Universal Anthems. Aadil Farook

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Universal Anthems - Aadil Farook

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bliss is indeed a very rare phenomenon

      It's the fruit of intense self-transformation

      Contemporary standards of success are ego-boosters

      Endless inner voids turn us into imposters

      How can ignorance to the self's need

      give birth to a truly amazing deed?

      When the soul is disconnected from its origin

      Contentment is merely a theoretical description

      Only once, I have experienced that ecstasy

      that Sufis manage to possess perpetually

      I can never deny that divine force

      that links us to our actual source

      As long as pure religion is deemed as life's rival

      Pursuit of happiness will remain a viscous cycle!

      The Unnamed Lyrics

      Till the esoteric dimension isn't understood

      one will remain deprived of servanthood

      Till the veils are not lifted

      one is ignorant no matter how gifted

      Till the Listener is not flattered

      one's prayers are not answered

      Till one doesn't feel a Divine Presence

      one's religiosity is devoid of essence

      Till all the faults, one doesn't admit

      one's worship is a body without spirit

      Till all doors aren't knocked

      one's ascent is blocked

      Till the thorns aren't felt like roses

      one cannot claim to experience gnosis

      Till intellect is not negated

      one's humility is over-rated

      Till logic isn't unseated

      one's faith isn't completed

      Till pride isn't spilled from above

      one's heart isn't filled with love

      Till the path is travelled without a master

      one cannot be labelled as a traveller

      Till one's worth is reckoned significant

      one's progress will stay stagnant

      Till other's aren't seen as superior

      one is denied freedom from anger

      Till one's own caliber is the reliance

      one isn't granted the trait of silence

      Till there is no shattering of ego

      one's passions, one can't forego

      Till the higher consciousness isn't awakened

      one's self is a symbol of being decadent

      Till one is deaf to the beat of this world's drum

      one continues to be endowed with pearls of wisdom!

      On 14th August

      Beloved Pakistan, Happy Birthday

      For you, I should've written an essay

      But I would prefer to pay

      a small tribute in a lyrical way

      So many talents, you've managed to display

      You're gifted with bounties not to decay

      In crisis, don't let your resolve sway

      Your image, the media tries to slay

      You're beautiful no matter what others portray

      To your accolades, blind are they

      On your ground, as I lay

      I feel your fragrance's spray

      With sheer sincerity, I say

      We are honored to reside on your clay

      Whose saints don't let us go astray

      May no nation use you like an ashtray

      Your pact, let no politician betray

      To your enemies' plan, don't fall prey

      Strive to keep your tears at bay

      No matter how much you are in dismay

      Your future is brighter than a sun-ray

      Your radiance will never fade away

      On this earth, you're bound to stay

      With the vision of Jinnah, let none play

      With the fervor of Iqbal, we all pray

      To Islam, may your constitution be a stairway

      The Divine Code, may our leaders obey!

      Anthem 2016

      When humanity is under the spell of whim's seduction

      When thoughts are twisted by Satan's deception

      When feelings are filled with Nafs's dictation

      When there isn't left any purity in intention

      When faith doesn't possess an iota of conviction

      When success is measured by ego's affirmation

      When education is sought for wealth's accumulation

      When knowledge is gained just for domination

      When prosperity is seen as buildings' erection

      When peace is meant for the victim's subjugation

      When sincere activists only encounter exasperation

      When the Creator is assumed to have undergone extinction


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