The Return on Leadership. D. L. Brouwer

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The Return on Leadership - D. L. Brouwer

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– it’s exponential. Clarity of vision drives engagement, which in turn drives clarity of vision, creating a virtuous cycle that feeds on itself in a self-renewing, upward spiral. In addition, the ROL effect is available to organizations in two ways, either by investing in leadership capacity growth in current leaders, or by bringing in more advanced leadership from the outside. Either way, over time, the organization will reap the rewards of its investment through concrete, measurable Returns on Leadership.

       The Whole Point of All This is What, Exactly?

      In the Introduction, I made it clear that it’s my job to prove to you that Growth and Leadership are clearly, inextricably linked. What follows are proof points, correlations that tie together a set of leadership principles, behaviors and outcomes by comparing the results of our study to easily understood, rigidly researched, concrete measures of leadership.

      Correlation #1 – Reactive Dimensions are defensive in nature. These behaviors equate to expending energy on outcomes you’re trying to prevent; in essence, trying to keep the train from jumping the tracks. Because of that, high Reactive scores have an overwhelmingly negative impact on organizations while low Reactive scores correlate to improved performance. The Leadership Circle Profiles™ that JP and I completed show Reactive scores that are rock-bottom and virtually identical, with JP’s at 15.3% and mine at 14.3%. In other words, when it comes to leadership, our reactive, defensive habits of thought rate lower than those of roughly 85% of our peers.

      Correlation #2 – Creative Dimensions are visionary and inclusive in nature. They equate to investing energy in achieving desirable outcomes, in essence enabling the train to run on time to new and interesting destinations. Because of that, low Creative scores are also deeply, consistently negative, while high Creative scores correlate to improved performance. The results of our LCPs show Creative scores that are sky-high, with JP’s in the 98th percentile and mine in the 92nd percentile.

      Correlation #3 – The Leadership Quotient (LQ), which we now know is derived from the combination of Creative and Reactive scores, correlates both to advanced stages of adult development and to peak organizational performance. As a quick reminder, expressed in the definitive measure of LQ, Reactive leadership averages .67, highly effective Creative leadership averages roughly 2.0 and mind-blowing Integral leadership averages 9.0.

      Neither JP nor I purport to be either Lincoln or Mandela, but with virtually identical LQ scores of 6.40 and 6.39 respectively, our LQ scores say that, all other things being equal, in the roles in which we were assessed, we were more than three times as effective as the average Creative leader. More strikingly, we were nearly ten times as effective as the Reactive Leader who oversees the boulevard of broken dreams that most of us call “work.” In other words, our LQs predict that if you put either of us in charge of a sullen, conflicted mess run by an entrenched Reactive leader, the odds are good that the outcome will be what the world recognizes as a turnaround.

      That leaves us with one final correlation. Do our methods in fact correlate to measurable organizational success in the real world? Can that success be mapped back to the chain of correlations we’ve already documented? There is only one way to know for sure. The answer to that final question lies in completing an in-depth exploration of the precise scenarios measured in our respective Leadership Circle Profiles™. We will need to comb through them looking for evidence that our leadership principles, independently derived during our inadvertent double-blind study, actually work. Our Leadership Circle Profiles™ and years of experience have led us to believe that, in the eyes of the people we led, we were seen as highly effective. But did we actually apply our methods in those situations, and if so, did we achieve measurable, quantifiable results?

      The next section of this book consists of three case studies that allow you to be the judge. The first is an in-depth study of the naval aviation system itself, including the insights and the ensuing turnaround that created the culture in which JP and I were immersed during the highly impressionable early years of our careers. The remaining two are more personal, pulled directly from our parallel experiences, true tales of the exact real-world scenarios in which we were assessed using the Leadership Circle Profile™.

ROL in the Real World

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