Sins & Secrets. NICHOLA HARVEY

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Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY

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strolled a busy walkway that was awash with an array of cultured restaurants, cafés, and sports bars. Their staff hovered about the open doors ready to refill glasses for their jovial patrons already seated at the poky tables edging the footpath.

      So busy was the night, Ari had trouble finding a car park close by forcing him to park around the corner in Argyle Street.

      “Here we are. Wait there, I’ll get your door,” Ari firmly stated, switching off the car and stretching for the jacket laying across the backseat. I knew there was a reason I wanted and loved that man — pure gentleman.

      I obediently waited as he climbed from the low vehicle and hastily walked his gorgeous body around the bonnet to open my door. His hand extended ready for me. “Thank you, kind sir.”

      Closing the door, Ari roughly tugged me to him, landing a heated kiss on my lips. “Behave.” He growled, liberally brushing his lips against mine. “Or I’ll take you here on the footpath, and I don’t care who sees.” His domineering reaction had me wondering whether he understood the reference or not.

      God, he smelled intoxicating. I would’ve happily lost my inhibitions in front of everyone, except without the ramifications. “Hmm, an enticing proposition, however, there are a few issues with venturing down that road.”

      His head cocked. “Such as?”

      “Well, for starters, we’d be arrested for lewd behaviour and indecent exposure,” I said, skimming my hands over the curve of his defined back. “Then we’d have to face the wrath of our families for getting arrested, and for embarrassing them. Not so enticing now is it?”

      Ari scrunched up his nose. “No, most definitely not. The thought of facing my mother sounds awfully frightening.” He was right; trifling with an angry Audrina was not ideal on any given day.

      I offered up a sensible substitute instead, “Dinner then?”

      He pushed a soft, chaste kiss to my lips. “I knew there was a reason I was dating you.”

      “Yeah, I’m the sensible one.”

      Feigning offence, he grabbed my hand, the two of us laughing as we sauntered down the footpath. Enticing smells wafted out the restaurant doors making our mouths water. We were both starving, which wasn’t surprising considering our rather carnal afternoon.

      Vendors shouted from their doorways, hoping to lure prospective customers with their competitive prices and decadent menus. We strolled straight past them until we reached Mercadante, a quaint Italian restaurant that made you feel as if you were in Venice, only without the canals.

      “Here we are. Mercadante not only cook genuine Italian wood-fired pizzas, they also have the best wines,” Ari murmured, rubbing a hand over his growling belly.

      My eyebrows shot up. “Why am I not surprised?” A dark brow raised above an even cheekier smile. I tutted as he dragged me through the open door.

      Immediately a waiter dressed as a gondolier kindly greeted us. He directed us to a table situated beneath an open bi-fold window with views of the busy street where he duly informed us his name was Antonio and he was to be our waiter for the evening.

      “Your menu,” he said, placing two black folders on the table directly in front of us. “Would you like a drink to start, signor, and signora?”

      Responding in fluent Italian, Ari requested his preferences while slinging his leather jacket across the back of a chair. He slid into the opposite seat.

      Pleased he had reciprocated his native tongue, Antonio nodded.

      I wasn’t even aware Ari could even speak Italian but was impressed nonetheless. Then again, I was biased.

      They switched back to English. “Of course, do you want to order your main as well, signor?”

      “No, thank you. We’ll order those after our entrées.”

      “Eccellente. I shall be back shortly with your wine,” Antonio replied before turning on his heel and heading towards the bar.

      Ari’s dominant side hadn’t shocked me either. It turned me on, immensely. “You command, and people seem happy to jump.”

      Filling our water glasses, he unapologetically answered, “I know what I want. Procrastination is a pet peeve of mine, and besides, eating while drinking was a foregone conclusion, I thought.”

      “Fair enough, I can’t argue there,” I conceded, resting my folded arms across the table. I gazed curiously. “So, tell me about your business; what does an enigmatic CEO do with his day besides ensuring his hair remains perfectly intact all the while barking orders at his minions?” The corners of Ari’s mouth quirked in amusement.

      “Jaeger Property Development oversees a multitude of items, ranging anywhere from rebuilds to new builds, commercial and residential. We also work alongside the various councils to ensure each development runs smoothly. I also own several properties, as well as shares in businesses around Victoria and New South Wales. The business has increased quite profitably, so much so, our Sydney branch has recently expanded. The staff there are amidst packing as we speak and are moving mid next month into brand new offices right in the heart of the CBD. With one of the best men I know to run the place….”

      As I listened intently to him, the soulful voice of Ella Fitzgerald crooning in the background slowly drifted away. All I heard was Ari’s lilted voice and the evident passion for his job. I felt my eyes wandering, soaking him in the same way he had with me during our earlier shower.

      From his artfully tousled, and wayward short, thick, jet-black hair to the colour of his almond-shaped eyes. Pure dark chocolate that turned ebony when they darkened. A straight nose, sitting perfectly above his beautifully sculptured mouth, and last but not least, his raspy British accent, a voice that was capable of seducing me, without even the slightest of touches.

      Antonio eventually returned to the table with our bottle of Shiraz as well as our entrées breaking me out of my musings. As I looked up, I caught Ari staring with an inquisitively raised brow.

      “Are you okay? All that dreary talk of business must have bored you, surely?” He cut the Bruschetta in half and lifted it to his mouth, taking a bite. I copied.

      Balsamic vinegar combined with ripened Roma tomatoes tingled my taste buds, delicious. Swallowing, I gave a slight shake of the head. “No, you weren’t boring me. It was quite the opposite actually; I was simply admiring the view. Again.” Bringing the glass of wine to my lips, I smiled coyly.

      Closely observing as I slowly sipped, Ari inhaled sharply. “You’re quite the naughty girl. Who knew?”

      “I’ve never felt this way with anyone before you,” I admitted lowering my eyes. I hadn’t bothered looking either.

      In a smooth caress, Ari slid a hand over mine. Like two magnets drawn to one another, our eyes locked. “I feel the same way about you, Teddy. I always knew feeling this way was possible, but I was beginning to lose hope.” His throat bobbed tightly. “I had reached the stage where I was ready to give up and as pathetic as it may sound, I wasn’t prepared to even settle for less. Loving someone else when I have loved you my entire life was inconceivable.” His admission blew me away.

      Curiosity got the better of me. I had to ask, “But when did you

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