Celia's Shadow. Sandy Levy Kirschenbaum

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Celia's Shadow - Sandy Levy Kirschenbaum

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some time with Freddy and Edie?” Celia pushed the nuts to the center of the table.

      Emma laughed. “Yes, I did.”

      “Why’d you laugh?”

      “It’s funny to hear you say ‘Edie,’ that’s all.” Emma placed the bowl of salad on a paper towel. “As you know, I’ve cut my visits down tremendously. I was foolish to think we would get a quality visit without her. When she’s going to be there, I need to prepare myself with a suit of armor.”

      “Don’t you prepare yourself every visit?”

      “Of course I do. A month ago, Freddy told us she was busy on Father’s Day and would not be there. When we turned onto Freddy’s street, she drove past us in the opposite direction. Fredric and I were happy that she was leaving. Five minutes later, she came back to spend the entire day with us. Not sure how her plans changed so quickly. Fredric once told me she doesn’t stay if I’m not there. Obvious or what?” Emma took a Jillian-inspired deep breath.

      “Yeah, I’d say it’s obvious.”

      “She parked right next to Fredric’s car and went into Freddy’s apartment as soon as she arrived.” Emma shook her head as she recalled the event. “The plan for the day was a cookout with some of Freddy’s friends in the afternoon and then the three of us were going out to dinner.”

      “By three of you, you mean you, Fredric, and Freddy?” Celia picked up a few nuts and popped them in her mouth.

      “Exactly. She wasn’t in the plan. She wasn’t supposed to be there. Instead of going into the house, we hung out with Freddy in the garage—while he fixed his bicycle. Within two minutes, she was standing right next to me. My jaw tensed up, but I tried to remain relaxed. Her other kid was with the husband.”

      Celia had taken a bite from her sandwich and appeared as if she were about to choke. “What other kid?”

      “Her little girl.”

      “Emma?” Celia said in a singsong tone. “What are you talking about?”

      “Geez! Did I forget to tell you about her daughter? I think she’s in third or fourth grade. She spent the weekend in Maine with her dad and the grandparents.”

      “Aren’t you full of surprises?” Celia’s eyes were opened wide. “That’s a big age gap between Freddy and the daughter.”

      “I guess she had a hard time getting pregnant this time.”

      “Go on.” Celia listened intently.

      “She walked up to me and stood so close we nearly touched elbows. I can’t even tell you how uncomfortable I was to have her breathe down my neck. Then the guys needed a chain or something and were going to go to the bike shop.”

      “What did you do? Were you stuck alone with her?”

      “I whispered to Fredric that I planned to take a walk. She listens intently to every word I say. I don’t know how she heard me, but in a second, she invited herself on my walk. I told her I was taking the walk to avoid spending time alone with her.”

      “Get out! Did you really say that?”

      “No, but I desperately wanted to. I didn’t need to go for a walk if she was going to join me. The entire purpose of the walk was to get away from her. She didn’t ask—she told me she would come with me. As if we’re friends. I stayed civil. She wasn’t nasty or insulting. Not THIS time.” Emma took a bite of her lunch and a sip of her drink.

      “Emma, I don’t know why you try to be civil. She doesn’t.” Celia put a few more nuts in the palm of her hand. “I’m dying to hear what happened this time.”

      “I honestly can’t remember how everything transpired, but here’s what happened.”

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