The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders. Roberto a. Martinez

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The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus’ Indictment of the Religious Leaders - Roberto a. Martinez

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of Milan (339–97) is another early Christian author that addresses the passage in his commentary on Luke.5 For him it is im-possible that the Baptist would have not recognized the identity of the person whom he had already identified, according to John 1:34, as the chosen one of God: Non cadit igitur in talem prophetam tanti erroris suspicio (“therefore, suspicion of so great an error does not fall on such a prophet”).6 Since Ambrose views the Baptist as a representative of the Law, he interprets John’s question as a way of allowing his disciples to obtain the fullness of the Law, which is Christ.7 For Ambrose, the question of the Baptist had to do with John’s difficulty to accept that the “one who is to come” had to face death.8 The greatness of the Baptist is directly related to his relationship with Christ, whom John saw, befriended, and baptized, but who is subordinated to Christ for two reasons: (1) John was born of a woman whereas Jesus was born of a Virgin; and (2) the Baptist is human and Christ is divine.9 Jesus’ remark about the Baptist’s subordination to the least in the kingdom of God is related to his subordination to the heavenly angels. God is wisdom (7:35), and the forgiveness of sins through the baptism of John is the reason for which the people and the publicans, the children of wisdom, justified God (7:29, 35).10 In commenting on 7:31–34, Ambrose identifies the children of the parable with the Jews who frustrated the plan of God through their unbelief.

      For Bede, the Baptist’s greatness lies in his moral compass, and John’s subordination with respect to the kingdom can be interpreted as referring either to the eschatological kingdom of God or to the Church.

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