't but in.

      Maria desided to keep a low profile and do her job and go back to her daughter at night and have a few drinks with the cattle men.They all

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