Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe. Keith Ellison

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Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe - Keith Ellison

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Frontaufklärungstrupp. Mobile Abwehr field units which

      are subordinate to a FAK. Formerly Abwehrtruppen.

      FFI. Forces Franҫaises de l'Intérieur (Free French Military


      FHO. Fremde Heere Ost (Foreign Armies East). Intelligence

      analysis section of the General Staff of the German Army, with

      responsibility for the Eastern Front.

      FHW. Fremde Heere West (Foreign Armies West). Intelligence

      analysis section of the General Staff of the German Army, with

      responsibility for all European fronts other than the Eastern


      Foodstuff. See Chicken Feed.

      Forty Committees. See Thirty Committees.

      FSP/FSS. Field Security Police/Section, Counter-Intelligence

      and security force of Intelligence Corps personnel; CIC

      equivalent in British Army.

      FUSAG. First US Army Group, later known as 12 AG.

      G-2/GSO(I). Military Intelligence staff (US/British).

      G-5. Civil Affairs, U.S. Army

      GALVESTON. Codename for Dudley Clarke, head of ‘A' Force;

      sometimes used to denote the organization as a whole.

      GC&CS. Government Code and Cypher School, aka Bletchley


      GHQ. General Headquarters. Middle East. Based in Cairo.

      GIS. German Intelligence Service.

      I(b). British Military Staff for CI matters.

      Ic. German staff officer responsible for operational intelligence.

      I/H – I/L – I/M. Sections of Abwehr Abteilung I responsible for

      army (I/H), Air force (I/L), and naval intelligence (I/M),


      ISBA. “Intelligence Service, British Agents”; name for sub-series

      of ISOS whose distribution was restricted by Lt Col Cowgill,


      ISLD. Inter-Services Liaison Department. The local guise of MI6

      in the Mediterranean and Middle East.

      ISSB. Inter-Services Security Board.

      ISK. Intelligence Service Knox. Named after Dillwyn Knox, the

      intelligence product from breaking Abwehr machine ciphers.

      ISOS. Intelligence Service Oliver Strachey. Intelligence product

      derived from breaking Abwehr hand ciphers.

      JE-Land. X-2 codename for USSR.

      JIC. Joint Intelligence Committee. British cabinet sub-


      JPS. Joint Planning Staff.

      KdM. Kommando des Meldegebietes; HQ of the Reporting

      Area, replaced AST and KO organizations.

      KO. Kriegsorganization. A main Abwehr station in a neutral or

      friendly state.

      LCS. London Controlling Section. Responsible for planning and

      co-ordinating all strategic deception in the European theatre.

      Leitstelle I-West. Office in charge of FAKs and FATs in the West,

      including collecting and disseminating agent information.

      LVF. Légion des Volontaires Franҫais Contre le Bolchevisme;

      French volunteers in the Waffen SS.

      MEDTO. Mediterranean Theater of Operations.

      METO. Middle East Theater of Operations.

      MI5. The Security Service. Responsible for security and

      counter-intelligence in Britain and in British overseas


      MI6/SIS. The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). Responsible for

      foreign intelligence and counter-intelligence.

      MI6(V). Section V of MI6, CE Section of British Foreign

      Intelligence; MI6 Section 5.

      Mil Amt. Militärische Amt; in June 1944, Abwehr I and II were

      merged together and became the Militärisches Amt (or Mil Amt)

      of Walter Schellenberg's SD.

      Milice. Milice Franҫais, fascist police force in Vichy France.

      MIS. US Military Intelligence Service.

      MSS. Most Secret Sources, i.e. ULTRA and ISOS/ISK.

      MYTH. Codename for a radio agent known from MSS.

      NATO. North African Theater of Operations.

      NATOUSA. North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army.

      NEST. Nebenstelle, Sub-Office or –Branch.

      NKVD. Soviet Intelligence.

      Notional. Activities, persons, units, etc. presented to the enemy

      as being real but which were, in fact, fake.

      Oberbefehlshaber Süd west. The High Command of German

      Armies in the Southwest.

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