Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe. Keith Ellison

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Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe - Keith Ellison

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West. The High Command of German

      Armies in the West.

      OKW. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. High Command of the

      German Armed Forces.

      ONI. Office of Naval Intelligence, U.S. Navy

      OSS. Office of Strategic Services. American wartime

      intelligence agency.

      OVRA. Opera Vigilanza Per Repressione Anti-Fascismo,

      Fascist Italian Secret Police.

      PC. Poste de Commandement, command post.

      Penetration Agent. A double agent run for counter-intelligence

      rather than deception purposes.

      PPF. Parti Populaire Franҫais. French fascist and collaborationist

      party, headed by Jacques Doriot.

      PWB. US Psychological Warfare Board.

      R&A. Research and Analysis Division, OSS.

      RAB. Radio Analysis Bureau, also known as Section Vw in MI6.

      Responsible for analyzing the Abwehr radio network and

      decrypted Abwehr communications.

      R Force. Deception Organization under 21AG, similar to A Force

      in the Middle East.

      RG. Renseignements Généraux, French Police intelligence


      RIP. Refugee Interrogation Point.

      RIS. Radio Intelligence Service. Successor agency with the

      same functions as RAB in MI6.

      R-Netz. Rückzugs-, Rückbleibe- or Räumungs-netz. Retreat,

      stay-behind or evacuation network. W/T agent network

      left behind by GIS.

      RSHA. Reichsicherheitshauptamt. Reich Security Head Office,

      encompassing a number of organizations, such as the

      Gestapo and the SD.

      RVPS. (The Royal Victoria Patriotic School) was the location of

      the London Reception Centre, an interrogation point for

      suspect persons entering the UK.

      S Force. Allied formation formed to coordinate intelligence

      gathering within a major target city.

      SAINT. OSS indicator for messages containing security and

      Counter-Intelligence information; cable designation for

      X-2 HQs London, Paris, Washington. Codename for

      James Murphy as Head of X-2 London.

      SAVAGE. Codename for 1st British Army SCIU.

      SCIU. Special Counter-Intelligence Units. MI6 field units

      attached to Army Groups and armies (also SI(b), SCI,

      SCI/Z, and SCI/A).

      SD. Sicherheitsdienst. The intelligence service of the SS and

      the Nazi Party. Part of the RSHA after 1939.

      Section V. MI6 Counter-Espionage Section.

      SHAEF. Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.

      Command of Allied forces in North-West Europe.

      SI(b) Units. First designation given to British Special

      Counter-Intelligence Units (name changed to SCIU in

      March 1944).

      SI/OSS. Strategic Intelligence Branch, OSS

      SID. Security Intelligence Department of the Gibraltar Defence

      Security Office.

      SID. Servizio Informazione Difesa or Difensa, Italian fascist

      intelligence service created by dissident SIM officers.

      SIM. Servizio Informazioni Militari. Italian military intelligence.

      SIM/CS. Italian Military Intelligence/Counter Espionage


      SIME. Security Intelligence Middle East. Responsible for

      security and counter-intelligence in the zone under the

      command of General Headquarters. Middle East.

      SIPO. German Security Police.

      SM. Sécurité Militaire. Military Security, covering military

      security and CE until the end of 1944.

      SOE. Special Operations Executive. British organization

      designed to engage in espionage and sabotage in

      occupied Europe, and to aid resistance groups.

      Special Agent. In the Thirty Committee system, the term

      used for double agents used for deception operations.

      Special Section. Double agent section of SIME.

      SSM. Service de Sécurité Militaire, French Military Security


      SR. Service de Renseignements, Foreign Intelligence

      Service within the French 2nd Bureau.

      ST. Surveillance du Territoire, French Intelligence agency.

      Sussex Mission. Combined OSS-MI6-French Intelligence


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