Lead Me Not. James B. Johnson

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Lead Me Not - James B. Johnson

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he murmured in afterthought.

      “Gone,” she said into his mouth and felt him move inside of her.

      “Umm, good.” He tasted her nipple.

      She couldn’t believe she was ready again. Never had she done it more than once. Then she was on top of him, rocking gently as he sucked her nipples one by one.

      This scream wasn’t as loud, but it was into his mouth and throat. It was the sweetest orgasm of her life.

      She knew then that she was no longer infatuated with him. She was in love with him. Or so she thought.

      She tried to say “I love you,” but in only came out as a three-syllable moan.

      “Say again?” He talked like a pilot.

      “I liked that. A lot.” She was regaining her breathing along with her senses.

      “Umm. Me too.” His hands were roaming her back, her buttocks, learning her. “For too long I’ve wanted to taste you. Your mouth, your nipples, the sweat under your breasts, your belly button, your vagina. And more.”


      “The salt in your ear, dried tears on your cheek, rain in your hair.”

      Her green eyes locked onto his steel gray ones and she wondered, “What next?”

      His mouth captured hers again.

      Later, as he nuzzled her hair, she said, “That leaves just the rain in my hair.”

      “I look forward to that,” he murmured.

      * * * *

      “Oh, my God! You didn’t!” said Denise, waving the slice of pizza.

      “I didn’t say anything.” Aloha looked defiant.

      “My father!” The slice of pizza hung suspended in front of Denise’s mouth, the tip sagging.

      Aloha did not respond.

      “Look into my eyes,” Denise commanded. “Promise me you didn’t touch him.” Denise was an attractive brunette.

      Aloha shrugged and took a bite of pizza.

      “He’s been so vulnerable since Mother and him split up.” A mushroom dropped onto the kitchen table and Denise sat the piece of pizza down. “You’re gorgeous, and you radiate sex. You’re dangerous.”

      Aloha sat back and looked at her friend. “I am not.”

      “You used him.” Rudd’s daughter’s voice was accusing.

      “I did not.”

      “Then how do you explain that cat-that-just-ate-the-mouse and very satisfied picture on your face?”

      “I don’t have to explain anything.”

      “You do so.”

      “Nu uh, I’m a grown girl.” Aloha felt her face redden.

      “Are you?” Ice dripped from Denise.

      “We didn’t do anything neither one of us didn’t want to do.” She bit into pizza but it didn’t help sidetrack Denise.

      “Just exactly how old are you?” demanded Denise.

      They were across from each other in the kitchen. It was two in the morning. Rudd was asleep in his bedroom. Denise had come home with pizza. Aloha was dressed, her hair fixed and makeup repaired.

      “Old enough.”

      “Proverbs 17:17. ‘A friend loveth at all times.’ You were my friend.”

      “I still am, goddamnit.” Anger was replacing her embarrassment.

      “Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.” Denise was a born-again fundamentalist Christian.

      Aloha had known Denise before her recent conversion and still liked the girl. “Stop yelling at me then.”

      “I am not yelling! And you set it all up. You schemed to have me out of the house at the most likely time.”

      Aloha was uncomfortable. It had taken three attempts before circumstances worked to her advantage. On this, her fourth attempt, Denise had left the house at the right time and Rudd had come home soon thereafter. Not to mention she, Aloha, had been in the right mood. Of course, she usually was in the right mood.

      “You set up that study date for me and got me to have you order a pizza for that exact time so you’d know when I was gonna come home.”

      “I thought you liked that boy?” Aloha asked.

      “Don’t change the subject.” Speculation ripped across Denise’s features. “Lemme see. How old are you?”

      Aloha did not answer.

      “Jail-bait. Do you understand? You could put my father in jail!”

      “Not if nobody tells the law.”

      “Jeez. Not to mention violating some of the Ten Commandments. That was a morally reprehensible thing.”

      “Nope,” Aloha said doggedly. She was infatuated with Rudd. Having sex was not wrong...was it?

      “Thou shalt not—”


      “Commit adultery.”

      “Rudd’s divorced and I’m not married.”

      “It’s adultery anyway, darn it. In Galatians, it says, ‘The works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness.’ Don’t you understand?”

      “It was beautiful—”

      “There. Admitting—”

      “I admit nothing.”

      “You’re so darkly intelligent; you’re going to get away with it.”

      “There’s nothing to get away with, Denise.” Aloha tried to make her voice reflect patience.

      “I always figgered you were old for your grade level.” Triumph lighted in Denise’s eyes.

      Aloha thought, Sometimes I’m too old for myself. But she treasured what had happened tonight. There was a spark, a light, a hope, an enthusiasm she’d never, ever thought would happen to her. Certainly not as a result of getting laid. She used to think that sex was just a feel-good time. She knew she had little control over her craving for sex. It had certainly been satiated tonight.

      “Reprehensible,” Denise repeated.

      “No. It was beautiful and natural.”

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