Sins & Secrets. NICHOLA HARVEY

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Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY

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trust you had an enjoyable evening?”

      “Of course, I always do at your soirees.”

      “Be sure to join us for dinner one night this week darling, hopefully with a date?” A glimmer of optimism twinkled in my mother’s glassy eyes.

      “Yes, Mother. Keep your fingers crossed on that one.”

      Down in the mouth and with my hands in my pockets, I strolled out the front door to my Imperial blue M6 Gran Coupe BMW already parked and waiting for me in the curved driveway. One of the two surly attendants my parents had hired for the evening held the door open for me. I thanked him and slid onto the supple leather of the black sports seat, turning the key. The V8’s throaty engine sprang to life, a sound that would never grow old, raising a smile. Something had to. Intentionally revving the accelerator, l sped out of the driveway, the tyres spinning in my haste to go home. The black skid marks left behind I guaranteed shan’t be received well. Nor will mother’s earbashing over her ruined driveway.

      Apart from the few cars I passed, the drive home was quiet. The lit streets were practically empty, leaving me alone on the road and alone with my thoughts, mostly about Teddy, and that hot, wet, heated kiss. The night I presumed was a teaser, a prelude for the future.

      I pulled into the garage of my seaside Beaumaris home just after eleven and wandered inside, heading straight upstairs and into my ensuite bathroom where I dove under a shower. The warm water cascaded over me, barely easing the tension in my tightened sac.

      Gripping my cock, I leaned my back against the shower wall and began softly stroking as evocative images of Teddy’s beautifully naked body appeared. Her narrow hips squirming as my tongue fluttered over the sensitive bud between endlessly long legs as I drew out her orgasm.

      Suggestive imagery that only made my cock harder. I began fisting savagely, my release coming hard and fast as it spurted in long streams, over my hand and onto my belly. Sagging against the tiled wall, I moaned. The relief couldn’t have come fast enough.

      Reaching for the body wash from the inset shelf, I poured the scented liquid over my loofer and began scrubbing with my mind still stuck on Teddy. I found myself inwardly questioning as to why she pulled away from me. Something had stopped her. The distress in her voice and the agony in her eyes told me that the same girl I’d loved since we were children was no longer there.

      Was I simply chasing a fantasy?

      The Jaeger’s and the McGovern’s, two families introduced by chance just after we’d left the freezing shores of England for the warmer climate of Australia. I was a mere four-year-old more fascinated by the tiny infant girl with strawberry curls in the pram, rather than the fancy parties that our parents frequently threw. My mother claimed Teddy had me love struck from that moment on; she was spot on, she had.

      As we grew, so did the fascination. Whether it was building sandcastles in the sandpit, or swinging on the swings in each other’s backyards, we were inseparable. Or as my mother would say, not even surgery could’ve severed us.

      Over the years, the dynamic changed. More so as we hit our pubescent years.

      Teddy had blossomed right before my eyes, transforming from an awkward teenager into a ravishing beauty. As an adolescent boy, I became a walking hard-on whenever she was around.

      Conversely, the turning point for us was Teddy’s lavish twenty-first birthday party. The minute I laid eyes on the stunning beauty politely greeting her guests, my entire world shifted. She was striking, and from then on, the allure I felt with her grew.

      As Teddy slipped a slender hand inside mine, her soft creamy skin deepened, much like the roses in my mother’s garden by the illustrious touch. Glossy pink, plush lips had shamelessly parted as she smoothly glided her tongue along a full bottom lip. An erotic sight that headed south, hitting my nether regions with quite the pleasurable thud.

      That pleasure swiftly turned painful as soon as Teddy’s overbearing mother Therese waltzed over and rudely came between us. Openly proceeding to scold her daughter, she had sternly warned her that our interaction was lude and unacceptable. Displaying such actions in front of their guests was utterly distasteful apparently, forcing us to part ways.

      The entire night I had stared wistfully, hoping for a glance, or a mere suggestion, anything, just to put me out of my misery. I had expected to kiss Teddy’s full, pink lips, just for a taste. Sift my fingers through the thick wavy copper locks flowing down her curvy spine. A naked back I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of as her hair swayed or as she tucked it over a shoulder, curling the ends over her delectable breasts.

      It drove me wild the entire night knowing I couldn’t touch her.

      Now I had another erection. Great. Gruffly flicking the tap, I shut the water down and stepped out, grasping one of the towels off the heated rail beside me. I barely dried myself as I sauntered into the bedroom, tapping the lights off on my way past. I fell into bed, hoping the next day would lead to a promising future with the one woman who had forever haunted my dreams.

      Chapter Five


      THE ATROCIOUS ACHE in my head matched my guilt. I’d call that karma; one for drinking too much, and two, for rejecting the man I loved. Again. And why I asked myself? Because I’m an idiot, that’s why.

      Downing a few more glasses of champagne, I had floundered around the yard looking for Ari only to be left dismayed as a slurring Audrina informed me that her beloved son had departed much earlier. Not without painfully adding, despondently too.

      Now, as I threw myself into a shower and leaned my back against the cold herringbone marble tiles on the wall, the karma continued in the way of torturous thoughts.

      Light droplets of tepid water glided, reminding me of Ari’s grazing fingers over my bare skin. Our lips as they brushed, his so soft and so tender. That darkened gaze had seen me like no other, searing so deep, I felt the burn in the depths of my deep, dark soul.

      Then there was his body. A firm muscular body with a prominent bulge that kept pressing against my thigh, an image so delicious, it had left me filled with a desperate want, and need, for an orgasm.

      Imagining Ari’s long fingers as they slithered between my silken folds, caressing the soft flesh, I palmed both breasts, rolling my stiffened peaks between my fingers.

      A loud bang on the bathroom door suddenly ripped me from my sensual daydream.

      “Theodora! Are you drowning in there?”

      Bloody sisters, they’re such a pain in the arse! Frustrated, I yelled, “Yes, I am! And don’t call me that!” If there was one thing I despised in this life, it was the use of my full name. “I’m trying to drown away last night’s embarrassing behaviours.”

      “Well quit feeling sorry for yourself and join us outside for brekky. Make sure you put on a bikini too; we’re swimming our hangovers away in the pool. It’s a beautiful day outside!” she singsonged.

      “Okay, I’m coming!” I winced. Shouting did not help when one’s head was pounding. Now, I was starting to sound just like Ari, so damned English.

      To appease my nagging sister, I hurried in and out of the bathroom, slipping on my favourite blue halter neck bikini and covering myself with a white

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