Sins & Secrets. NICHOLA HARVEY

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Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY

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“Lovely to see you, bro, but we are on a mission tonight. But first we need to swing past the bar to grab another glass of bubbly, and then, we’re partying hard.”

      Bryson’s eyes twinkled, his soft expression glowing in amusement. “You look like you’ve had an early start as it is.” Long fingers strummed his chin. “Let me guess – mother threw a bottle of champagne in the town car for you?”

      “Perhaps…” She giggled, walking off towards the bar at the edge of the dance floor to grab a fresh glass of champagne before veering away in search of her jock. I set off in the opposite direction in search of Ari.

      As usual, Audrina had spared no expense, setting the backyard up beautifully. The marquee with widely opened draping curtains housing several well-laid tables, each decorated with small glass vases filled with fragrant flowers. While tea light candles inside filigree metal hurricane lamps glowed, their intricate patterns adding a soft romantic shine over the fabric walls. In the corner of the makeshift timber dancefloor, a band gently played, their female singer crooning Billie Holiday renditions beautifully.

      Confidently strolling across the floor, my head kept swivelling in the hope I’d run into Ari. Instead, I saw Scarlett fawning over Dom’s older cousin Gabriel on the edge of the garden. Not that I blamed her; he was rather handsome in a rugged kind of way, I suppose. Then my wandering gaze spotted Asher’s golden blonde hair as his towering frame slinked through the crowd, his sights squarely set on the gorgeous brunette beside Caleb whom I assumed to be his date. Oh, dear, I wouldn’t if I were you Asher; you’re bound to have your arse kicked.

      The Jaeger men’s volatile temper was infamous amongst their social circle and the business world, Ari’s specifically. He had earned quite the reputation when it came to losing his, especially when it came to the media. That was a love-hate relationship, and he hadn’t ever shied away from telling them so either.

      Speaking of which, if Asher was there, then where in the hell was Ari. Practically joined at the hip, surely it meant he wasn’t too far behind him.

      I leaned on the bar and ordered a glass of champagne while still busily spying on Asher in the hope he’d dismally fall flat on his face. As the barman passed me my drink, I failed to notice the person hovering behind me and inadvertently stepped back, stumbling backwards against a solid wall of muscle.

      Thankfully, a pair of smooth masculine hands caught me under the arms before I completely fell embarrassing myself even further. Using the firm biceps to my advantage, I slowly raised back to my feet and straightened with my champagne glass miraculously intact. Whoever he was, he smelled sinfully good.

      “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I said carefully twirling around to meet my rescuer. My face flaming as deliciously dark chocolate eyes glinted at me. “Oh,, how...hi, oh god,” I stammered. The proximity of his closeness and the muskiness of his cologne had left me weak at the knees, as had my foolish incoherence, making it impossible to form words that were worthy of any response.

      His fingers grazed my arm, setting my body on fire. “No, I’m not God, but if you see me that way then… I say thank you,” he cockily murmured as he tilted his head and greedily raked over my body. “You, Teddy, look beautiful, as always.”

      That voice. Swoon. I gulped nervously. “Ari…. there’s something I have to tell you.”

      “As do I,” he whispered, gliding a hand over my bare shoulder. My eyes slid closed as I shivered in delight.

      Reality suddenly dawned and confessing my feelings wasn’t going to come easily. My eyes flicking open, I pushed off Ari’s chest and stared regretfully. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. Excuse me.” Brushing past him, I stormed off into the house, leaving him well and truly confused.

      As fast as my legs would carry me, I ran up the stairs and sought refuge in Dominique’s old room. I closed the door behind me and sagged against it, verbally castigating myself. “I’m such an idiot.”

      Out of nowhere, hysterical laughter erupted. It was either the numerous glasses of champagne I’d speedily downed, or it was Dominique’s eclectically styled room. It was whimsical, a crazy, mishmash of colours, nothing matched, yet somehow it worked. My favourite feature, of course, was the giant wall of framed photos, each of them filled with the many memories us girls had shared over the years.

      I bounced off the door and strolled across the room, my heels sinking into the plush, hot pink carpet — so many memories, with each one just as amazing as the last. Our Gold Coast holiday especially. Now that trip was wild; I recalled that much. We had squeezed in as much as possible into one short week, including the fun parks. Between the four of us, I was highly confident we had drunk each bar and nightclub we visited along the strip dry. The hangovers were horrendous to boot if that was any indication.

      I heard the handle on the door turn forcing me to pivot suddenly and my breath to hitch; the butterflies had returned.

      Ari smirked, his chin jerking towards the photos. “I bet my bottom dollar not one of you shall ever forget that week. Well, what you probably remember of it anyway,” he murmured, leaning his broad frame in the open doorway.

      “My liver and kidneys certainly didn’t thank me for the abuse I dished out, that’s for sure.”

      His heated and darkened gaze appeared to be undressing me, making me feel hot and wet with an unabashed need to rip my clothes off.

      My hooded gaze drifted just as hungrily.

      From the unruly, spiked jet-black hair on the top of his head to the long, taut legs crossed at the ankles, dressed in an expensive black suit and a white shirt, sans the tie, with the top button undone, he was quite the mouth-watering sight. Along with that, designer stubble growing along a defined, masculine jawline – the pleasure alone would be worth the facial rash.

      Conversely, my shyness held me back. Otherwise, leaving my inhibitions behind and scattering them over the floor along with my clothes wouldn’t have been an issue.

      Peeking coyly from beneath my lashes, I asked, “Are you in here to make more fun of me, Ari?”

      Leisurely striding towards me, a ghost of a smile crossed his sinful mouth. “No, I’m not. And I wasn’t making fun of you earlier; I was only trying to make a joke, a bad one at that I’d say.”

      “Clearly,” I uttered slowly stepping backwards until I felt my back connect with the wall behind me.

      In slow, measured steps, Ari closed the gap between us as his sultry gaze stared darkly. His intent evident as his palms flattened against the wall, caging me in with his muscly physique. “You know how much I like you, Teddy? I always have,” he spoke softly, his raspy accent striking every nerve throughout my trembling body. The fire within reigniting as his soft lips repeatedly brushed in tender kisses over my parted mouth.

      My tongue darted out, tasting his bottom lip. “Yes, as do I.”

      Ari inhaled sharply, his fingers lightly gliding along my jawline and down my throat. The stirring feeling headed south, curling around my spine and into my groin. A triumphant smile danced on his lips as his hands travelled over the curves hiding beneath the figure-hugging dress. I felt his warm breath against my skin as a low, raspy growl rumbled. “You are…divine.”

      His fingertips brushed down my thigh, and slid under the short hem of the dress, slowly finding their way inside my panties. Another

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