"REVOLUTIONIZE" Your Life. Peggy Caruso

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      Allow me to give an example to calm anger in the event that you encounter road rage. Now, in an office setting we use NLP where relaxation methods are utilized and incorporated with anchors and dissociation techniques. However, as previously stated, they are inapplicable in social settings or while driving a motorized vehicle. So, a QUICK solution would be to divert your attention to a positive thought. Think of the numerous aspects in which you are grateful for at that moment. Faced with anger you may question what you have to be grateful for at that particular time:

       Well, you have the physical and mental health to be able to drive,

       You have a vehicle to drive;

       You have an anticipated point of arrival;

       And then…take a look around…is there someone with you in the car you can be thankful for?

      I could go on with examples. We can all find ways to be grateful. Stop and really contemplate that the next time you are upset or angry. Look around…

       What and who do you have in your life to be thankful for at that moment?

       How beautiful is the day?

       Think about how much worse your life could be at that very moment,

       Then think about why you are angered….is it really worth it?

       Will the display of anger correct the situation?

       Will it eliminate your frustration?

      Fear, worry and doubt are the most crippling and they are linked to all aspects of failure. They linger in your subconscious mind to create the ‘domino effect’ and they are most commonly associated with poverty. Certain fears are associated with multiple scenarios.

      You will hear it explained as





      Try to think of it as something beneficial…something you need. Don’t think of fear as your enemy, you actually need it to grow.


       Each failure is a trial in an experiment and an opportunity for growth.

      So, acknowledge it, identify the source for creating it and examine it objectively.

      Let me give you a quick example of how I eliminated my fear of heights and flying. I was in a relationship with a pilot who owns a vintage aircraft restoration business, so I definitely needed to overcome my fear of flying. We owned a WWII Boeing Stearman bi-plane and in case you’re wondering what type of plane that is…it is an open cockpit plane. My first step was to apply the technique of imagining a happy moment in my life and each time I would anticipate the fear of the flight, I would close my eyes and picture that moment. Well…climbing into that WWII open cockpit bi-plane and flying 3500 ft. over the mountains would send my emotions through my body and would place me in a severe state of anxiety. Performing that visionary technique just wasn’t enough so I then started to redirect my mind toward the pilot’s responsibilities. I began to educate myself on flying and then when I felt confident enough in what I had learned, the pilot would allow me to take the controls while we flew. He would continually communicate with me on the headset. Preoccupying my mind with focus on the plane and safety helped to alleviate my negative thought process.

      I then started a debate with myself about the airplane:

       I would continually convince myself of the ratio between aircraft and motorized vehicle accidents. Even if you are a safe and cautious driver with excellent driving skills, you must still contend with heavy traffic and inexperience. Those multitude of risks are not probable in the air.

       I began to recognize safety features of the plane and affix in my mind the competency of the pilot, who was also the restorer.

       I also started to focus on the beauty of flying and being grateful for the beautiful earth below me.

      So, do you see how I utilized the combination of the techniques to redirect my mind from negative to focus on positive?

      With relaxation therapy and NLP you learn to pay very close attention to the client’s actions, which causes awareness in all daily encounters. Becoming attentive to outside conversations and stimuli between other individuals allows you to observe the amount of negativity exhibited. When you encounter negative conversation make the attempt to use words of encouragement to alter or redirect and try to turn the subject to that of a positive nature. Even within your own self, when you feel worry, doubt or fear starting to appear, replace them with positive affirmations. Never use the word ‘can’t’, ‘won’t’, etc. Subsequently, you’ll pay close attention to behavioral patterns and you’ll acquire the ability to distinguish negative language. Repetition and the desire for change will assist you with your endeavor for positive transformation.

      Now that you comprehend the power of the subconscious mind, the beginning of changing your paradigm (self-image), and the influence of positive dialog, you must now incorporate positive affirmations. You need to create a goal card that you will read aloud once every morning and once every evening. You must create a relationship with the Universe, God, or Supreme Intelligence….(whatever your belief). You must be very definite in what you write. Let’s use the example that you desire abundance. It is essential that you have the exact day you desire the money, the exact amount of money and what services you will render in return for it. Remember, you must also be grateful…and mean it!

      I will give you an example of a statement of gratitude that should be continually repeated (especially in the morning and evening):

      “I am so very happy and grateful for…..” (remember all the small things...they become big things). It should be a list comprised of at least (minimum) ten items. You need to do this every morning and you can change them each day. Maybe something happened the day before and it needs to be gratefully acknowledged. It becomes a pleasant experience and makes you stop and be grateful for the things we so often take for granted.

      The following is an example of what you could write on your card, but fill in the blanks to correspond with your situation. This comes directly from Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich."

      “By the ___ day of _____________, ____, I will have in my possession $, which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim. It will come to me in ever increasing quantities, through multiple sources, on a continual basis. In return for the money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, & the best possible quality of service in the capacity of _____________________.

      I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong

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