Image Carriers. Genel Anthony

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Image Carriers - Genel Anthony

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generations just the way your physical features and personality traits have been handed down through the ages. The same applies to image-carrying abilities.

      In today’s more tolerant Western societies, Image Carriers stand a far greater chance of reaching their potential in regards to honour that particular part of who they are, hence more prophetic and spiritual messages coming forward. We are also getting quite good atinterpreting

      these uncanny messages and symbols. Unfortunately, there are many charlatans around who will not only manipulate their victims into submission, but will also throw a spanner in the works to cause confusion and mayhem, discrediting any progress made in this area.

      I was surprised to discover that not all image carriers are equal in their abilities, as they tendto be on different levels and they have different areas of interest. They may score low in aparticular area and higher in another area. Because of this, I found that a rating system given to me proved very useful. It provides a means of determining how advanced an image carrier is in terms of their abilities. The scores are between one and ten. One is low and ten is high. Image Carriers with a rating close to ten, like seven or eight, would be very advanced and carry with them lots of messages and visionary communications. Furthermore, the higher therating, the more secretive the image carriers will become. Many end up becoming loners and withdraw from society altogether, hiding away and not sharing their gifts with others. They choose to keep this information to themselves, unless they decide to join a group for support, similar to that of the image carriers I have come to know.

      These groups are secretive and well-organised, exchanging information with one another and deciphering images, dreams, and other material. They usually meet covertly to touch base and share information. There are also those ordinary people who believe in image carriers and protect and support them, joining with them and keeping them safe. They also form part of these secret groups. Some of these people are in high places and pass on valuable information in order to assist image carriers in stopping untoward decisions and laws that are negative and damaging to people and society as a whole. They are the whistle blowers bringing to the public’s attention the wrongdoings of people in power.

      As mentioned earlier, image carriers seem to be on different levels in terms of their abilities. Some will get specific dreams, while others can get visions. There are also a handful (in my experience) of those who can interact and communicate with invisible energies I know very little about, but I am beginning to understand them more as time moves on. Then there are the dreamers; these people are prepared with pencil and paper next to their beds. They remember their dreams and can distinguish between a conscious dream and what is a symbolic or unconscious dream.

      Conscious dreams are the everyday dreams we have and are to do mainly with the physicalbody. These may involve psychological stress and trauma, diet and health matters. Have you noticed that sometimes when you eat something rich or sweet at night, you have strange dreams? What about something you watched on television that was confronting; had any strange and bizarre dreams lately? Your conscious mind also plays out anything physical in your dreams, like removing old taped messages on a tape recorder or filing away unimportant activities, memories, and so forth, getting you ready for a new day.

      Unconscious dreams are from the “other side.” They are usually dreams from a higher place we know little about. Some say from the spiritual realm, an outer body somewhere behind time and space that we are all linked to in some way or another. It is this place or energy cluster that some image carriers feel they are somehow able to connect to or link in, and are able to gather images and messages that seem to defy our physical senses and psychological and technological knowledge. Other image carriers report something similar to opening a window or a gateway into another time and place that only they can see, or step through, to gain information. From these strange and invisible places, it is said that imagecarriers and others have access to our past and future, in fact, every time and everywhere. They have access to unprecedented information and higher knowledge. It has also been said that this is a place where the dead initially end up.

      Some image carriers have described the scenery shown to them; sensed voices in different languages and unusual pronunciations that they could not understand, and yet they didunderstand and can’t explain how. Some have described their thoughts as a “whole” knowing. It is as if your whole body and energy field around you seem to know all at once. Could this mean that some part of us can tap into another dimension or some other reality? Are we skipping into different dimensions without even being aware? Is this why some image carrierscan jump between time and space and link up with other image carriers, joining minds simultaneously? Alternatively, has the image carrier learnt the secrets of moving through time and space, of being present in the past and future, all at once? Have they, in fact, stumbledupon the “other side” we now know is linked to us on “this side” and, if so, are they able tointerpret the messages and knowledge emanating from that space? Moreover, some of the image carriers also believe that our soul or consciousness is separate from the physical body and is able to leave and travel at will, or by accident or injury, to other destinations, crossing all time and space and defying our earthbound limitations that so many people have difficulty fathoming.

      In the case of Adam, further investigations led him to believe that these actual messages are coming from a knowledge source beyond our physical senses. That we may very well have a cosmic twin that has access to this other unseen place. One of the image carriers told Adamshe calls this other energy (cosmic twin) her Other Self. According to image carriers, all people have their own unique other self out there. It is an invisible entity that is unconsciously (or consciously) operated and controlled by us while we are in living form. We are its boss, so tospeak. Many of us do not even know that we have a soul mate out there in another time and place, and this other self can also be called home to you. It is connected to you. It came into existence when you were born. It only leaves you once you die, and this is when it joins up with you again as one. This ‘Other Self’ may very well be standing by your side right now-watching you read this book!

      Unfortunately, many of us do not even know that we have this other self and continue toignore this part of ourselves, leading us to live half-fulfilled lives and to continually feel that something is missing in our lives. Meanwhile, this juvenile other self continues to float around, retarded and stunted in a way, because its physical and living owner has not kept an eye on it or brought it home for nourishment and training. So, like an untrained and clueless child, it jumps in and out of our time and space into hundreds of other dimensions and worlds, causinghavoc and sometimes pain, searching for its host and owner, desperately wanting to reunite with its physical half for love and affection and teaching. Like a student, it needs its master for guidance and growth.

      Image Carriers are also sanctified with great wisdom that their ancestors have learnt and discovered and encoded into their genetic material; such wisdom is handed down through the ages from one generation to the next through their DNA. That so-called useless junk space in our DNA that well-meaning scientists often talk about, is not really empty space, but important information image carriers can pick up on when in that energy field. Image Carriers can somehow access these messages trapped within their physical make-up. This is why they seem to know somuch. Between accessing billions of messages stored within their genes, they can also contact their other selves, and between the two, they can move mountains in terms of wisdom and have endless amounts of information at their fingertips.

      Finally, another interesting observation is how image carriers present themselves. I amreferring to their psyches and the information they share. One would assume that they would be angelic and ever peaceful and loving, not wanting to harm a fly, and that their information would be wise and sweet and inspiring. No, not really. They can be abrupt and present in an odd way as well. From some of the information I have, and confirmed by other image carriers, death and destruction seem to be part of our journey. Some image carriers have been privy to such information and sat back and did nothing to prevent an evil action. It appears that some awful things need to occur for us to move forward or grow. Image Carriers can expose evil plans and people and try

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