The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders. Roberto a. Martinez

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The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders - Roberto a. Martinez

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has used the traditional material has not always been properly accounted for. This has prevented some interpreters from acknowledging the distinctive nuances of each Gospel passage.

      Although many commentators have interpreted Luke 7:18–35, none has yet undertaken a thorough analysis from a narrative-critical perspective within the larger literary context of Luke-Acts. While the similarities between the Matthean and Lukan versions are more or less clear, some peculiarities within the Lukan Gospel suggest that a narrative-critical analysis will shed new light into some of the disputed issues of the pericope. Three unique elements encourage the study of literary aspects such as setting, character, and plot in the Lukan version: (1) the purpose statement of the author expressed in the prologue; (2) the inclusion of the infancy narratives with its emphasis on the Baptist; and (3) the unity of Luke-Acts as a two-volume work. In what follows I will first examine the origin of the pericope and the differences between the Matthean and Lukan versions before undertaking a thorough narrative-critical analysis of the passage within the context of Luke-Acts.

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