Universal Anthems. Aadil Farook

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Universal Anthems - Aadil Farook

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style="font-size:15px;">      But I can't prove on the basis of reason

      Your veracity can only be gauged through experience

      Why does the world demand rational evidence?

      Science is too shallow to fathom your multi-dimensional nature

      Philosophy can't satisfy the knowledge-seekers of high stature

      Perhaps, only Mysticism quenches the human thirst

      No wonder, it reaches the destination first

      It frees man from the choking and deceptive web of logic

      Too much indulgence of which only turns the soul sick

      It demands too much humility

      rather than mental ability

      The one who doesn't go after proof

      eventually hits the sky's roof

      Faith and belief aren't everyone's ball-game

      To the intellect, they may appear lame

      Beware of West's infatuation with the mind

      An untainted heart, they can't find

      Till today, the phenomena of consciousness perplexes them

      Because they consider brain as the root rather than stem

      It is pure love that is the real master

      or the spiritual journey is a disaster!

      The Revolution

      With utter dismay, the Ummah sees its face in the mirror

      Defeat, humiliation and despair forms the entire picture

      In the last two centuries, many movements have taken place

      that claimed to change the dynamics of time and space

      Yet none of them was successful in bringing an Islamic revolution

      Because, with the prophetic methodology, they were in contradiction

      From a great scholar, I have learned the revolutionary process

      I sincerely hope that my message reaches all the masses

      It starts with a ground-breaking ideology

      shattering all 'isms' with its philosophy

      Intellectual cleansing takes place through preaching

      For which modern means are a source of blessing

      Knowledge of Islam is transferred as much as possible

      without which pollution of minds is inevitable

      Mere intelligence can't traverse, towards truth, the journey

      Wings of faith are granted to set humans free

      Then the influenced individuals are brought on one platform

      Without unity and discipline, failure is the norm

      Then the leader imparts a special training to his people

      So that the impact of anti-Islamic efforts is feeble

      This most vital step is known as spiritual purification

      the religious counterpart of West's self-actualization

      Followers are transformed so that they reach the level of servitude

      Divine light is poured into their hearts granting them fortitude

      Since, at this stage, the number of adherents of Truth is only few

      They adopt passive resistance to the opposition they're put through

      This attitude in contrast to the enemy's cruelty

      earns the sympathy of the silent majority

      Thus, slowly and gradually, the number of supporters increase in number

      Active resistance without violence wakes the common man from slumber

      Initially, civil disobedience is encouraged without fighting

      But the time arrives to overthrow the ones, ruling

      A direct physical confrontation between the two is manifested

      Courage and integrity of revolutionaries are tested

      Now there should be no obstacles in implementing the word of God

      Be it armed conflict, military struggle or through the sword

      If ideology is powerful, it can't be confined within a country

      If based on reality, it will transcend geographical boundary

      This is the supreme technique of the dervish known as Muhammad

      If not applied, the Ummah will remain just a puddle of mud!

      The Godless Delusion

      Be not baffled by the prevalence of many a smiling face

      It is the perfect mask for the sorrow of human race

      How can a pain that is of a spiritual nature

      be erased by indulgence in a physical venture?

      The tragedy of man is that he has mistaken

      momentary pleasure with real satisfaction

      How can a mind full of falsity be at ease?

      How can a blemished heart be at peace?

      So much has been said on the concept of consciousness

      Yet modern thought is devoid of intellectual finesse

      Microscopic exploration of matter is the obsession

      As if the spirit is in a state of recession

      Is the quest for quenching never-ending curiosity

      possible without comprehending ultimate reality?

      These so-called sages claim to be path-seekers

      Yet time unveils them as truth's disbelievers

      Laborious learning of facts yields just information

      But mystics gain special knowledge through intuition


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