Celia's Shadow. Sandy Levy Kirschenbaum

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Celia's Shadow - Sandy Levy Kirschenbaum

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foot. She took a long, deep breath. She breathed in the ocean smell and instantly felt calm.

      Cigarette? Calories? Cigarette? Calories? Maybe both? No! Don’t do it. Think of the wrinkles it will cause with every puff you take. Think about your lungs. Don’t do it. A lollipop and a carton of ice cream replaced her urge for a smoke. With the rounded candy of the lollipop, she dug out small bits of ice cream.

      Celia sat at the kitchen table under the window and stared out as she sugared up. On the street below, she saw a couple walk together through the glow of a streetlight. Look how cute they look holding hands. Would I ever be open to another relationship? Geoff’s face popped into her head. Her blood ran cold as the hairs on the back of her neck stood straight. It had been a very long time since she thought about him. She walked to her night table and picked up a book of matches on the way.

      Keep the Fizzy

      The text came through Celia’s phone minutes after she arrived in her office. C. can u meet me 2day 4 lunch. E.

      Celia responded immediately: c u at 12. did u remember a good story 4 me?

      Emma responded: Yup.

      At their usual table in the courtyard outside of the cafeteria, Celia waited for Emma to arrive with their lunch.

      “Great idea to share a pizza.” Celia opened the box and took out a slice covered with cheese and pepperoni. “It smells amazing.” She put the slice on a paper plate and handed it to Emma. She took another for herself. “Yum!” The cheese was stringy and stretchy, exactly the way she liked it. “This sauce is spicy and sweet. It’s perfect! What’s the lunchtime entertainment today?”

      “It’s stupid. After Jillian was diagnosed, I visited with her more than usual and entertained her with these stories. I told her about a dopey drink episode. After this incident, she made me make a promise to her. I promised that whenever I’m put in an uncomfortable situation, I’ll take a deep breath, pause, and respond with a question. Ya know, something like ‘What do you mean?’ or ‘Why do you say that?’ Throws the attention right back at the attacker. It took me awhile, but I practiced a lot and finally got better at controlling my actions. I still try to be prepared, but I don’t always do the right thing for me.”

      “What was the drink story?”

      “It happened a couple years ago.” Emma took a bite of the pizza. “I told this incident to Jillian right before she passed. Here’s what happened.”

      Fredric and Emma arranged to meet Freddy and his friend Mitch for lunch in Essex. Freddy arrived, without Mitch.

      “I thought he was bringing Mitch.” Emma moved close to Fredric and whispered in his ear. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.

      “So did I. Not sure what happened.”

      “Hey. I was going to bring Mitch, but he had to work late.” He looked powerlessly at his father and then at Emma.

      “Hope you don’t mind that I tagged along.” She flashed a huge smile. “I didn’t want Freddy to take the drive by himself.”

      “Really, Mom? It’s a twenty-minute drive,” an irritated Freddy snapped.

      “No problem at all.” Emma was outwardly polite. Let’s walk over to that dock and I can push you off. Don’t stoop to her level. Stay calm.

      Emma resented lunch being hijacked by Freddy’s mom—she did a terrible job hiding her discomfort. How inappropriate are you? This is Fredric’s time with his son, and you have to encroach on their visit, don’t you? Fredric rubbed her back, but she remained anxious and trapped with this sudden guest list modification. She anticipated a pleasant and peaceful lunch where they would talk about his job and life in general. That plan vanished into thin air as soon as her stepson arrived with his mother.

      “What’s this fizzy on the menu?” Freddy’s mom jumped in to ask the waiter before anyone ordered.

      “It’s a new fun drink this summer. It’s a concoction of fruit and citrus juices and a splash of seltzer to make it fizzy.”

      “Is it any good?”

      “Mom, you think the waiter’s going to tell you it isn’t good? Order one and try it.” Freddy’s tone remained annoyed at his mother.

      “Okay, give me a fizzy.”

      Emma ordered shrimp cocktail. The rest of the group ordered lobster rolls with French fries.

      The server brought Emma’s shrimp and the ex-wife’s fizzy to the table. He assured the group the other lunches would be delivered momentarily. He forgot to fill their water glasses.

      Freddy’s mother immediately reached across the table and helped herself to a shrimp from Emma’s plate. She dipped it into the small cup of cocktail sauce at the edge of the dish. “You don’t mind if I try one, do you?” She took the entire shrimp into her mouth at once.

      Emma was horrified. She sat speechless and frozen. How can you be this rude? At least you ate it so fast you didn’t have time to double dip. Her stomach felt tight and jumpy. Relax. Don’t let this person make you uncomfortable. Ignore her. Breathe. Pity the fizzy drinker.

      The other lunches were served, but the server had yet to bring water to the table. Emma glanced around the room to locate the waiter.

      “Do you need something, hon?” Fredric asked.

      “I’d love a drink. He never brought water. I should have ordered a seltzer.”

      “Let me share my fizzy with you. I haven’t even touched it.” The ex-wife pushed her chair out, got up, and walked to the booth across from their table. She picked up a glass that sat on a tray of dirty dishes. The glass contained a tissue at the bottom—a ketchup-covered fork stood upright in the glass. She used the fork to pull out the dirty tissue that was stuffed inside. She removed her straw from the fizzy and poured half of her bubbly beverage into the germ-filled glass. She grinned and handed the disgustingly used glass to Emma. “Here you go, Em.” She winked at Emma as she moved her hand away from the glass.

      Emma was fuming, her anger plainly visible. The harder she tried to hide her irritation, the more noticeable it became. She felt her rage race up and down inside her. She was aware of her neck as it became hot and turned red.

      Fredric instantly reached over and pushed the glass to the edge of the table. The original fizzy sat on the table in front of his ex-wife. She had yet to take a sip. Emma stared at the untouched glass and took a deep breath. She stretched her arm across the table, grasped the ex-wife’s glass, and took a big gulp. “Thank you for sharing.” You are truly a fucking bitch. I never gave you permission to use my name, let alone turn it into a nickname.

      Freddy witnessed the entire episode and turned his head away. His mother sat speechless with her lips tightly squeezed together.

      “This is wonderfully refreshing. You should try it.” She motioned to the revolting glass she had placed down by her husband’s ex-wife.

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