Image Carriers. Genel Anthony

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Image Carriers - Genel Anthony

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back then, as he lived four houses down the road with his single mother. Joey spent most of his time with Adam and would often visit or play in his yard even when Adam wasn’t home.

      Adam remembered one sunny afternoon when Joey was sitting on the grass in his backyard, and four huge black magpie birds were walking around him and even jumping over his outstretched legs. They had no fear of him and vice versa, and he would occasionally touch and stroke them. These birds were wild and would often fly away when you walked towards them. They would also attack you if they had young chicks around.

      Joey also had some affinity with plants, and he would often assist Adam in his vegetable garden and innately knew what to do with vegetation and young seedlings. Adam would give up on his garden, as his vegetables and flowers always ended up resembling a compost bin, with lots of dead and rotting plants. Sometimes, Joey would spend some time in his garden and before long, they were eating fresh garden produce, and his flowers bloomed like there was no tomorrow. His home-grown vegetables were also larger in size and sweeter and juicer than those bought in stores. Adam had just come to accept Joey’s extraordinary talent in these areas and had come to recognize it as part of Joey’s personality. Even his mother used to say to Adam that she has no idea where Joey gets his information from, as he didn’t take after her or his father in terms of disposition and personality. He is a totally unique child with an old soul, she used to say.

      After making their favourite meal together, spaghetti bolognaise, Adam told Joey of his plan about trying to make contact with more people who possess psychic skills. Joey thought it was a great idea and wanted to be involved. Adam didn’t think that he should be involved at this time, as he wanted Joey to stay focused on his job and friends and to get on with his young life.

      Adam thought of contacting psychic groups, but wanted to start something where people had demonstrated their talents, and he was thinking more along the lines of ex- clients and people he had known and was convinced of their uncanny abilities. He also thought that he would have to do this in secret somehow, if that was at all possible.

      The next morning, Adam suddenly realised how he could test the waters about contacting psychic people. It actually came to him while listening to his radio when the alarm went off earlier. He was going to advertise in his local paper and the general paper. He thought of the local paper so people could meet up with him face to face, whereas the more long-distance people would have to rely on the phone or email. Even young Joey thought this was a great idea.

      Two weeks had passed since Carol placed the advertisement according to Adam’s brief. Not one person called in or corresponded by email. Carol thought the advertisement was well-written and couldn’t work out why nobody responded. The advertisement was descriptive, mentioning a research project and that applicants could remain anonymous if they wish; that the results may be published in an article or book. And she had even added free lunch and refreshments. The advertisement was simple, straightforward with incentives. Adam was disappointed and couldn’t work out what went wrong, as he was sure that there were people out there with these gifts.

      Things died down for a while and Adam continued working with his clients. He was running an Assertiveness Training class when his receptionist called him from the office. Adam was in another part of the city teaching a group of about eleven people, all managers. Carol sounded strange on the phone, as she didn’t know what to make of the call she had just received. She told Adam that a strange gentleman called and he sounded sort of menacing in a way, asking questions about why they placed that advertisement a few weeks back. Carol had actually forgotten about the ad and had to think quick and hard when he brought it up. She told Adam that he wanted to know who worked in the centre, how many people were employed; he wanted names and qualifications and wanted to know if anyone was working on any esoteric projects. She told him that she would take his name and number and get the manager to call him, but he did not want to leave his details and finally hung up.

      A few days later, while Adam was in session, the same man called and wanted to speak with the manager. Carol reminded the caller that Adam was in a meeting, and that she would take his contact details and have the manager call him back, but again, this strange-sounding man did not want to leave any details. Later that day, Carol raced into Adam’s office as he was working on his notes and quickly whispered that the same man was on the phone again. Adam was fed up by now, as he didn’t want to see Carol so worked up from this man’s constant calls; he thought he would be firm with the caller and put an end to this once and for all. He had it all planned. But the caller sounded hesitant and nervous at first, unlike what Adam was expecting. He asked if he was speaking with the manager. Adam advised him that he was, and that he also spoke to his receptionist, Carol, and wanted to know why he was ringing all the time. However, the caller wanted to know how big the centre was and how many staff were employed there. Adam reminded him that it was only him and Carol. After a pause, this mature sounding man said his name was Thomas Garrett, but told Adam to call him Tom. He asked if he could have a meeting with Adam.

      Carol came into Adam’s office and asked what happened with the caller. Adam told Carol that it was a strange call, but agreed to meet with Mr Garrett the next day. Carol looked anxious and asked if Adam was doing the right thing, as she got weird vibes from his calls. Adam reassured Carol that the meeting would be fine.

      Adam arrived home and, as per usual, Joey was watching television, playing on his laptop and listening to music all at the same time. Adam sometimes wondered why he took Joey in, but then remembered when Joey went to stay with his mother for two weeks during his holidays, the house felt empty and lonely. Over time, they had become close, like best friends. Joey was growing up very quickly and maturing into a responsible young man.

      The next morning, right on time, an elderly well-dressed gentleman in his late sixties or early seventies, entered Adam’s office and went over to Carol. He told her he had an appointment with Adam. Carol gave him a clipboard with a personal details form to be completed. He didn’t say much and sat in the corner chair, reading the forms. Carol sent an email to Adam letting him know that his odd client had just arrived, and that he did not look scary at all.

      Tom Garrett walked into the office with Carol. Carol gave Adam a curious look as she handed him Tom’s paperwork, gesturing down at the forms she had just handed to him. Adam noticed that Tom had not filled out all the information and had left out his personal details, only writing in his first name. He had left the other areas blank. Adam politely reminded Tom that he must complete the forms; otherwise the session would not go ahead. Carol closed the door behind her as she left the room. Tom seated himself and told Adam that he wasn’t there for a counselling session, and that he wouldn’t be staying long. He just wanted to meet Adam and have a quick chat about something. Adam asked how he could help the old man.

      “It is nothing serious,” the man spoke in a friendly way. “It is in regards to your ad in the local paper.” He pulled out a neatly cut-out advertisement of Adam’s ad and showed Adam.

      “Yes, how can I help you with that,” asked Adam, not sure where all this was heading.

      “I may be interested in what you had to say in your advertisement?”

      “In regards to…” Adam sat forward.

      “Not sure. What have you got to offer?” The old man responded, looking expressionless. Adam thought his behaviour was a little odd and respectfully decided to bring the meeting to an end, as he wasn’t really getting anywhere and realised that this vague old man may be lonely and perhaps looking for some drama in his life.

      “Mr. Garret,” Adam spoke, keeping a polite tone, “I think you have made a mistake coming here, as I don’t really know what you want and I am not sure how I can help you.”

      The man with the balding, short silver hair smiled gracefully and stood up. He thanked Adam for seeing him and left as quickly as

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