Sins & Secrets. NICHOLA HARVEY

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Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY

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      I left the room and made my way towards the stairs, pausing at the bottom; I must be a glutton for punishment.

      Knocking softly, I tentatively pushed the door ajar to Dominique’s room and poked my head around the corner. “Is it safe for me to come in?” They met my presence with a heavy sigh.

      “If you must…”

      Upon entering the room, I noticed my sister was also in here saving me a trip to her bedroom. The pitiful sight of two grown women sulking like children had my eyes inevitably rolling. Except neither Dom nor Scarlett were children, nor was anyone punishing them. Mind you, with the way they were behaving; a good spanking wouldn’t hurt either of them.

      I perched at the foot of the bed, crossing my arms and legs, my pensive gaze eyeing both women. Neither had bothered to look up from their iPads either. How bloody rude.

      “I see you’ve been rather busy with my brother!” Dominique snapped abruptly and frostily.

      Taken aback by her raw attitude, my mouth tightened. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes we have.” She glowered at me. Lucky Ari hadn’t come upstairs then. “Anyway, I’m not here to discuss my private life. I came to see if you would like to join us for dinner?”

      “Us, as in you and Ari? No thanks,” she uttered irritably. “Besides, the thought of being around my interfering brother causes one to lose one’s appetite.”

      Disheartened by her attitude, I sighed. “Are you sure you can’t forgive Ari? He was only looking out for you, not that I agree with how he handled it.” Which was the truth, but I reasoned anyway, “I know he feels terrible about the entire episode.”

      Dom shrugged her shoulders indifferently. “Good, he should.”

      Not wanting to cause any more angst, I relented and pushed to my feet. “Fair enough… I guess I’ll see you both later then.” Aggravated, I breezed from the bedroom and made my way down the hall into Poppy’s only to receive the same response, without the tantrum or the anger.

      “I have a ton of marking that needs completing by tomorrow morning, sorry, Ted. Go out, have an enjoyable time. I’d only be a third wheel, a position no one wants to be in, not with you pair anyway.” She winked.

      I laughed. “True. Don’t wait up.”

      “Wasn’t planning too!”

      Ari sliding an entirely new pair of jeans up his legs and over his boxer briefs as I re-entered the bedroom had my irritation sweeping away in an instant. The tapered cut of the faded denim hugged his rounded rear perfectly. The next item lifted from the bed was a white long-sleeved T-shirt and studiously pulled over his head, avoiding his artfully styled hair. The tight T-shirt fitted just like a second skin, showing every inch of a well-defined body underneath — what a mouth-watering sight.

      “Weren’t you dressed before?” I said snapping out of my lust-filled reverie.

      “And weren’t you supposed to be getting dressed?” he countered dryly.

      He let out a small laugh when I smiled coquettishly and shrugged at him, setting my hands on my hips. My gaze cut back to the clothes spread over my bed. “I’ve concluded you’re a woman.”

      “And how, dare I ask, did you arrive at such a conclusion?” Taking a seat in one of the wingbacked chairs, Ari tugged a pair of russet brown leather boots over his feet and tied the laces. Deep brown eyes glinted up at me.

      I bent at the waist and picked up his expensively Swiss-made watch, admiring the textured dial and intricately engraved pattern on the face. “Well, for starters, you’ve seriously put a lot of thought into what you packed and not only that, you’ve changed at least three times in the last half an hour. I must say, it’s nice to see a man, oh, sorry, my bad, a woman who has great dress sense.”

      Ari shook his head and rose from the chair, his long strides swiftly closing the gap between us. My body tingled breathing in his masculine scent. “Are you getting dressed?” he queried once again. “That is unless you’re planning on going out for dinner in nothing more than your dressing gown? What a delicious thought.” Deft fingers loosened the sash and parted the soft silk, each nipple stiffening under his scorching gaze.

      The moment he cupped each breast and rolled their peaks, I was putty in his hands. “Feasting on me now sounds like a much better offer.” Heat radiated between my thighs. “Don’t you agree?”

      Catching one of my lobes between his teeth and nibbling, he breathed huskily, “Much.”

      Everything inside me clenched.

      “But we can wait until after dinner.”

      I let out a disgruntled growl, “Why not now?”

      He lifted his head, raising a perfectly arched brow. “Don’t sound so disappointed. Eating actual food is a necessity, you know. And besides, we have the entire night ahead of us.”

      “Only all night?”

      “You might tire of me eventually.”

      Snaking my arms around his neck, I captured his mouth, kissing him deliberately and seductively. “I would never tire of you…” Sliding the gown down my shoulders, lilac silk pooled around my feet. “Ever,” I murmured sauntering my naked body away from him and into the wardrobe. With his darkening gaze planted firmly on my bare behind, I remained hopeful that spanking was a big part of that plan.

      Grabbing my clutch off the dresser, I informed a patiently waiting Ari I was ready. “Don’t dither; let’s go.”

      His luscious mouth twitched in amusement. “Yes, ma’am.” Trailing after me out the door, he gestured to the sleek Imperial blue BMW sitting at the kerb.

      “Nice car.”

      A boyish grin formed pressing the button on the keys in his hand. “Indeed, it is.” He leaned down to grasp the chrome handle, opening the door for me. What a gentleman. “Your ride, ma’am.”

      “Why, thank you, kind sir. I’ll be sure to give you your tip later,” I purred sliding onto the soft seat, the smell of leather and citrus permeating my senses.

      “I don’t doubt it.” He chuckled, closing the door. Long legs quickly strode around the bonnet to slide in beside me, inside me was preferable. His mouth curved leisurely into a breathtaking smile. “Well, where to?”

      Uncertain, I shrugged. “I don’t know, you decide. Any brain cells I had left you sucked from my body.”

      Smirking, his hands flexed over his jeans. Hm, interesting. “I have a craving for Italian. And coincidentally, I know a lovely place on Lygon Street.”

      “Sounds good,” I replied, snuggling into the seat.

      “Okay, Italian it is then,” Ari said softly, reaching across to tenderly kiss me before starting up the car and roaring away from the kerb. That would never get old.

      If anyone ever asked me about my favourite past times, one would be dining on Lygon Street in Carlton. The long length of street was buzzing, as it did most

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