The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders. Roberto a. Martinez

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The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders - Roberto a. Martinez

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no one greater than him. The point is about the radical inversions of the kingdom of heaven, in which someone as insignificant as an innocent little baby may be considered ‘greater’ than John (who is still part of the kingdom, and no doubt the greatest one in it); the innocent little baby is the paradigm of excellence.”99

      To summarize, the historical studies of John the Baptist raised new questions regarding the reliability of Luke 7:18–35. Greater awareness about the origin and diversity of the Synoptic accounts regarding the role of the Baptist results in a protracted debate about the authenticity of the story. Consequently, fewer commentators resort to harmonization in order to explain the apparent contradictions between the passage and other testimonies in the Gospels. They are also less constrained at attributing real ignorance or doubt to the Baptist, and eager to find in the prehistory of the text echoes of the controversies between John’s followers and the early Christian community. Many of these authors emphasize the difficulties that Jesus’ contemporaries faced in understanding the role of the Baptist in light of the messianic expectations of Second Temple Judaism.


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