When Boys Kiss Boys. Richard Crlik

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When Boys Kiss Boys - Richard Crlik

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      'I'll teach you fucking ungrateful kids a fucking lesson. I've fucking done everything for youse cunts since that bitch mother of yours left....'

      He remembered how his father had walked in and grabbed him by the hair, twisting it painfully. When Michael had yelled and tried to pull away his father had slammed his head sideways onto the kitchen counter top. He remembered waking up on the floor dazed and with blood caked to the side of his face.

      He had washed his face and scraped the dried blood from his hair and gone as silently as he could into the room he still shared with his brother. He could hear his father in the next door bedroom snoring loudly, drunk and out to the world.

      He remembered going through his brother's drawer and finding his 'stash'. He had mulled up and smoked enough cones to numb the pain but not enough to numb the hate. He remembered hearing his father grunt loudly in his sleep and then fart. He remembered going into the kitchen and coming back with the large knife. He remembered holding it against his father's throat and willing himself to push it in. Push it hard. Push it good.

      He remembered his art teachers words.

      'Don't let them upset you. Don't let them win'.

      He had left a small cut across his father's throat. He drew blood but he hadn't cut any arteries. He didn't remember what he did after that until the following morning when he had woken up. His arms covered in scratches and mosquito bites and his head bruised and throbbing.

      He took the freshly made tea into his father's room. Placing the tray on the bedside table.

      'There's enough there for two cups. I've got to go down to town and get some books from the library for school. I'll be back later this afternoon'.

      It wasn't true. He didn't need any books. He didn't know where he was going. He just knew he needed to get out. Needed to get away from this stinking old man that was his father. He wished Billy was still here.

      Billy and his mother had moved in to a house just along the highway about halfway through last year. Poor Billy had been a target on the first day he had arrived at school. Like Michael, he had come from a beach suburb and sported the surfer tan and long blonde hair that went with it. Unlike Michael he was small in stature and had his ear pierced. A pretty boy - a Poofter!

      The boys at school had seized on him without mercy. He was bullied and harassed at every opportunity. Michael hadn't needed to instigate anything. Half the school was on the poor kid by the end of the first day. Micheal had ignored it. Every new kid got the treatment. This kid was no different.

      One day they had been in the changing rooms getting ready for PE. Michael's mates had been tormenting Billy with a pair of smelly socks. Pinning him against the locker and shoving the socks into his face. Michael had been changing into his sports gear and was in his underwear when Billy had made a break and run from the boys.

      'Grab the faggot'. Sean Riley had yelled.

      Michael had automatically made a grab at Billy. Catching him by the shoulder and pulling him in towards him before throwing his other arm around him and pinning him in a tight hold against him.

      As Billy had squirmed against him, trying to get away, Michael had suddenly felt himself start to get hard. He was sure he felt Billy relax and push himself against him. The soft firmness of the boys buttocks like a ripe peach to a hungry mouth.

      Michael had shoved the boy hard away from him. Too hard. Billy had shot forward like a rag doll, falling over the wooden bench and going down, head first, hard onto the concrete floor. The other boys, too caught up in watching Billy topple with a helpless moan as blood gushed out from his cut forehead, hadn't noticed Michael's bulging underwear.

      He was dressed and soft by the time anyone bothered to help Billy. Of course it had to be Ben Carter. The only boy who would step in without waiting for an okay from Michael. He had picked the boy up and carried him to the shower and run cold water over the boys gashed head, telling one of the other boys to get the teacher, all the while looking at Michael with venom.

      No one, least of all Micheal, could believe it when Billy had recovered enough to explain to the furious sports teacher.

      'I was running around in the shower and I slipped. It was my own fault. The other boys will tell you I was acting like an idiot'.

      The teacher didn't seem convinced, but with all the boys confirming the story he had given Billy a lunchtime detention, after sending for the school nurse to make sure he was not seriously injured.

      Billy was left alone after that. He had earned the respect of the boys for not dobbing. Even more respect for turning up the next day sporting his gashed and swollen forehead as if it wasn't even there. He didn't make many friends that year but he had gotten the bullies off his back.


      Michael had done his best to avoid Billy for the rest of that week. It wouldn't do his reputation any good if he was seen talking with him and, he admitted to himself, it made him feel like an asshole every time he looked at the scabby bruise on Billy's forehead which he had caused.

      He hated hitting smaller boys. He liked seeing the boys appear weak and under his power but only when he could do it with threats, not hitting. He didn't want to be like his old man and take his anger out on someone who couldn't defend himself. He wasn't a coward like him.

      Billy and he caught the same train home each day and got off at the same station. Everyday after the locker room incident, Billy would be standing at the top of the station stairs when Michael walked past. He never said anything but always gave Michael a smile. Michael thought he was either a total idiot or pretty brave.

      Curiosity eventually got the better of Michael. That and the fact that once school was over and his mates had gone home he didn't have any friends his own age to hang out with. The suburb he lived in was stretched out down long roads which straddled the bushland ridges extending off the highway. The handful of old, fibro houses which clustered around the highway and railway station belying the large community that lay beyond. His mates either lived ages away or their parents wanted their kids to have nothing to do with 'that rough boy or his druggy brothers'.

      Michael had stopped and offered Billy a cigarette.

      'I think I owe you one'. He had said bluntly.

      Billy had refused the peace offering.

      'It's alright, got me own. 'Sides you don't owe me nothing'.

      'So why you always hanging around here waiting for me then?' This was almost said as a challenge.

      'No reason'. Billy had replied. 'Thought we could hang out together maybe and talk about the beach'.

      'Why would I want to talk about the beach? Haven't lived there for yonks.'

      'Dunno. Thought you might miss it like me. You look liked you came from the beaches. Thought so on my first day. Thought you were the only normal kid at the school that day'.

      Michael did miss the beach. He had only been back a few times since they had moved. His brothers had driven over every weekend for the first year after they had left and Michael had gone with them the first few times. They hadn't gone back to his old beach though and for

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