How to Have an Affair and Other Instructions. Michael Hemmingson

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How to Have an Affair and Other Instructions - Michael  Hemmingson

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they did.


      It’s night—the middle of summer—August—in a place where the summers last deep into September, creep into October, trickle into November. It’s sweltering, tonight in a club where we go because the nights are too hot to sleep, too hot to dream. Here on the evening when I meet Justine.

      The walls are tiled green like a high-school gym. The mattress on the floor in the middle of the next room is covered in a bloody plush, like velveteen. The sheets are emerald polyester. The club, where we go because there’s nowhere else to go, where we go to escape the sun-baked streets, is a haphazard mess of textures, the scent of sweaty bodies juxtaposed with hair oil and wheatgrass.

      When I meet Justine.

      She is sitting at the bar doing shots of grenadine. I spot her. I approach. I conjure a line or two. Blah, blah. Skip to the sex scene:

      I lick the delicate curls of her cunt with a nervous tongue. Swirling betwixt the swirls. She whinnies softly. I need to please her. Need to badly. My sex organs are engorged with the blood that mounts in her thighs. My senses are inflamed with the pounding acid of her juices. We are thick, clasped together mouth to cunt. Her flesh shivers. Cut to the inciting incident

      The night is thick with thunder. She says she has something to show me. I don’t know what she means. “Show me, slut.”

      The showing involves eating a weird, dried plant; and the plant doesn’t taste very good. I vomit into the sickly green tile wall of the club, into the wall that is sealed white without a chink.

      This is how the story begins:

      * * * * * * *

      Alone, together, sequestered in a small room like prisoners in a cell, she ravages my asshole. Justine has no interest in my cunt, which I find odd for a girl like her. All she wants to do is play with my ass—wants to torture it, hurt it, please it, make me go places I didn’t know my ass could go. She shoves her fingers in, shoves her whole hand in—a hand well-greased with lube. She says: “Karin, Karin, how far do you want me to go?” I want her in deep. Her hand goes in deep. She has my wrists tied, I can’t stop her. Fist-fucking my asshole is not enough. My cunt wants her attention, but she’s not going to do this. She has a huge and thick black dildo. She waves it in my face and I can smell its rubber shell. She says, “Just pretend a black dude with this really big dick is fucking you,” but it’s no use telling her that I am tired of black dudes fucking me with their big dicks and Justine sticks the dildo in, she shoves it deep, she makes me hurt, she makes me shit and bleed, she pulls it out and says I should see how wide and round my ass is, but I know oh I know, I have seen my ass stretched to its limits.

      The music is loud and my head pounds.

      “Now I’ll lick your cunt,” she says.

      “Oh,” I say.

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