Hello Hello: The Inspirational Guide to Pregnancy. Danielle Jai Watson

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Hello Hello: The Inspirational Guide to Pregnancy - Danielle Jai Watson

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making way for the baby to push through the vagina. When it’s covered, the baby has nowhere to exit, which can cause bleeding (sometimes severe) in the mother. Although it’s not harmful to the baby in utero, severe cases of bleeding can cause mom to develop anemia, which in turn can impact the health of the baby.

      Quickly mentioning the importance of your doctor and/or midwife appointments, this can typically be diagnosed early in the pregnancy with the advent of sonograms. If in fact your doctor or midwife notes that your placenta is sitting low early in pregnancy, more than likely it will rise on its own later as your belly expands and baby grows. It’s estimated that the condition occurs in approximately one in 200 women (a little less than 1% of pregnancies), but occurs in roughly 4-8% of pregnancies with a previous diagnosis from earlier pregnancies.

      For moms that find placenta previa to be a diagnosis upon the time of delivery, you will likely be closely monitored in a hospital setting and may have to deliver via cesarean section if necessary. Again, keeping in mind the low likelihood that you will develop this, it’s essential not to stress about it and to focus on keeping yourself healthy. Research has shown a correspondence between certain factors and the development of placenta previa — though the exact cause is unknown. Some contributors include:

       having had placenta previa in past pregnancy

       previous cesarean section

       having multiples (or more than four pregnancies)

       being over 35

       smoking or other drug use

      As the number of cesarean sections continue to rise, there has been an increase in placenta previa cases as well — as a mother who had the surgery in the past is much more likely to develop the condition in subsequent pregnancies. Yet, with the factors aforementioned, it’s still much more likely that you’ll be just fine. Focus on the things you can control and find peace in knowing that you are doing your best to be your best (whatever that means for you).

      If you happen to be one of the thousands of women around the world who experience this unsettling diagnosis, the great news is that you can still deliver a healthy baby and thrive yourself postpartum. Though you may not be able to have the desired delivery of choice, with the advent of technology to help detect the condition early on, the careful attention by doctors in monitoring baby’s breathing (ensuring they receive enough oxygen) and the ability to care for moms and deliver via cesarean section, the result can still bring your dreams to life: holding your precious and healthy baby in your arms.10 Remember to mind the advice from your physician and pay attention to your body and baby. Take a deep breath and constantly tell yourself that you are adequate and still have all of the tools necessary to be the best mom you can be for your baby.

       Placental Abruption

      In preparation for baby’s birth, the placenta separates from the uterine wall, initiating contractions and the start of labor. In rare but severe cases, the placenta partly or completely separates from the uterine wall prior to the birth process; a condition called placental abruption. This can cause serious bleeding and indicates that baby is not receiving the proper nutrients or oxygen it needs.

      Approximately 1% of pregnancies involve placental abruption and of that number 10% of those pregnancies are life- threatening for the fetus (including developmental problems, growth issues, premature birth and stillborn delivery).11 The importance of attending prenatal appointments and optimal care of oneself in pregnancy is an essential case to make. The more appointments you make, the more likely your doctor or midwife can catch and correct such developments. According to an article by March of Dimes:

      The main symptom of placental abruption is vaginal bleeding. You also may have discomfort and tenderness or sudden, ongoing belly or back pain. Sometimes, these symptoms may happen without vaginal bleeding because the blood is trapped behind the placenta.

      Aside from prioritizing your prenatal appointments, it’s essential to listen to your body. Following your gut and attuning yourself with baby can be lifesaving. Though rare, one could experience mild, moderate or severe placental abruption. If moderate, the bleeding may stop (allowing you the opportunity to go home) or it may stabilize (with continued monitoring in the hospital). When this occurs, you may have the ability to go full term in your pregnancy. If moderate to severe, it’s more likely that you’ll have to deliver baby immediately to ensure the best outcome. In extremely rare cases, bleeding can become so severe as to lead to a hysterectomy — but with care and attention, that’s unlikely to occur.

      During wellness visits with your doctor or midwife, as they check for placenta previa, they will also check your amniotic fluid levels. Too much amniotic fluid can indicate an issue with the placenta, helping to diagnose placental abruption.

      Fortunately, our personal choices during pregnancy can positively impact the health of our placenta in hopes of avoiding such developments. The healthier our choices, the healthier our placenta and the more benefits baby can garner in utero.

      Chapter 6

      With so much talk on making healthy choices, what in fact should we eat during pregnancy for optimum results and how do we combat the cravings everyone talks about? The truth of the matter is that every woman is different. And as a result, you should follow what works best for your body. Some women experience cravings while others don’t. Some can barely stand the smell of food, while others have zero issues at all. The goal is to listen to your body and find balance.

      If you have sweets craving, it’s not helpful to constantly beat yourself up over-indulging every now and again. You are growing a whole human inside of your body — you deserve a treat for sure! The danger comes with overindulgence of things that are high in sugar or not eating often enough (which can contribute to morning sickness).

      The dreaded morning sickness is sometimes misrepresented as only occurring in the morning. For many women, this nausea occurs all day long — and in some extreme cases, hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting) can cause a woman to end up in the hospital so as to avoid dehydration. There are even cases (such as myself) where your nausea lasts the entire duration of pregnancy, into the delivery itself. The point here is that every pregnancy is different and that you’ll likely overcome the intense struggle of sickness during pregnancy.

      One thing that may help with morning sickness — aside from the typical suggestion of eating a ton of carbs — is ensuring that you eat something every two to three hours. The less you have on your stomach, the increased likelihood and intensity of nausea (this includes nighttime as well). The key, though, is to choose your foods wisely. Some essentials to play around with include colorful veggies, lean meats, powerful proteins (including a protein during each meal/snack is pivotal to your overall health), a balanced amount of fruit (so as not to overwhelm your body with too much sugar) and, most importantly, tons of water. It’s important not to become dehydrated, as this could lead to pre-term labor (labor before you have reached the full-term gestational age of 37 weeks).

      Foods and beverages that are wise to avoid during this time include: caffeinated drinks, soft cheeses, alcohol, raw eggs, raw fish, processed foods, sugars and fried foods. Some doctors are adamant about the foods you choose to eat during pregnancy, while others are more lenient. I’ve

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