The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders. Roberto a. Martinez

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The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders - Roberto a. Martinez

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in which Jesus warns about the possibility of scandal echoes other reactions to his ministry.169

      To recapitulate, commentaries address many of the issues that studies about John the Baptist discuss but within the broader interpretative context of the Lukan work. Claims that the episode reflects missionary and/or apologetic concerns amid the struggles between the factions of the Baptist and Jesus vie with affirmations about the reliability of passage’s historical reminiscences. Some of these authors emphasize how Luke’s editorial work seeks to clarify the relationship between the Baptist and Jesus as well as John’s soteriological role to the kingdom of God. While some underscore the modification of the sources and the secondary setting of the passage that sought to restrict the Baptist’s role to that of the precursor of Jesus, others highlight the Baptist’s historical struggle to reconcile his messianic expectations with the manifestation of Jesus’ messianic signs.

      Specialized Studies

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