LOST IN TIME. Book 1. Richard Lowe

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LOST IN TIME.  Book 1 - Richard Lowe

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on how we are going to get there. You see if we take a Helicopter trip, we won't need as much gear or food, and it will be quicker, the Helicopter will take us half the way, and it will be warmer. Hold on, I said, how much money do you think we have. We can't waste it on being comfortable, yes I know it will be quicker, but we need to do it the same way as the Book says, or we could miss read it and get lost out there. And I don't want to Freeze to Death out there just with you guys, we all need to get back alive. Things went quiet for a while. Sam broke the silence by saying let's check it out on the Laptop. That way we can see how much it will cost, and if we agree, then we do it that way, and if we don't, then, we go by using the dogs. We all nodded, Okay Sam check it out, Sam found it quick. And when he told us how much it would cost, our mouths just dropped, and even John said, No way are we paying that much. I felt relieved, as I knew things would go wrong if we did it that way, so Dogs it is. The next day John and Sam went out to book the date and time we needed the dogs and sledges. Luke and I went out to those second-hand shops to find the Sextant, No luck there, but if I were going back home, I would have bought some of the things there.

      By now, the day had almost gone, so back to the House for a good hot meal. We got there first, so we washed up and talked a bit until the others got back. John and Sam came in with big smiles on their faces, Okay I said what's going on with you two. Well, Sam said I'll let John tell you that Helicopter ride we talked about, well we bumped into the Pilot. And he said he could drop us all off about fifty miles out of Town for free as they are going that way, and the Dog man will be there waiting for us ready to go, so what do you think, I just smiled, John was pleased to see that because he had said yes to it .


      The next day we hired a car, and all went to see the Old Sea Captain. Well, we got there, it was hard to find a lot of winding tracks. we were lucky as the Captain was home. We knew he did not like people coming out to him. He must have heard us coming, as we pulled up at his house, where he was standing with a shotgun in his hands pointing right at us. he yelled out, get off my property, I called out to him, "it's ok the man in the second shop told us to come and see you"."well what you want with me."Can we get out of the car and talk to you please, "ok you can but stay by the car." we all got out and could feel his beady eye's on us" we walked to the front of the Car. We told him our names, well that's good he replied, so you have names good for you. But what you want with me, I asked if we could come over to him instead of shouting to each other. Ok, he said only on the porch, but do it slowly I got a shotgun with your names on each shell.

      Slowly we went and stepped on the porch, I said thank you to him and introduced ourselves to him. What did you say your name was I asked, he looked at me and said I didn't, ok then, but I saw a smile on his face, OH come on in you guys, just having some fun with you all. We were glad to hear that, so inside we went. His name was Ben, and his home was like a big Second-hand shop, don't know how he could find anything in there. After a while he relaxed, we told him we wanted to follow the route of an old explore and do it just like he did, but we needed a Sextant, and wanted to know, if he had one that was for sale. He smiled and said yes, I have two, and it was nice to see four young men wanting to do that as most don't care anymore. So he showed them both to us, they both worked, he explained how to use them, and how it was there only way of riding the seas past all the rocks out there. Okay, we said how much you want for one. When are you leaving, he asked, In two days I replied. And then Ben said good luck and wished he was coming with us. And with a smile said we could have it for free as long as we took a picture of us all on the trip,As I would love to be doing it with you but I am a little bit to old now. Yes we will Ben, so everyone says cheese. It was time to head back now, so we said good-bye and thanked him again.

      The way back was a lot harder as night time was coming in fast, things started to look different at night, so we slowed down, trying not to take the wrong turns, but we did a few times, sometimes we just went in circles. After a while, my patience was wearing thin, and the others could see it, so they started to talk about the trip, to help settle me down, and it worked. We managed to get on the main road, at last, we knew the way from there. Getting a bit lost put us behind time. By now our stomachs were hungry, so I put my foot down to get back faster, or we might miss out on Dinner.

      When we got back to find out Dinner had long gone and all cleaned up. What now Sam asked, can John whip something up for us, have to ask first as it’s not our Kitchen. As we went to find the owner to ask if we could, she called out to us. I put your meals in the oven to keep warm, thank you we replied and rushed into the kitchen for our meals, well I have to say that meal hit the spot, we think she had put more on our plates, we could hardly move after eating the Dinner. Now we have to wash the dishes. Then to our rooms, we talked for a while before calling it a night, the day had been long, so we need sleep, and an early start in the morning, we need to find the Library and some more research as there was some part we still did not understand in the Book. This research could take hours to work out, lucky we were use to doing it. The Morning had come, and the smell of cooked eggs and bacon was overpowering. A quick shower then breakfasts, then the Library, have to take a flask of coffee with us. We are the first to arrive at the Library, and in we go straight to the section we need, we got a few looks as we were piling up the books we needed to study. Four of us all sat around the table. Trying to talk quite, and Bizzy taking notes, then cross-referencing. As we had to make sure, we had understood them right, by now the day was passing fast. Luke got up, to find out if it was alright to eat in their Library, and if so he would go and get some food for us all, He returned with some food for us all, which was good as our energies were getting low. John had found some exciting information in some of the books he was studying, so we listened to what he was saying, and it made sense, and it could cut about two days of the Journey, and we would still be doing it as the Ancient Book says. We were getting more excited about the Journey as time went on. By now, the day had almost gone. I asked the Librarian if we could take a few books back, to the place we are staying. She said yes we could, but you have to bring them back, you don't want, my Husband the sheriff to come and see you, we will I replied, so we took a few books with us, as I felt we were missing something.

      Back in time for Dinner, A quick clean up then time to eat. What a meal, I think we will miss these meals. We should all have time to do some more study, before going to bed, as I would like to check some of the notes, we have made to be sure we have it right, good Idea they all said. The night went fast and yes I was right in some of our notes, we had made a mistake, and this could have cost us a lot of time or our lives.

      We had been working everything out by the Magnetic North Pole, and that could have put us out by thirty to forty miles in any direction. That's because of the Magnetic North Pole is always moving. We should have been working it out with the Geo-Magnetic North Pole, which is called A Dipole, and that is why we needed the Sextant. So now we have to work it all out again. I hope we can do it in time to catch the Helicopter ride.

      We stayed at the House and spent our time studying and taking notes, only going out if we had to. I took the books back to the Library and got more out. We need to get as much information as we could. Once we are out there we will be on our own. By the second day our eyes were hanging out of our heads. Ok time to have some fun for a change, so a shower then we hit the town for some fun guys. Hang on Guy's I'll drop the books off at the Library first. Then we can hit the town for some fun. Well, that's the books back, where do you want to go first, okay John a few drinks, then how about that fancy Restaurant for a slap-up meal. Sounds good Luke replied. Okay let's go, the Pub is down there. The locals are easy going and don't mind strangers drinking in there Pub As some places do. I'll Buy this time, two scotches and coke and two beers, please mate. After a few drinks, got to have a pee guy's, I'll come two SAM says alright where is it over there one of the locals says, thanks, mate. As we came out from the Toilets, I saw notice board, so I had a quick look at it, ha Sam look there is a dance on tonight, how about we all go, never know our luck. When we got back to the other Guy's Sam mentioned the Dance tonight why not was the replies, okay then we will. It will be great to finish the day like that. Remember not

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