The Return on Leadership. D. L. Brouwer

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The Return on Leadership - D. L. Brouwer

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The profiles are visible evidence that in challenging real-life turnarounds, our system of leadership places us in the upper echelons of effective, authentic leadership.

      How significant is that? Who better to comment than Bob Anderson, Chairman and Chief Development Officer at The Leadership Circle, not to mention the creator of the Leadership Circle Profile™ itself.

       DB’s Leadership Circle Profile™ (LQ = 6.39)

       JP’s Leadership Circle Profile™ (LQ=6.4)

      "Without necessarily setting out to do so, Dennis and JP have 'cracked the code' of what makes for effective leadership and its impact on business performance. By focusing on what works – what we call Creative Leadership Competencies – they were each able to drive significant and meaningful change in their organizations, and get sustainable, high-performance results. When combined with a healthy balance between relationships and results, their high Creative Competency (and low Reactive) scores paint a picture of mature and effective leadership." -Bob Anderson, CEO, The Leadership Circle

      So, we’ve got our own ideas about how we did, we’ve got in-depth, quantitative assessment results, and we’ve got the informed professional opinion of the guy who, with his business partner Bill Adams, literally wrote the book (Mastering Leadership, 2015, HarperCollins). In each case, the judgment is that we performed well as leaders, better in fact than roughly 98% of the hundreds of thousands of leaders assessed over the years using the LCP.

      We thought we were onto something, and now we’ve got proof. We’ve got the statistical validation we were looking for, courtesy of the authoritative Leadership Circle Profile™. And the LCP has in turn focused us on our real-world case studies, me at Savvis, and JP at VS-41.

      But before we dig into those case studies, the results of our efforts as leaders, and the Return on Leadership experienced by our organizations, let’s learn a bit more about the science of leadership. We’ll start with some additional background on Bob Anderson, 360s in general, and the Leadership Circle Profile™ in particular.

The Road to ROL

      Chapter 3 – A Jury of Your Peers

       An Unlikely Jedi Master

      You’ve been introduced to Bob Anderson, but to become better acquainted, there are three things that you really need to know about him.

      The first is that, today, Bob is a revered, engaging presence at the pinnacle of the leadership development industry. As previously stated, Bob is the founder, former CEO, chairman and chief statistical intellect at a company called The Leadership Circle. The company is built around a leadership assessment that he designed and validated, word by painstaking word, and its adherents do business with top companies around the world.

      The second is that this was not always the case. By his own admission, before he became a Jedi Master of leadership, Bob described himself as a “flaming perfectionist,” which, in his own words, means “there’s a right way to do everything, and I know what it is.” A highly qualified leadership coach who worked with him decades ago described Bob as, simply, an asshole.

      The third thing to know is that Bob has spent his life figuring out how he made the transition from where he was then to where he is now. Since he is a scientist at heart, with degrees in economics and organizational development, he facilitated his discovery process by creating an assessment of an individual’s leadership competencies and their impact in organizational settings. It’s like an x-ray of each individual leader in that no two are identical, the news isn’t always good, and as a diagnostic tool, it provides a factual basis for future courses of action, or as Bob puts it, a motivation to change.

      As described in Mastering Leadership, Bob drew his initial motivation from a conversation he had with a cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking Trappist monk who had pursued a lifelong interest in leadership development. Inspired, Bob went on from there to immerse himself in the study of leadership. As he waded through his learning process, he discovered an unintegrated “random collection of great stuff.” As an intense, detail-oriented perfectionist, Bob set about integrating it into a comprehensive, internally consistent model that explains pretty much anything you would like to know about leadership, and a lot more.

      Over a period of years, he baked every aspect of leadership theory that he could get his hands on into a single, universal model. He studied the best from the fields of leadership, psychology, and human potential, and eventually turned to the research in an esoteric field known as Adult Development. This proved to be the catalyst for the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) and the key concept it embodies, known as Universal Leadership.

      Like Bob, it’s brilliant.



      The diagnostic tool that Bob invented is one of many that may be used by leadership coaches in their work with clients. In addition to in-depth interviewing and a variety of development practices, leadership coaches make use of assessments like the LCP to quantify their clients' developmental status and how they are “showing up” as leaders at work. One type of assessment that is frequently used is referred to as a “360.” To understand a 360 assessment, it’s helpful to visualize the leader who is being assessed as sitting at the center of a web of relationships, or at the hub of a wheel with their boss, peers and direct reports arrayed around the rim. In a 360 assessment, the person at the hub is assessed by the people on the rim.

      The Leadership Circle Profile™ builds on this concept in several ways. In addition to the individuals around the circle assessing the leader at the center, the leader also completes a detailed self-assessment, which is systematically compared to the experience of those arrayed around the circle. Next, the results of the LCP are scored against a huge pool of similarly situated leaders, so that each leader is compared against their global peers. Finally, the LCP has been rigorously researched, to the point where there is a strong, statistically validated correlation between results on the LCP and outcomes in the real world.

      Another way to say that is that high-percentile scores on the LCP don’t just translate into a leader who is better liked. The higher percentile scores actually predict organizational success or failure by measuring the extent to which an individual’s ability to lead serves as a strategic strength or weakness. It’s as though the leader, as an individual, is empowered to receive direct, unbiased feedback on how they’re doing as a leader, with the capabilities tied directly to organizational outcomes.

      The combination of these overlapping perspectives provides key insights that can be woven together into an intuitive, comprehensive view. This perspective includes the way in which the leader thinks they’re showing up, the ways in which other participants experience the leader’s behaviors, how the leader compares to others like themselves and, the coup de grace, the leader’s likely impact in the real world. Depending on your perspective, your leadership ability and your awareness of how you’re doing, it’s a lot to absorb. And the results? Let’s just say the results can rock your world.

       Leaders, Followers, and Dimensions

      To be clear, the Leadership Circle Profile™ is not a popularity contest.

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