LOST IN TIME. Book 1. Richard Lowe

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LOST IN TIME.  Book 1 - Richard Lowe

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good as we needed clear heads to study the Book, lucky Sam had his Laptop because we needed to check up on a few things to help us understand some of the old words in the writing.

      Fortunate for us we had been saving up for a trip, so we had quite a bit of Money behind us because we would need more Equipment and hopefully when we get there, we will be able to hire some as well. It took us about two weeks to understand most of the Ancient Book.there was a lot we need to understand. It was getting closer to the time to pack up and start the journey of a lifetime. We still had a few days to go, as we all know time goes fast, and that what it did, time to head off to the Airport, so we packed up only what we would need, making sure we have all our note's and the Book with us.


      At last, we are at the Airport. Now I said to the others. I hope all goes well and the Professor has not worked it out that it was us that stole his Book because if he has they will be waiting for us inside. Luke suggested we split into pairs. We won't be noticed as much, that way because, they will be looking for the four of us, good thinking I said, but be careful and see you on the plain. So we slowly went up to the check-in point, looking over our shoulders all the way, we had paid online for our tickets, so that was good and hopefully it will be quicker getting through. Well, John and I got through okay, and down the passage we go still looking over our shoulders for Luke and Sam, hoping they made it through as well. I said look John they got through, well we are all on the plain now, what a relief, it won't be long now before we are up in the air and these nothing stopping us then.

      The waiting was agonising, as soon as we heard the engines start to roar we all had a big smile on our faces, and we could stop shaking now. The flight was excellent. We spent most of the time talking about the Adventure, and how we were going to get all the things we would need once we get there, I think this was one of the hardest things really, because none of us had been there before, and did not know what to expect. But that was apart of the Adventure going into the unknown in search of the lost Ancient caverns. The more we spoke about it, the more excited we became, our minds were racing with all crazy ideas, of what would be down there, but we had to stop the imagination working overtime, let's get down to the things we know we have to do, and where we need to go next. Then over the speaker, we heard, please finish what you are doing and return to your seats. And put your seat belts on for landing, please. We all smiled, but then the smiles went because we all started to think again, what if the cops are there waiting for us, the nerves began all over again, so I said we would do the same thing as before, split up and we will meet outside the Airport. When we got Inside the Airport port, we almost lost it as there was security everywhere, and we thought it was for us,we did not know what to do. Luke decided to go and ask one of the cops what was going on. apparently they were looking for someone else, and we got through easy this time.

      All we needed now was to find a cheap place to stay for two days, for our flight out again. We did it this way as it was a more affordable flight, as we needed to save as much as we could. Well, we were lucky it did not take us long, to find a room at a lovely older woman's house, she made us feel apart of her family, as Sam looked like her Son that had moved overseas. It was great being there and have someone look after us, but we needed to talk in private sometimes, and that was a hard thing to do, with her always bringing us food or drinks, so we just said thank you with a smile on our face. As we did not want to sound ungrateful, as we could see, she was lonely and enjoyed us being there. We managed to pick up some maps of where we are going so this would help us a bit, as our direction from the Book was more about being there, so we still need to get as much help as possible, to find our way, as it would be a long Journey without knowing some of it. Well, it time to pack up again as we have a flight to catch, bags in our hands. And to say thank you to the lady, When saying good-bye to her it was hard. We could see some tears in her eyes, and ours as well, as she had been good to us, just as we were leaving I turned and said if your room is empty, when we return can we have it again, she smiled and said of course, you all can, it was a pleasure having you stay. Off we went to the Airport, still hoping all will be Okay when we get there, and yes there was no one to arrest us. Getting through the checkpoint took its time, but we were off again into the sky's. Well guys we will soon be there, how are you all feeling now, excited I hope, and I could see they were, because of the big smiles on their faces. We spent some of the time going over the things we still needed to do. And about the trip so far, we laughed a little about the way we reacted at the Airports, and all the security that was running around, and thinking they were looking for us. I had dozed off for a while because I had not been sleeping much. I think it was just too much going through my mind. Luke woke me up after a while, as he needed to talk about some other things. His girlfriend was killed in an accident a few years back, and he still had not got over it, she was pregnant as well which made it even harder to come to terms with, for he loved her so much.A few times he wanted to take his own life to be with her again, and even now he still feels like doing it but something keeps stopping him. He still thinks of her a lot, at night sometime he does not won't to go to sleep as he knows he will dream of being with her again . Most times I would have just let him talk, but this time I said Luke she is with you, no matter where you go, and now you are taking her on a journey that others would only dream of, and you know she would love to do it with you. He went quiet for a while, then said your right Richard, your a good mate thanks for putting me back on track with things.

      The Airport we were heading for was in Canada, and that's where we will pick up some of our Equipment, and hopefully get a bit of help from the people there. We are all starting to get excited now, But a little bit nervous at the same time, well there's just enough time to go over a few more things before we land. We need to get it clear in our heads, what we have to do first. The main thing, we need to get hold of was, an Old Sextant, this will help us to read the stars, like in the Book, because that's all he had to help him find the Ancient Caverns. It will be John's Job to find Transport for us and our Equipment. Sam and Luke will need to get us all some warm clothing, and Camping Equipment, then finds us somewhere to stay for a few days, before we set off, well I have to find a Sextant, this could be a hard job as they are not used as much nowadays.

      The plane will be landing soon, so we have to put our paperwork away, and seat belts on, it will be early morning when we land, hope it's not too cold there, as it's nice and warm in the plane. The plane is having a lousy time landing as there seem to be crosswinds. Time to close our eyes and cross our fingers, I don't like this landing so far, it feels like we are sliding along sideways. At last, we have stopped my heart is still pounding, the others are just smiling at me as if they knew I was scared.

      Off the plane and to the check-in point, hope this is quick as it's freezing. I think we will change our plans and find somewhere to stay first so we can get some warmer clothes on, then we can do the rest of the things. But we know we will need to get used to the cold and even cold weather later.

      The Customs took their time wanting to check everything and asking lots of questions. We had to be careful with what we told them, as we did not want them to know, the real reason we were there. So we just said a holiday and doing some sightseeing, well, at last, all done at the Airport, but the customs officer told us about a cheap and homely place we could stay at, so off we go as fast as we could as it was Cold. When we got to the place we were told about, there was an open fire crackling away, just seeing it warmed us up. Well, we had to get two rooms, that was okay though, time to unpack and get something to eat, later we went out to see if we could find the things we were looking for, Luke and Sam did good, they found everything on their list. John found out many different things and ways of getting Transport but with all of the information decided to talk to us all first before obtaining any of it, well myself no luck so far. I still have a couple of second-hand shops to check out, and I found out about an Old sea captain that lived ten miles out of town.

      Back to the House, and have a good meal, then we will have a look at what Sam and Luke got for us all, and hope they fit, all good, but what about some food rations. That's when John commented that it would depend

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