How to Have an Affair and Other Instructions. Michael Hemmingson

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How to Have an Affair and Other Instructions - Michael  Hemmingson

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were all over her butt.

      “Hey,” Hannah said, “rub my asshole.”


      “With your finger,” she said, and I found her asshole with my finger. “In small circles,” she said, “yeah, like that”

      She pulled away from me, and sat. She took the finger I’d been rubbing her with, put it in her mouth, sucked on it. She smiled, and gave my finger back. She put her glasses on.

      “What’s wrong?” I asked, moving to her, wanting to kiss her more.

      “Nothing,” she said. “I have to pee.”

      “Hey.” I grabbed her hand as she stood up. “Can I watch?”

      “You want to watch me pee?”

      “Yes,” I said.

      “I need a commitment before I go that far,” she said.

      “We hardly know each other.”

      “Exactly,” she said, and went to the bathroom.

      I sat there.

      I got up, and followed. The door was unlocked, and I went in. Hannah was sitting on the toilet; she glanced up at me. She smiled and said, “You.” I could hear the stream of her urine. I sat on the floor, cross-legged.

      “You’re bold,” she said.

      “The door was unlocked.”

      “There is no lock.”

      “I couldn’t resist.”

      She stood up. “Okay, Mr. Bold. Clean me.”

      “With my mouth?”

      “Absolutely not.”

      I would’ve done it with my moth, if she’d asked. I took a wad of toilet paper, and wiped her cunt. She pulled her panties up.

      “I have to go too,” I said.

      “Then I get to watch,” she said. “Quid pro quo.”

      She took my place on the floor; I stood in front of the toilet, took my cock out.

      Hannah made a weird sound. She moved, snagged my cock, and put her mouth before it, drinking my urine; what she didn’t get flowed out, down her chin, and into the bowl. I liked the sound this made. I breathed hard; it was an experience in itself watching her drink from me.

      She pressed her face to my leg. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself,” she said, softly. “Now you know my fetish. Okay, I’m weird. You’ll never love me.”

      “I could love you,” I said.

      “Do you mean that?”


      “Will you kiss me to prove it?” she asked.

      “Yes,” I said.

      She stood, and we kissed, and I tasted her—and me.

      “I want to make love to you,” I said.

      “No, I can’t,” she said.

      Hannah left the bathroom and sat on the edge of her bed. I sat next to her; we both fell back. It was a nice, big, comfortable bed, the kind of bed I liked; the kind of bed I didn’t have.

      “It’s late,” she said, moving away from me. “I’m a little drunk.”

      “Me too,” I said.

      “You can stay here,” she said, “if you want.”

      “I’d like that.”

      “I’d like it too,” she said, standing. “I’m going to turn the light off.”


      In the dark, I saw her silhouette; she was removing her clothes. I also took my clothes off, and got under the covers. She joined me; we didn’t touch. My hand went to her body; she was still wearing her bra and panties. I moved closer to her, kissed her.

      “I don’t think I want to screw,” she said.

      “Okay,” I said.

      “I mean, I’m not sure if I can.”


      “I’m not sure if I’m in the right frame of mind.”


      “It’s not okay,” she said, “you don’t understand, you don’t know.”

      “I want to,” I said.

      “I know you do.”

      “Hannah,” I said.

      “It’s nice having you in my bed,” she said.

      “It’s nice to be in a bed with someone.” She placed her head on my chest, and then a hand, playing with the hair. We were quiet, touching each other. Her hand moved down, and grasped my cock.

      “This is nice,” she said.

      “Yes,” I said, “it is.”


      I kissed her on the head.

      “I know,” she said, and, “I’m twenty-eight years old.”


      “I’m still a virgin.”

      I laughed, after a moment.

      “This is true,” she said.

      “Now who is giving who a line?”

      She let go of my cock. “I made up my mind years ago that I would save myself for my husband, because some day I plan to marry a nice man. And this man will expect me to be a virgin.”

      “I see.”

      “No you don’t see,” she said. “I don’t expect you to understand. Other men haven’t. Like I said, I’m twenty-eight. This doesn’t mean I’m not sexual. Obviously I’m sexual, and I have fetishes. I’m really pretty basic in that matter—I have a pee fetish, and a butt, you know. I mean, I’m a virgin, vaginally, but I like having sex in my butt.”

      I didn’t know what to say.

      “I’m terribly attracted to you,” she went on. “I want you. I want you inside me. But I want more than a fuck-buddy. I had a fuck-buddy for a while, for a few months, it was just sex, nothing more. I didn’t like

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